Quotes by Normal There shall be a National Anthem containing incomprehensible words and a high note that normal humans cannot hit without risk of hernia. Dave Barry anthem normal risk How can you be afraid of women?” “Those ain’t normal women. Dave Barry normal If there's a deadline, I work late. If not, I like to have normal hours, and get up early and work. When things are going well, I hate to quit. And then I'll work 'till exhausted. Dave Brubeck up-early normal hate Broke is normal. Why be normal? Dave Ramsey poverty normal motivational Everyone is normal until you get to know them. Dave Sim normal knows I think everything I do is normal, not paranormal but normal. Its using the power of the mind to achieve whatever we can endure. David Blaine normal mind thinking Jeff Sessions has some problematic spots on his history, but he has been a pretty normal, respectable senator, more conservative than a lot of us, but a respectable senator for a long period of time. David Brooks conservative normal long With a normal president like President [Barack] Obama, he says a word, and that's because there has been some thought that he's done and there had been policy papers and there's been aides and there's been advisers and then there is a connection to an actual set of policies. And so, the words like have roots into actual stuff. David Brooks normal president roots When you get down to the bottom of it, only about half of what we remember really happened. We tend to modify things to make ourselves look better in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. Then, if what we did wasn't really very admirable, we tend to forget that it ever happened. A normal human being's grasp on reality is very tenuous at best. Our imaginary lives are usually much nicer. David Eddings normal eye reality If someone burgles your house, and you knock them out, are you gonna apologize for knocking them out? No you're not, you're gonna stomp on their head, just like any other normal person would. David Haye normal motivation house It won't be a normal life-I know that. But it will be a life. A life together. David Levithan normal together knows The pictures present an improvised view of life as normal. Life is shown as we think we see it but in fact never do. The pictures imitate life to find a way out. David Salle normal views thinking I wake up feverish, sore, uncomfortable. Is it sickness or is it heartbreak? I can't tell. The thermometer says I'm normal, but I'm clearly not. David Levithan sickness wake-up normal Everyone is so weird in L.A. that if you're somewhat normal, it's exotic. David Spade exotic normal ifs Be certain that you're not modeling yourself after someone, but just being who you are meant to be. Go ahead, be weird because "normal" is boring! Demi Lovato stay-strong just-being normal Doing love scenes is always awkward. I mean, it's just not a normal thing to go to work and lay in bed with your co-worker. Denise Richards awkward normal mean Sometimes I think, 'Why couldn't I have been normal? Demi Lovato normal sometimes thinking I still had a normal childhood with my friends from school. Demi Lovato childhood normal school I'm not like normal people. I'm no good at relationships. I draw drama to me - it's the Jew in me. Diane Warren normal drama people On the air, it's as if somebody draws a heavy drape to block any bias. I don't even feel it inside. It's the same curtain that keeps you from swearing. I've known broadcasters who can't get one sentence out in normal conversation without being profane, and yet, they can go on the air and talk for three hours and never slip once. Dick Enberg normal block air «56789101112131415»