1. Advertising is preservatives and sweeteners.Marketing is about lubricants.2. 1. Manipulators are musicians. Surfing in which you catch a wave of chaos and anarchy.2. Creativity is a digital petroglyph.3. We are a story about ourselves as we want to see ourselves this hypocrisy in relation to ourselves.4. Loneliness reveals the revelations of reality in emptiness, we warm ourselves and comfort. We know all facets of truth. We see only the truth. We can see better the future without hope. We see reality vigorously without optimism. We experience the whole essence of truth physically. We fall asleep in humility. Meditation in the romance of life. Humility changes our personality. We know the abyss of awareness and life.5. Children will destroy the past.3. 1. Ready to whine with excitement, sultry heat through the body with admiration, the soul groans with pleasure, lust growls brutally, it is difficult to breathe with delight, it is inconceivably incredibly beautiful, your beauty is so poetic, fills with the lyrical meaning of life, there is nothing more beautiful than your presence, you are poetic a dream, an aggressive thirst to be with you, you are a sincere, childish desire, you cause an endless rain of sperm and every drop is a hot lustful compliment, proof of admiration. You are a deep insight of love to tears I want you alone. All the libido of the men of this world reaches out to you like plants to the sun, the mistress of all the penises of the world, the queen of male lust, an infinite number of likes like sperm fall on you, your appearance is an epic landscape of romance, your beauty is priceless, it dominates my consciousness, the subconscious keeps eternal love for you in a romantic poem of retro nostalgia of the golden age in which I saw you. The best life in eternity is living with you. Every detail of your body is epically prosaic, in your eyes is a lyric poem of love, my love is eternal and endlessly like an echo of love piercing future lives, subconsciously I dream of you all my life, I love you truly and endlessly. I keep your image in my heart forever. The heart cries and groans when you are not around.2. Love painting of feelings of thoughts in me, emotional storm of love feelings, sensual tremors of love. 1000 percent of the brain consists of thoughts about you, I live with you to be with you, my obsessive eternal prayer, fixation on your image. The extraordinary beauty of the body is mesmerizing. An obsessed dream and priceless value of eternity, hot lust in love, subconscious fidelity, poetic eroticism of feelings, fantasy of romanticism, you are my eternal call of lust, your beauty prolongs spermotoxicosis, my love for you is timeless and eternal, and passion is endless, touches the thinnest strings of potency, libido, lust, passionate lust, goes deep into the subconscious, prehistoric primitive passion, stone age lust, bestial lust of sincere love. So natural and natural, so sincere in instincts, a sublime flight of delight, this is the sex of our passions, my words from the depths of insight, in sensual revelations through the entire nervous system filled with poetic love for you.3. Orgasmic flight of fantasies, I am a sex slave of your vagina, I am drawn to you more and more, you make me feel like we had sex for a year without pauses with Viagra, aggressively brutal sexually, you are the hottest, you awaken the brutal fire of lust, return and you increase the potency testosterone libido the potency of passionate lust, I want you forever even if the penis stops working, anyway I crave you forever, the growl of my violent passion, too luxurious goddess of penises, shocking sexuality, you are a masterpiece of seduction, the powerful influence of your beauty, dominates in my heart, monstrously corrupts, you are brutal sex, merciless aggressive passion in my heart is devoted to your beauty, shocking sexuality, you are a masterpiece of desire and temptation, mercilessly beautiful, beauty that can lead to a heart attack from delight, you are a powerful orgasm like a thermonuclear bomb or even worse an orgasm bomb that can explode the universe, the pulsation of love for you lasts forever, the vibrations are nostal A wave of love like an echo pierces eternity, incredibly beautiful, your look and beauty instantly orders the penis to stand up, my inner erection of passion is ready to stand on you for all eternity, rrr how sexy, brutal hunger of lust, unquenchable and eternal like a thirst to drink in the desert.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

More Quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. It is egoism that leads to the latent destruction of mental, elastic genes. The adaptive transformation functions of conformism lead them to complete vulnerability. Selfishness as the basis for the development of marketing of human weakness.2. The exchange rate of the currencies of human weakness is growing, on the stock exchange it is self-interest, people are becoming weaker mentally and spiritually.3. Paleontology of conservatism and theology of morality. All this is a thing of the past, since the world inevitably goes into the shell of a black hole of egoism.4. In the midst of blindness from hypocrisy. The intuition of conscience is a ballistic echolocation of the navigator of feelings and emotions. It is often confused with self-deception of selfishness.5. The mind is like a lowrider, not all the wheels of thinking move normally with the effect of spinning wheels, karmic, deja vu rumination of thought, moving in one direction, then in another. Thinking is like a machine, bouncing forward. With neon illuminated holiness.1. Life is a children's book of the infantilism of childhood traumas, with three-dimensional pictures. The scenery of the script is all ready in advance.2. Modernity lives without love. Cynicism, sociopathy of commercialism, where inflation leads to mental impotence of indifference in solitude, where infantilism is the basis of idealism. The brain becomes a call center of indifference.3. Books are like a ticket to a movie, you don't know if it's a great movie or not, the title and annotation are like a movie trailer. If the book contains schematic specifics, then the film was a success. If not, then this is a subjective banality, a fog of ignorance and ignorance and advertising of your name.4. Patriotic science leads to paranoid impasse, pareidolic theories and apophenia of hypotheses and anamorphosis of opinions. Apathetic depression of pseudoscientific problems, from what is impossible to prove. Clownery and hypocrisy of self-doubt, politicized science plunges into skepticism.5. Philosophy and art are the taste of life, this is the cooking of symbolic subjectivism in search of pain from spiritual synesthesia of insight into logical concreteness. Mental destruction for the sake of creating more perfect thinking. Where the mental gourmets of the cognitive hyperrealism of clarity, aesthetic awareness gather.6. Biology of the body as a code of greed of instincts, an algorithm of vices and marketing of fear. In the coffin, eternity is dreaming, the evolutionary maturation of consciousness where the teacher is only conscience, and guilt makes it possible to feel alive and insignificant, it awakens humanity. The truth is visible only to the ghostly spectator, but not to the actor of hypocrisy obsessed with self-deception. In life, only emptiness. You are not alive at all, you are dreaming about the eternity of reincarnation and the wheel of samsara.7. The binary code of human behavior is based on the reciprocity algorithm: justice, guilt, conscience.8. Sinners wake up in hell.9. Manipulating a person with the help of his own self-interest is an artistic choreography of a voodoo puppet. The art of gesture movements of hypocritical egoism.1. Evolutionary, gene transformation of the chimera of thinkingThe evolutionary, gene transformation of the chimera of thinking, due to the gene of ingenuity and egoism, seems to expand the universe of disunity. How the mental health of people is changing in the history of mankind can be seen in psychology, philosophy, science and culture. Anthropomorphic worldview of multiculturalism and hydras of science and pop culture that raise mestizos of globalism of various mentalities.2. In life, the past is romantic or depressive, the present is myopic, the future is inadequate.3. The ocean of thought and the ocean evaporates from intense awareness and the water turns into steam