Quotes by Longing I've always been in this sort of perpetual state of existential longing. I feel like something's missing. Juliana Hatfield longing existential missing Even the most pragmatic person fell victim at times to a longing for something other. Kate Morton pragmatic longing victim Longing is not always a reciprocal thing. Kate DiCamillo reciprocal longing One of the greatest human longings is to be close to someone. Kathleen R Fischer longing humans Im so fascinated by the human longing for meaning. The way we relate romantically to each other is so much to do with our longing for meaning as well. Kimbra longing wells way And let to-day embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing. Khalil Gibran longing remembrance past The longing for paradise is paradise itself. Khalil Gibran longing paradise If we didn't want anything, we would never get anything, good or bad. I think our longings are natural, and if we act as nature prompts us we can't go far wrong. L. Frank Baum longing want thinking Whatever you want, at any moment, someone else is getting it. Whatever you have, someone else is longing for. Laura Lippman longing moments want Fulfillment leaves an empty space where longing used to be. Laurie Colwin longing empty space Of course there must be the urge, the indefinable longing to get something through into terms of plastic presentation, but results are nearly always unpredictable. Lawren Harris plastic longing desire How do you stop longing for what you absolutely know you can't get? Which really means: How do you absolutely know you can't-and won't-get it, not ever? How do you pinch out that wisp of feeble, ruthless hope? Leigh Newman wisps longing mean Could it be in longing we are most ourselves? Li-Young Lee longing What time can be more beautiful when the one in which the finest virtues, innocent cheerfulness and indefinable longing for love constitute the sole motives of your life. Leo Tolstoy longing virtue beautiful What stays with me most is a general sense of loss, unease, and longing for the past that cannot be relieved. Lisa See longing loss past She smiled at him, with longing. 'Where do you live,' she asked, 'and how do I get there? Lorrie Moore longing Veils of love which was only hate petrified by longing--that was me. Louise Erdrich longing veils hate The very people you trusted most could become like strangers in their longing. Lynne Reid Banks longing stranger people The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment. Malcolm Muggeridge longing focus crosses Longing hearts could only stand so much longing. Margaret Mitchell longing heart «23456789101112»