and the drops go to the sky and return to the ocean with rain.4. The dark side of the personality is the dark face of the suffering of the soul.5. The emptiness of life and reality, like pure snow, cover the earth with indifference. The world of people freezes from selfishness and the mysterious twilight of the unknown6. Musical instruments of vices, instincts, feelings and emotions are an endless improvisation of truth and revelations, anatomy of human philosophy, which reveals the evolution of the human psyche, its philosophy, the complete history is a complete mental portrait of human history, various sounds of manipulation from various childhood fears.7. Laziness gave rise to money, money gave rise to selfishness, selfishness gave rise to slavery as we are controlled with the help of our own selfishness. Selfishness and laziness lead to degradation and atrophy of many genes.1. We are in the womb of materialism, in a cocoon of illusions of fear, where slaves are born.2. Deja vu karmic, infantile nostalgiaNew neurons of thinking are formed in the anatomy of philosophy, evolutionary maturation is formed. In the bathysphere, one perceives the bottomless depth of philosophy with the unknown flora and fauna of evolutionary thinking. More and more often, one can feel the deja vu karmic, infantile nostalgia of romance keeps us in the karmic merry-go-rounds and the swing of childish stubbornness and cheerful fear. Where love finds eternity in the nostalgia of romance, a sense of the pricelessness of the moments.We remain in the past during life and after life. where we experience déjà vu as we are ghosts. Consciousness matures with each new life, and subconsciousness is a piggy bank of nostalgia. Reincarnation and the wheel of samsara is the kindergarten of infantilism and childhood fears. This is a time loop of a philosophical lesson in life. Incubator and cocoon of growing up. Amnesia lowers everything into oblivion, and life turns into nothingness, and only intuition is the navigator of genius and maturity in eternity.Life is not enough to understand its laws of variability, there are only theories. Only the evolution of fear and selfishness is possible. Science and culture are useless without knowledge of the future.3. The game leads to the logical end of the cycle. From one playful, infantile mindset of manipulation of populism to another. All modes change as the design and graphics of the game reality change.4. We are limited by the illusion of materialism in the small screen of marketingIt's amazing how we are constrained by the illusion of materialism in the small screen of marketing. Nature seems to be endless as the earth is round. With its abundance and originality in colors. There, in natural landscapes, freedom of thought and the flight of poetry like birds in the sky. Computers suck life out of us as well as materialism. In nature, we feel the infinity of life, in the harmonious cycles of rebirth. The world is so gigantic and the screen is so small. Nature as the best decor for life.Sweet dream of life in nature. Life seems full, and the soul is full of happiness and romance. No urban autism.5. Poetic beauty of a Kazakh womanYou are my hot attraction, I do not control myself at all. I want to cling to you with my love like a leech. From your appearance, the impotent will get up, anyone will feel like a romantic. You are the eternal inspiration of romance.This is how your image sounds poetically in the bright colors of epic prose. You are the hard drug with the most powerful addiction. You are not enough all the time. Without you, everything is meaningless and insignificant. All grammy songs are about you. All that has to do with you are Oscar-worthy romantic films. The hot heat of love, the burn of passion from your body.The tongue and lips reach out to you by themselves. Your image has powerfully merged in consciousness and subconsciousness. Powerful mental addiction. It's useless to give up on you. You are like an orgasm of poetry. You are like an endless love journey. Oh my God, my mind says, you are like an obscene delight. You are the medicine for my mind.6. Hope is like leaves on trees.7. Hints of awarenessControversy and discussion like wushu kong fu and contactless combat, subtly and refined, hints of awareness sound, the wisdom of redirected aggression sounds like a discussion of aikido. Battles for the heart. Consciousness, thinking as the direction of consciousness of the philosophy of life energy qi and prana of thinking. Where traditional folk music is the rhythms of the cyclical nature of life as the cyclical nature. Philosophy of life, its wealth and abundance. Meditative romance of being and the philosophy of life, its subtle vibrations of insight sound like a whisper of eternity.8. We are a broken nature, we are divorced from the laws of nature from the romantic philosophy of being, but we preserve the pragmatism of the Stone Age. This is what connects us to the natural world. Instincts are our cradle of nature. On a cognitive level, thought development is how human evolution develops.9. We're in the ghost matrixWe are in a ghostly matrix, we are in the past and this is our eternity. In the time loop of karmic nostalgia, reincarnation and the wheel of samsara, where the philosophical romance of awareness of the soul and heart is intensified. We do not understand that we have been dead for a long time.10. Poetry is an eloquent painting of emotions, a prosaic sense of reality.11. The stages of life as the cycles of the moon, the regularity of the influence of the biology of the body, and only selfishness, money and character take away from the natural norm of the processes of life.12. A person as a traveler in the natural world of people, the subconscious as a vacuum cleaner accumulates and projects everything that is in this world, a person is like a turtle who moves on himself everything that humanity has created in his mind, like a heavy load, a person from this is still moving on on all fours like a turtle, thinking has become a whole industry of thought production. Where ideas are not a medicine, but only a commodity in the marketing of vanity and selfishness.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. It's amazing how cramped our life is and perhaps more free after death. Our life is like this cramped aquarium. An empty life from within is transparent to the gods. Like a drop in the ocean. All non-living ones look at us like these fish. We are not able to lie because we can see through who we are and what we are. What we do every day and we have little space to live. We are limited by life itself in a small body. Our body is the aquarium of the soul. Limitations on our mind for truth for will. We cannot hide, we cannot hide. Our life is a portrait of current truth. Current revelations. We are locked in life, but someday we will be in space next to God.2. A tired evening in it the heaviness and silence and calmness from the fact that we have lived the next day are felt. A street in which the epic landscape of life is visible. We are part of the mechanical world. Micro particles of microcircuit life. Programs living according to a certain algorithm. Life is a microsystem of fate. The truth about us is a projection that we are all ashamed of. We hide most of our lives under the guise of hypocrisy. Perhaps hypocrisy is not only selfishness, but also shame. We hide our imperfection, because we are entangled in ourselves. We did not understand this microcircuit of fate. Not resigned to what they should have understood. We are tired of life, but our microcircuit has not expired. Life is like this hard evening.3. Life is a microchip in the subconscious, we act according to a certain scheme of the algorithm, which is called the rhythm of life.4. Culture is a code of diplomacy.5. people do not really see each other, they see their thoughts and goals. The universe of loneliness is expanding and people are moving away from each other because of their thoughts.6. The city is so cold and mechanical, the society is like a complex techno machine that controls the flow of people. Directs the circulation of the stream of life to certain channels of destiny. Technology for managing desires through selfishness.7. A dark city lit by a fog of serenity of thoughts. A city shrouded in secrets, a city that darkens with vices day and night. Hidden in the silence of illusion, the city is immersed in the sleep of unconsciousness. A city that moves into emptiness and truth is silent in it, the silence of egoism and the cry of the ego. The whole city is roaring in the void of nonsense.8. Erotic hypnosis, I want to sing with delight, hypnotic delight and extraterrestrial euphoria of love feelings, I feel myself in the higher world of love and sentimental sensitivity of tenderness and erotic catharsis of the highest art of beauty of your body, epic romance of euphoria in my heart at the sight of you. Manipulating beauty of your body. Sentimentally I caress you with words and the magic of charm struck me, magnetically beautiful in my thoughts my heart and mind poeticize your beauty every passing second unforgettable nostalgia my libido sings your beauty in my eyes you are more beautiful billions of times testosterone writes endless lovingly erotic poems, my loins scream about you, my subconscious is praying for you, my unconsciousness leads to you, my consciousness is obsessed with you.9. Super beautiful, dumb delight, orgasm of catharsis, I meditate on your beauty. Feelings are like a hot groan of delight, you are oblivion. Your beauty is a hype of life, with you every second is priceless, beauty of the highest standard, countless carats of aesthetics, you consist of countless compliments, you are a juicy paradise fruit.10. Ego prostheses are pumped with botex, silicone and synthol.11. Sooner or later we will become ghosts, we will become history and our memory will turn into retro nostalgia. We plunge into the oblivion of oblivion. And the seconds passing through the fingers are drowned in the amnesia of eternity. The more selfish the world becomes, the more commonplace it becomes. A philosophical look through the emptiness of eternity. An abundance of thoughts satisfies the hunger for misunderstanding. We will become transparent ghosts and the world will become transparent to realists and pessimists. Looking into the future, we see spoiled, blind egoists. Truth meditation in which subtle details are visible. In a reality in which the pus of selfishness oozes.12. Wild fire of passion of the epic of love, meow with delight, purring sensuality. Musical poetry of feelings, compliments fly out by themselves, I am drawn to you ballistic, instinctively, I see only you on the radar of love, my sonar of deep love, I love you stubbornly, aggressive rock fire of passion in me, rhythmic rap of the beat of my heart in so with yours ... The musical energy of endless love.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Justice is two-faced.2. Love is the maturity of the soul. And people rarely ripen for true love, they are hampered by infantilism. Because of this, divorces occur. People show love but think about something else. A double game in which there is a struggle with one's own egoism. And egoism is the infantilism of the ego. A person struggles with himself with his stupid desires and ripens for love. Love is the maturity of romance. Some give up love and try to return to childhood.3. A person chooses to think like a commodity in a supermarket. The product of theory and hypothesis that fall short of fact. A person has lost the habit of thinking with his own head and he thinks as it is fashionable to think. It's like choosing salt or pepper, which is better optimism or pessimism. A person chooses how to think from ready-made samples. Everything turns into a template. And people think in a pattern.4. Evolution consists precisely in the ability to think, the evolution of awareness. Continue to develop your thinking. To know the depths of the cosmos of philosophy. Explore the endless worlds of philosophical dimensions.5. The film of the subconsciousA person consists of memory and that which has plunged into oblivion. The subconsciousness crawls out at times and controls consciousness. We do what we want to do subconsciously. And we act unconsciously. And the subconscious is an audio tape of memory. We subconsciously remember what we knew in past lives and repeat some things in this one. Memory tape records everything we thought and what we think about. Also with videotape that periodically displays deja vu. Memory controls our subconscious actions and can tell us what we should say in this case. This tape contains all our life experiences of all our lives.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Life is a children's book of the infantilism of childhood traumas, with three-dimensional pictures. The scenery of the script is all ready in advance.2. Modernity lives without love. Cynicism, sociopathy of commercialism, where inflation leads to mental impotence of indifference in solitude, where infantilism is the basis of idealism. The brain becomes a call center of indifference.3. Books are like a ticket to a movie, you don't know if it's a great movie or not, the title and annotation are like a movie trailer. If the book contains schematic specifics, then the film was a success. If not, then this is a subjective banality, a fog of ignorance and ignorance and advertising of your name.4. Patriotic science leads to paranoid impasse, pareidolic theories and apophenia of hypotheses and anamorphosis of opinions. Apathetic depression of pseudoscientific problems, from what is impossible to prove. Clownery and hypocrisy of self-doubt, politicized science plunges into skepticism.5. Philosophy and art are the taste of life, this is the cooking of symbolic subjectivism in search of pain from spiritual synesthesia of insight into logical concreteness. Mental destruction for the sake of creating more perfect thinking. Where the mental gourmets of the cognitive hyperrealism of clarity, aesthetic awareness gather.6. Biology of the body as a code of greed of instincts, an algorithm of vices and marketing of fear. In the coffin, eternity is dreaming, the evolutionary maturation of consciousness where the teacher is only conscience, and guilt makes it possible to feel alive and insignificant, it awakens humanity. The truth is visible only to the ghostly spectator, but not to the actor of hypocrisy obsessed with self-deception. In life, only emptiness. You are not alive at all, you are dreaming about the eternity of reincarnation and the wheel of samsara.7. The binary code of human behavior is based on the reciprocity algorithm: justice, guilt, conscience.8. Sinners wake up in hell.9. Manipulating a person with the help of his own self-interest is an artistic choreography of a voodoo puppet. The art of gesture movements of hypocritical egoism.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Life is a tough ghetto, brutal gangsta philosophy. The crisis is growing, karmic carousels are turning on.2. The true self is a lonely lamp post in the middle of emptiness, illuminating the space of the true one.3. 1. Whatever happens, loyalty is strengthened when I see you. Love deepens from the thought of you, I love you powerfully, you are an erotic dope, love hypnosis, you are a flying high, I am fried with passion for you. Roughly exciting. Extremely exciting. Quivering delight. I am drawn to an instinctive, vicious passion. I am drawn to you even without libido and testosterone. You are a vital part of life, your image immerses you in an erotic, fabulous fantasy.2. We form our DNA, the DNA of our future with the help of chemistry and GMOs. From this, children are more likely to get sick. But what if human DNA is completely chemically painful. What if this is the end of civilization. And people put their dirty greedy hands there that they themselves do not fully understand. Genetics will either destroy us or break all DNA codes and we will move to a new level of physiology and consciousness. Life experiences shape DNA. We shape ourselves and our own future. A quantum leap of awareness in a change in consciousness, space and time. New DNA strands as new levels of awareness and can program consciousness. Divine power that from the greed of some people can destroy us.3. A closed person is like a toy that you pull by the string and she says the same negative phrases. This is an emaciated person.4. Life is like a ship and there is a holiday or a storm in it. And the sea as an element of fate. The sails of the higher powers lead the ship and the wind of change can sometimes change its course. The compass of awareness guides the circular earth of reincarnation. Life is the romance of travel and knowledge of the world. The family is the crew of the ship. Which has its own holds of secrets. The course of insight leads only forward through life.5. Expression and sounding of reality as a rupture of the dimension of consciousness. The insight of consciousness creates a gap in the dimension. The darkness dissipates and we see a mystical truth.6. Vices are pretenses of instincts. People do not understand what they are doing - this is vicious infantilism, self-doubt.7. Toys of the subconscious that are the basis of the paradoxical game of the illusion of life.8. The world is a toilet bowl where everyone shits with their egoism, and someone from above presses the drain button around the clock, and flushes a huge number of people into the toilet, those who cannot be drained will survive.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Love for moneyModern love for money. If you have no money or little money for a girl. Neither the size of the penis, nor the size of the muscles, nor the size of the intellect, nor even your humor will save you. She will just start to sober up from your charm and charm that you are just a loser. If you are loved only because of money, then you are out of luck with your face.2. Lying is the daughter of greedThe evolutionary ladder of lies, lies - this is a jetpack in the ladder of social status, and people seem so small it gives rise to misanthropy and sociopathy. Honest people are homeless people or corpses. In the evolution of monopoly by self-interest and profit, only the manipulative lies of populism and marketing, the acting of hypocritical greed, are being improved. Lying is the daughter of greed. Lies turn us into atheists, immerse in skepticism all the brightest and most beautiful.3.subconscious and loveLibido confuses us, while the subconscious forms platonic love that affects intuition. Subconsciously, we had to come to our soul mate, if it is in the brain program. The subconscious is a life scenario programmed by the influence of karma.4. Revenge is a gift from karmaRevenge is a gift from karma so that you cannot get out of the hands of karma, its vicious circle. This is an eloquent self-irony in which it is shown that you are no better than the enemy.5. Poetry is very beautiful porn.6. In poetry, testosterone is the brush of catharsis, and libido is the ink of inspiration.7. Humor is angry honesty, like an eruption of truth, a volcano on which it is written: enough.8. Kazakh Woman Powerful libido generatorYou excite the imagination, you are the whole inner world. You boil my hormones in my pants. The whole body is like a continuous powerful erection. Powerful libido generator. You are mania and filia and fetish.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Love through suffering.2. Love through a bunch of problems, through scandals and hatred and anger. Love is the only rational phenomenon.1. It's amazing how cramped our life is and perhaps more free after death. Our life is like this cramped aquarium. An empty life from within is transparent to the gods. Like a drop in the ocean. All non-living ones look at us like these fish. We are not able to lie because we can see through who we are and what we are. What we do every day and we have little space to live. We are limited by life itself in a small body. Our body is the aquarium of the soul. Limitations on our mind for truth for will. We cannot hide, we cannot hide. Our life is a portrait of current truth. Current revelations. We are locked in life, but someday we will be in space next to God.2. A tired evening in it the heaviness and silence and calmness from the fact that we have lived the next day are felt. A street in which the epic landscape of life is visible. We are part of the mechanical world. Micro particles of microcircuit life. Programs living according to a certain algorithm. Life is a microsystem of fate. The truth about us is a projection that we are all ashamed of. We hide most of our lives under the guise of hypocrisy. Perhaps hypocrisy is not only selfishness, but also shame. We hide our imperfection, because we are entangled in ourselves. We did not understand this microcircuit of fate. Not resigned to what they should have understood. We are tired of life, but our microcircuit has not expired. Life is like this hard evening.3. Life is a microchip in the subconscious, we act according to a certain scheme of the algorithm, which is called the rhythm of life.4. Culture is a code of diplomacy.5. people do not really see each other, they see their thoughts and goals. The universe of loneliness is expanding and people are moving away from each other because of their thoughts.6. The city is so cold and mechanical, the society is like a complex techno machine that controls the flow of people. Directs the circulation of the stream of life to certain channels of destiny. Technology for managing desires through selfishness.7. A dark city lit by a fog of serenity of thoughts. A city shrouded in secrets, a city that darkens with vices day and night. Hidden in the silence of illusion, the city is immersed in the sleep of unconsciousness. A city that moves into emptiness and truth is silent in it, the silence of egoism and the cry of the ego. The whole city is roaring in the void of nonsense.8. Erotic hypnosis, I want to sing with delight, hypnotic delight and extraterrestrial euphoria of love feelings, I feel myself in the higher world of love and sentimental sensitivity of tenderness and erotic catharsis of the highest art of beauty of your body, epic romance of euphoria in my heart at the sight of you. Manipulating beauty of your body. Sentimentally I caress you with words and the magic of charm struck me, magnetically beautiful in my thoughts my heart and mind poeticize your beauty every passing second unforgettable nostalgia my libido sings your beauty in my eyes you are more beautiful billions of times testosterone writes endless lovingly erotic poems, my loins scream about you, my subconscious is praying for you, my unconsciousness leads to you, my consciousness is obsessed with you.9. Super beautiful, dumb delight, orgasm of catharsis, I meditate on your beauty. Feelings are like a hot groan of delight, you are oblivion. Your beauty is a hype of life, with you every second is priceless, beauty of the highest standard, countless carats of aesthetics, you consist of countless compliments, you are a juicy paradise fruit.10. Ego prostheses are pumped with botex, silicone and synthol.11. Sooner or later we will become ghosts, we will become history and our memory will turn into retro nostalgia. We plunge into the oblivion of oblivion. And the seconds passing through the fingers are drowned in the amnesia of eternity. The more selfish the world becomes, the more commonplace it becomes. A philosophical look through the emptiness of eternity. An abundance of thoughts satisfies the hunger for misunderstanding. We will become transparent ghosts and the world will become transparent to realists and pessimists. Looking into the future, we see spoiled, blind egoists. Truth meditation in which subtle details are visible. In a reality in which the pus of selfishness oozes.12. Wild fire of passion of the epic of love, meow with delight, purring sensuality. Musical poetry of feelings, compliments fly out by themselves, I am drawn to you ballistic, instinctively, I see only you on the radar of love, my sonar of deep love, I love you stubbornly, aggressive rock fire of passion in me, rhythmic rap of the beat of my heart in so with yours ... The musical energy of endless love.3. 1. The world of people turns into a clown paradox, circus absurdity. A clown show of selfish hypocrisy.2. Lightness and airiness in romance, everything is so blurred and soaring. The wet colors of reality fascinate with their philosophical romance. These are judgments about life, you gaze into reality at its essence. The lightest notes of reality poetry. They soar and live. It's so beautiful and easy when you see the world in special colors. Like the northern lights, the philosophical poetics of life in which the colors of life, emotions and feelings shimmer, they take us into an endless depth of thought. They show us a whole universe of thoughts. The abundance in which we cognize ourselves and open our bottomless soul and heart like a beacon shines with a kindred spirit.3. Stupidity is a karmic jiff animation of a time loop. You repeat the same nonsense over and over again.Each has its own reality, its own animation in the animatronics of behavior.4. I love you, I see it vigilantly, the highest value of the universe, you can fantasize about you forever, I love you and feel it mentally, I feel you phantom. All the compliments are not enough to describe this beauty, the highest aesthetics of luxury of eroticism, poetic eroticism, euphoria of love, you can be expected forever.5. The rattle of the mind, the rattle of reality, the gene quantum leap of reincarnation in the psychic trap of the time loop, in the cell of the vicious body, the philosophical energy of life is stored.6. You are sweeter than all temptations, you are hotter than sex, you are the jackpot of fate. We can talk endlessly about your beauty. I explode with passion over and over again when I see you to be with you forever is not enough. You are the highest pleasure and the meaning of life and eternity, and value. My sincerity poeticizes your beauty. Paradise is where you are. You are my enduring dream.4. A creative person, be it a singer, actor, artist, musician, dancer, etc., is a star who illuminates and warms the souls of the whole world with her amazing talent. But then star fever begins, that is, the star's creative crisis, her fame dies and she turns into a black hole of scandalous vanity, which sucks in all the attention of the surrounding worlds.26. You are in the artificial intelligence of the herd instinct. How you behave is an artificial intelligence program.2. Poetic ascension, like birdsong. For birds, singing is an instinct and an art. How many instincts are there on the canvas of thought. Like a splash of expression, a splash of emotion. Aria coming from the depths of the soul. Beautiful feelings of lyrics to tears. Harmony of color as a subtle aesthetics. Refined intuition of truth, like the sound of a violin. Leading to the heights of the highest feelings of the poetry of the spirit.3. Graffiti is a gangsta painting, an anytopia of culture.4. We are tiny particles of the universe. We are the energy that will evaporate. Consciousness in a dance with the subconscious seems to be leading the dance of eternity, as the present with the past and the future is unconscious, and the past is the subconscious and consciousness is the present.Life is accelerating that we do not always have time to say goodbye. We are moving towards the end point where we will gain eternity. But in life we ​​will not find eternity only in the torment of passions. We remain in this eternity like scars of reality in the form of ghosts. Life is the greatness of the romance of emptiness. The great philosophical path of the soul, up the ladder of insight. Where the crackle of reality is visible and there is a more real world.5. We live in the twilight of unconsciousness. In the mystical fog of the vague consciousness of the timeless existence of the soul.6. 1. Numerology of mercantileness is the codes of fate in which mostly selfish people are born.2. Advertising is the dictator of culture.7. harmony of what has no relationship with each other. Incompatible elements on earth have a harmony of existence. And all this creates harmony in the chaos itself. Also among people, incompatible people get along together. Love is the harmony of chaos. As if different elements of the universe mixed together to create the world. The world strives to get used to everything and everyone. Combine the incompatible. Create mestizo culture.8. Experience is the metronome of intuition, the path to the philosophical aesthetics of thought. Actor's rehearsals of reincarnation in an endless repetition of an absurd life. The only way out is in the sincerity of the heart.9. Thousands of subtle one-dimensional dimensions of egoism. Flat humor of reality. They are like dripping drops on the wall. They dry up in eternity. Shimmers and shimmers. One-dimensional worlds of egoists. Here logic rationalizes illusion and ridiculous paradoxes. We must wake up from life to see everything from the outside. the technical world of formality and the meticulous perfectionism of arrogance.10. Holiness reduces gravity.5. 1. Form yourself Body like children's plasticine, become such a man so that girls and women have a natural fire between their legs, so that trousers are on fire with excitement. The same applies to girls, the more your shape, that is, the bait you are more likely to get married.2. Cybernetics of etiquette The danger is that the robotization of the formal hypocrisy of the selfish world is developing. The cybernetics of selfish etiquette, where one will unlearn compassion and even cry, everyone will only smile politely while committing an unconscious sin that is the result of hopeless despair.3. Around you there are a lot of ironic gifts in which there may be a hypocritical sarcasm of approval. Gifts of Fate and they all tick and only a few of them will not explode and cripple you. Be sure to save those that talk about your family and children.4. Wild anger enveloped in chains of patience, red-hot with the fire of rage. Abstinence is the highest human feeling. You must live a life without anger, shackling him in the arms of nobility and love, and then the hellish flame of anger will turn into a steel of peace. Anger is painful because it is a delusion devoid of any sense of justice, it does not give you respect or a sense of satisfaction from justice, only a contemptible shame in front of higher powers. Anger is an unnecessary feeling of the mind and heart, it is a fire that burns the soul and defiles memory. Anger is the product of new grievances, dramas, and tragedies. Live only one life without anger, and the vicious circle of self-deception, the wheel of samsara and reincarnation of déjà vu, the whole life as an inadequate sleep will stop, and you will wake up in paradise, the same life will stop repeating itself.5. Cyber ​​Animatronics In all this cyber illusion of the human world, the animatronic work ethic needs to be lubricated with the machine oil of the humanity of empathy.6. Your self-deception and selfishness Beat to death only a few enemies, laziness because of which you will become poor, fear giving problems (beat the problem, not people) and your own selfishness, because of which you will be lonely. And your most important enemy, the boss of all your problems and sorrows because of which you live in the illusions of deception - it is your self-deception because of him, you do not see the truth and the light of holiness of spirit, their death will give you happiness.7. Fear is your shadow, the sun reflects in it all your instincts in which vices and inner flaws are hidden. Fear is a confirmation that you are alive, since the dead do not have a shadow, some after death themselves turn into a shadow.8. Relationships are children's play tea.9. Chaste modesty in modern society is the pestis of a hypocritical girl in an erotic costume of an angel with a trident of a devil as a symbol of bitchiness.10. For higher powers, feelings are not important, only a reaction.11. Loneliness is an oppressive silence, plunging into the depths of reality and the words are just noise.12. Be against any kind of smoking, because the smoker smokes and exhales cigarette smoke. This smoke from his rotten lungs, spoiled body, harmful bacteria, all this nasty dirt in the smoke goes into your nose and mouth. If you value your health, then be against smoking13. The smile of awareness gives sexual pleasure from your own laughter - this is an epiphany orgasm.14. Self-deception catches your joke by grabbing your hand, the joke of which you wanted to hit someone and half of your life beats you half to death with your own joke, but this is the irony of karma.15. All people are diamonds, but they do not cleanse themselves of the dirt of laziness, without striving for perfection, they do not want to make themselves a filigree cut to see new facets of possibilities.16. Look at these two smiling freaks, they are your laziness and fear, they are the sixes of your egoism, while egoism submits to self-deception. Because of them, you are at the bottom of your life. Take two brass knuckles: will and courage, beat them, but kill them, I feel how you get pleasure from this, you see that you are becoming richer. Kill them because only they pull you to the bottom.17. When the powerful bass of anger sounds, everyone is deaf in their eyes, the darkness of selfishness, and their eyes reflect drama, and maybe tragedy, but later comes realization along with crying laughter of regret.18. Potential is a lunar eclipse when it overshadows all envious shadows.19. Looking like a lot of playful toys called chattering teeth in the basement of mankind's thinking, this place is the abode of envy.20. History hides the sins of selfishness under new theories.21. Time accumulates ghosts Time accumulates ghosts, over time they can become so many that they will become a separate people and the living and the dead will live together as one people.22. Faithful loving girls are the most gorgeous and luxurious they are priceless.23. Psychology is stereotyped Psychology thinks very stereotypically, you cannot fully rely on it, since it is almost impossible to calculate the code of behavior or the pattern of its actions. Since a person is unpredictable even for himself.24. Compliment girls more often Compliments are like an erotic massage of the soul and nerves for a girl.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Media trends create the murmur of birds and fish of despair and selfishness, into metaphorical symbols of the pareidolia of the herd instinct's illusions. The two-faced meanings of the anogram of the paradoxes of egoism.2. My poetic dream, from you a powerful erection of youth sticks out your tongue and drooling, sweet passion caresses the hearing, the sense of smell sharpens, the sight blinds, the gift of speech is lost, the taste satisfies, the sense of touch is stuck in the memory, the intuition does not stop talking about you, all six senses speak of you.All about you and visions and dreams. you are my insatiable passion and pleasure. I am obsessed with you subconsciously and unconsciously. You are the cure for impotence and oblivion, you are my libido and testosterone, you are the poetic orgasm of catharsis. an erotic masterpiece of genetics, and an endless romance of euphoria. The only decoration of life and reality. Delight before a heart attack. I love you all my life to the very depths of my subconscious. My subconscious is calling only you one.3. How we think at night. Thoughts before going to bed change consciousness. During the day you are an optimist, and in the evening you are a sage and a pessimist. And sometimes it seems that at night the head thinks more rationally. At night we think that we are doing a lot of unnecessary things during the day. We are chasing stupid desires. And at night we conclude what we did in the morning. Whether it was beneficial or not. And finally, in the afternoon, we forget about everything and start doing what we want with optimism in our head. The night is, of course, good to think and understand what we do not understand in the morning. This is when there are many cars during the day and fewer cars at night. And the brain works better.4. The ecology of body and spirit is destroyed.5. A woman in a relationship subconsciously continues to play with childish voodoo dolls manipulating with the help of guilt.6. Memory is an aftertaste.7. 1. Reincarnation gives chronic fatigue from life, or all of the same. Or it is unbearable to endure new lives.2. A person is a brilliant actor who has been portraying a person all his life.1. Violins sound nervously like the buzzing of bees - these are thoughts.2. Intuition is like the buzzing of bees, the cry of souls.3. Benefit seduction is when you orally caress the erogenous zones of the ego.4. Only love adorns the dimension of emptiness.8. On all television channels, programs about animals.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Media trends create the murmur of birds and fish of despair and selfishness, into metaphorical symbols of the pareidolia of the herd instinct's illusions. The two-faced meanings of the anogram of the paradoxes of egoism.2. My poetic dream, from you a powerful erection of youth sticks out your tongue and drooling, sweet passion caresses the hearing, the sense of smell sharpens, the sight blinds, the gift of speech is lost, the taste satisfies, the sense of touch is stuck in the memory, the intuition does not stop talking about you, all six senses speak of you.All about you and visions and dreams. you are my insatiable passion and pleasure. I am obsessed with you subconsciously and unconsciously. You are the cure for impotence and oblivion, you are my libido and testosterone, you are the poetic orgasm of catharsis. an erotic masterpiece of genetics, and an endless romance of euphoria. The only decoration of life and reality. Delight before a heart attack. I love you all my life to the very depths of my subconscious. My subconscious is calling only you one.3. How we think at night. Thoughts before going to bed change consciousness. During the day you are an optimist, and in the evening you are a sage and a pessimist. And sometimes it seems that at night the head thinks more rationally. At night we think that we are doing a lot of unnecessary things during the day. We are chasing stupid desires. And at night we conclude what we did in the morning. Whether it was beneficial or not. And finally, in the afternoon, we forget about everything and start doing what we want with optimism in our head. The night is, of course, good to think and understand what we do not understand in the morning. This is when there are many cars during the day and fewer cars at night. And the brain works better.4. The ecology of body and spirit is destroyed.5. A woman in a relationship subconsciously continues to play with childish voodoo dolls manipulating with the help of guilt.6. Memory is an aftertaste.7. 1. Reincarnation gives chronic fatigue from life, or all of the same. Or it is unbearable to endure new lives.2. A person is a brilliant actor who has been portraying a person all his life.1. Violins sound nervously like the buzzing of bees - these are thoughts.2. Intuition is like the buzzing of bees, the cry of souls.3. Benefit seduction is when you orally caress the erogenous zones of the ego.4. Only love adorns the dimension of emptiness.8. On all television channels, programs about animals.My poetic dreamMy poetic dream, from you a powerful erection of youth sticks out your tongue and drooling, sweet passion caresses the hearing, the sense of smell sharpens, the sight blinds, the gift of speech is lost, the taste satisfies, the sense of touch is stuck in the memory, intuition does not stop talking about you, all six feelings talk about you.All about you and visions and dreams. you are my insatiable passion and pleasure. I am obsessed with you subconsciously and unconsciously. You are the cure for impotence and oblivion, you are my libido and testosterone, you are the poetic orgasm of catharsis. an erotic masterpiece of genetics, and an endless romance of euphoria. The only decoration of life and reality. Delight before a heart attack. I love you all my life to the very depths of my subconscious. My subconscious is calling only you one.5. 1. Justice is two-faced.2. Love is the maturity of the soul. And people rarely ripen for true love, they are hampered by infantilism. Because of this, divorces occur. People show love but think about something else. A double game in which there is a struggle with one's own egoism. And egoism is the infantilism of the ego. A person struggles with himself with his stupid desires and ripens for love. Love is the maturity of romance. Some give up love and try to return to childhood.3. A person chooses to think like a commodity in a supermarket. The product of theory and hypothesis that fall short of fact. A person has lost the habit of thinking with his own head and he thinks as it is fashionable to think. It's like choosing salt or pepper, which is better optimism or pessimism. A person chooses how to think from ready-made samples. Everything turns into a template. And people think in a pattern.4. Evolution consists precisely in the ability to think, the evolution of awareness. Continue to develop your thinking. To know the depths of the cosmos of philosophy. Explore the endless worlds of philosophical dimensions.5. The film of the subconsciousA person consists of memory and that which has plunged into oblivion. The subconsciousness crawls out at times and controls consciousness. We do what we want to do subconsciously. And we act unconsciously. And the subconscious is an audio tape of memory. We subconsciously remember what we knew in past lives and repeat some things in this one. Memory tape records everything we thought and what we think about. Also with videotape that periodically displays deja vu. Memory controls our subconscious actions and can tell us what we should say in this case. This tape contains all our life experiences of all our lives.7. 1. Mind is a whole ocean of thoughtsThe mind is a whole ocean of thoughts, consisting of various thoughts of all lives. The subconscious mind keeps in itself a whole life of various thoughts. This is a whole era of lived lives. An epic and a great tale of life experiences. An ocean that contains pearls of value at the bottom of the ocean. A man is like a hermit crab traveling at the bottom of the ocean of his thoughts. On the surface there is a storm of despair, and in the depths there is silence and the darkness of oblivion.How exactly the personality of a person is revealed who comprehends himself in an abundance of thoughts. And thoughts become personalities and the whole chorus becomes a single voice of an aria about suffering. The cries of the soul that celebrate this life about life experience. In a person there is a whole ocean of life, undisclosed personalities and their destinies. One person eats another and this is how the confrontation occurs.2. Only the philosophy of goodness and light, the philosophy of nobility will cure times.3. Loneliness is insensibility, you start living in the present.4. The night that hides the secrets of depression and despondency and loneliness, everything is hidden in darkness, pain is felt in it, the red color of fornication in which people and life can be lost like a fog hidden in the smoke of thought, each one is in himself and it is shown that each is in his own dimension. Life is oblivion in which a person plunges into indifference.5. Since people are now driven by cyber instincts and cyber ego gigantism. We are distracted from life itself.6. Sometimes it seems because of de ja vu and the akasha chronicle you are in the same life because of the karmic workings of many lives. It's like watching the same movie over and over again. And after a cell or two cell viewing, you finally understand the meaning of the film, what is the meaning of life, you understand and feel eternity, that you are just a spectator in this eternity.7. 1. Chemistry and radiation and the physics of manipulation leading to a dubious future. All this, all this nonsense accelerates the conveyor belt to the coffin.2. People trample each other in the mud, in this way fertilize the earth with corpses. They do this to break through empty promises to the top. Walking up the mountains of corpses.3. We love a person through intuition denying reality. Love is unconscious.8. Thoughts are a complex labyrinth that sometimes leads in a vicious circle and we get lost in ourselves. This is how we get lost in life itself. And here the compass intuition with the arrow of conscience can help. We draw moves and paths that confuse us even more. The labyrinth of the subconscious is a complex and completely paradoxical path of egoism.9. You will be much happier if you live in reality, but not in the reality of people, but in the reality of life created by God and nature.10. People want to do evil through politeness and diplomacy.11. This is such a lubrication through politeness, they are trying to make everything adequate, so madness and paradox turn into the norm, turning you into inadequacy. The preponderance of diplomacy, which helps to achieve their own self-interest. A person is trying to achieve his goal, not justice.12. An unkissed virgin is a sex toy that is not taken out of its packaging and is eventually sent to a museum of funny exhibits.13. 1. When you lose your beloved woman, your heart freezes. And it turns into waiting in the void. You are waiting for someone who will not come. That same woman. The loss of a beloved woman is like death. Darkness in eternity and emptiness. The whole world seems cold and empty. And I want to freeze the whole world. And nothing can comfort the soul except the presence of the beloved woman who, like a breath, refreshed the air of life. And life and reality seem so cold and empty. Everything freezes and only a warm ray of hope can comfort you in the darkness of loneliness. It's so cold and empty and dark. You freeze in the cryogenic freeze of loneliness in anticipation of better times.2. Happiness is fragmentary, in certain periods of the timing of the film of fate.3. The script of life is carefully directed by the higher powers.4. The time loop is the romance of the quantum echo of reincarnation nostalgia.5. Selfishness multiplies philosophy, this is how life forms multiply.14. 1. A pocket watch is like a compass of awareness, like a phoenix that turns evolution to dust and generates a new branch.2. Applying new strokes of colors of lies, new theories and hypotheses paint over the previous picture of the world.3. The real most vulnerable point of genetics.15. Noir reality, neon blues of romance, saxophone sounds in silence, and reality whispers in my head. Life is fornication and neon is like an electric trap for insects, we are burned about our desires. We wander among paradoxes, and the emptiness of materialism is like a drug for some people. Neon illusions. An abundance of illusions. Wealth leading to oblivion. Advertising lights as guides to emptiness. We forget who we are. We plunge into the depths of the amnesia of illusion. Life is the philosophical romance of emptiness. All this is so beautiful from the outside, like a neon show concert that lures obedient masses of people. Depressive blues where, among the nonsense, we seek meaning.8. Only the philosophy of goodness and light, the philosophy of nobility will cure times.9. 1. Thought is a black hole in space.2. A person lost in himself in the world in society. Alien in this world and society. He loses contact with the ship of life and is carried away by the current into the depths of reality. Into the depths of the cosmos of thoughts. In a reality in which there is no air of life, but there are worlds in which one could live and learn the meaning of life, in every life in every world the meaning of life is different, a person is what his scenario of life is. Absolute levitation of consciousness. In which awareness floats in the endless emptiness of reality. In the midst of the cold of indifference.3. Sins are sleepwalking, a person does not understand what he is doing. All sins are unconscious.10. 1. Curved mirrors of symbolism metamorphoses. (Distortion of reality by imagination).2. An indelible smile of the psyche, endowed with resentment for life.3. Tears make the world transparent.4. Insight anabolics are the basis of motivation.11. 1. Growing inflation has turned the female sex into a museum of art, you can not touch it, at the auction, providing a woman with cosmic amounts for us.2. Dimensions are like eggshells of reality, all the shells, that is, the cocoons are crumbling, you wake up from all desires. Each rebirth is painful, you wake up with a groan of the soul.3. Hearing the serpentine voice of selfishness, you will get confused in your life, only the voice of conscience and valor will lead you to the truth.4. X-ray thinking of pessimistic realism, where selfishness is a broken mirror of personality in which hundreds of personalities grew out of opinions.5. An amazing life in which the abundance of everything is revealed, but the outer side of the existence of the emptiness of reality is shown. after death and he is shown what he did in a state of sleepwalking. Zombified with desires, they are ready to do karmic nonsense. And stay in this karmic time loop.6. Life is a fog of desires, an illusory oasis, the development of the cyber ego, to endless expanses, but not the development of awareness, the ego has stopped the development of evolution.7. life divides and multiplies, one drop of life turns into two or more, turns into worlds of dimensions and the universes, everything starts with one drop that gives rise to the dimensions of philosophy.8. Asians of gold color are the golden race.1. Loneliness is a utopia of serenity, a deep connection with eternity and infinity and reality.2. Reincarnation and the wheel of samsara is a protracted karmic joke, all these jokes end when you understand the meaning of the joke (the meaning of life) and you stop being reborn.3. You are undead in reincarnation, whose consciousness is being cloned.4. In karma, the stubborn one knows infinity, and the righteous one knows eternity.Look at this face when you are in the depths of hell, it looks like the world of people among such a society, you live among people with inner suffering, hell is hiding under the guise of an ordinary world, and all people suffer from their complexes and stupidity and beckon their unconscious sins, world war selfishness among all people for the right to live as they want, this is the face of a girl who sees the truth of the world, this is a karmic hell in which people live creating even more karma, this is not pessimism, but realism, this is what we all deny and live in a matrix of illusions, matrix of optimism, we suffer from our own desires and thoughts, the hellfire of depression, and the darkness of despondency, despair, all people are immersed in karmic debts and burn in the agony of dissatisfaction, in the emptiness of the infinity of reality, this is immersion into the depths of reality, and there the air from awareness is given to those who stops pretending.1. The one who wants nothing wakes up from the matrix of illusions.2. New and new desires, like rain, it plunges into oblivion, they plunge into the amnesia of a time loop.12. 1. Growing inflation has turned the female sex into an art museum, you can not touch it, at the auction, providing a woman with cosmic amounts for us.2. Dimensions are like eggshells of reality, all the shells, that is, the cocoons are crumbling, you wake up from all desires. Each rebirth is painful, you wake up with a groan of the soul.3. Hearing the serpentine voice of selfishness, you will get confused in your life, only the voice of conscience and valor will lead you to the truth.4. X-ray thinking of pessimistic realism, where selfishness is a broken mirror of personality in which hundreds of personalities grew out of opinions.5. An amazing life in which the abundance of everything is revealed, but the outer side of the existence of the emptiness of reality is shown. after death and he is shown what he did in a state of sleepwalking. Zombified with desires, they are ready to do karmic nonsense. And stay in this karmic time loop.6. Life is a fog of desires, an illusory oasis, the development of the cyber ego, to endless expanses, but not the development of awareness, the ego has stopped the development of evolution.7. life divides and multiplies, one drop of life turns into two or more, turns into worlds of dimensions and the universes, everything starts with one drop that gives rise to the dimensions of philosophy.13. 1. Loneliness is a utopia of serenity, a deep connection with eternity and infinity and reality.2. Reincarnation and the wheel of samsara is a protracted karmic joke, all these jokes end when you understand the meaning of the joke (the meaning of life) and you stop being reborn.3. You are undead in reincarnation, whose consciousness is being cloned.4. In karma, the stubborn one knows infinity, and the righteous one knows eternity.14. 1. Deadly black humor of reality leads to a gene mutation of thinking.2. 1. Inspiration is like a siren singing.2. Golden petals of autumn as a dream of death, and golden nostalgia for the past life.15. Karma is a subconscious, quantum reincarnation of life experience. this is karmic nostalgia, a time loop.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Mind is a whole ocean of thoughtsThe mind is a whole ocean of thoughts, consisting of various thoughts of all lives. The subconscious mind keeps in itself a whole life of various thoughts. This is a whole era of lived lives. An epic and a great tale of life experiences. An ocean that contains pearls of value at the bottom of the ocean. A man is like a hermit crab traveling at the bottom of the ocean of his thoughts. On the surface there is a storm of despair, and in the depths there is silence and the darkness of oblivion.How exactly the personality of a person is revealed who comprehends himself in an abundance of thoughts. And thoughts become personalities and the whole chorus becomes a single voice of an aria about suffering. The cries of the soul that celebrate this life about life experience. In a person there is a whole ocean of life, undisclosed personalities and their destinies. One person eats another and this is how the confrontation occurs.2. Only the philosophy of goodness and light, the philosophy of nobility will cure times.3. Loneliness is insensibility, you start living in the present.4. The night that hides the secrets of depression and despondency and loneliness, everything is hidden in darkness, pain is felt in it, the red color of fornication in which people and life can be lost like a fog hidden in the smoke of thought, each one is in himself and it is shown that each is in his own dimension. Life is oblivion in which a person plunges into indifference.5. Since people are now driven by cyber instincts and cyber ego gigantism. We are distracted from life itself.6. Sometimes it seems because of de ja vu and the akasha chronicle you are in the same life because of the karmic workings of many lives. It's like watching the same movie over and over again. And after a cell or two cell viewing, you finally understand the meaning of the film, what is the meaning of life, you understand and feel eternity, that you are just a spectator in this eternity.7. 1. Chemistry and radiation and the physics of manipulation leading to a dubious future. All this, all this nonsense accelerates the conveyor belt to the coffin.2. People trample each other in the mud, in this way fertilize the earth with corpses. They do this to break through empty promises to the top. Walking up the mountains of corpses.3. We love a person through intuition denying reality. Love is unconscious.8. Thoughts are a complex labyrinth that sometimes leads in a vicious circle and we get lost in ourselves. This is how we get lost in life itself. And here the compass intuition with the arrow of conscience can help. We draw moves and paths that confuse us even more. The labyrinth of the subconscious is a complex and completely paradoxical path of egoism.9. You will be much happier if you live in reality, but not in the reality of people, but in the reality of life created by God and nature.10. People want to do evil through politeness and diplomacy.11. This is such a lubrication through politeness, they are trying to make everything adequate, so madness and paradox turn into the norm, turning you into inadequacy. The preponderance of diplomacy, which helps to achieve their own self-interest. A person is trying to achieve his goal, not justice.12. An unkissed virgin is a sex toy that is not taken out of its packaging and is eventually sent to a museum of funny exhibits.13. 1. When you lose your beloved woman, your heart freezes. And it turns into waiting in the void. You are waiting for someone who will not come. That same woman. The loss of a beloved woman is like death. Darkness in eternity and emptiness. The whole world seems cold and empty. And I want to freeze the whole world. And nothing can comfort the soul except the presence of the beloved woman who, like a breath, refreshed the air of life. And life and reality seem so cold and empty. Everything freezes and only a warm ray of hope can comfort you in the darkness of loneliness. It's so cold and empty and dark. You freeze in the cryogenic freeze of loneliness in anticipation of better times.2. Happiness is fragmentary, in certain periods of the timing of the film of fate.3. The script of life is carefully directed by the higher powers.4. The time loop is the romance of the quantum echo of reincarnation nostalgia.5. Selfishness multiplies philosophy, this is how life forms multiply.14. 1. A pocket watch is like a compass of awareness, like a phoenix that turns evolution to dust and generates a new branch.2. Applying new strokes of colors of lies, new theories and hypotheses paint over the previous picture of the world.3. The real most vulnerable point of genetics.15. Noir reality, neon blues of romance, saxophone sounds in silence, and reality whispers in my head. Life is fornication and neon is like an electric trap for insects, we are burned about our desires. We wander among paradoxes, and the emptiness of materialism is like a drug for some people. Neon illusions. An abundance of illusions. Wealth leading to oblivion. Advertising lights as guides to emptiness. We forget who we are. We plunge into the depths of the amnesia of illusion. Life is the philosophical romance of emptiness. All this is so beautiful from the outside, like a neon show concert that lures obedient masses of people. Depressive blues where, among the nonsense, we seek meaning.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich