1. An ingenious, healing word why. It will heal you from stupid desires. Ask yourself why until you understand whether you need it or not. In-depth analysis of desires, will heal from ridiculous desires.2. A stupid person wants a lot of things, a smart person wants almost nothing, because he knows what he wants, and sees his desires through and through their future consequences.3. The storm of time, raises the storm of generations. A sandstorm of selfishness, because of which the consequences are not visible. The fog of illusion and the black humor of indifference, the screaming and grinding of the violins of the soul, which fizzle out and fly out into the void, a time where everyone thinks about themselves. All this is replaced by a dramatic silence of insight, which transforms in a different direction, already by a new generation.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

More Quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

PoetryI love watching you so much as an aesthetic drug, erotic sweetness with a high percentage of sexuality, a hurricane of temptation, a thermonuclear explosion of orgasmic delight, you are amazing like the most powerful earthquake, sweet kitty, infinitely beautiful, it's like I've been watching a channel about confectionery desserts all my life, when I look at you, it is to such an extent that you are sweet, I have dreamed of someone like you for all eternity, we are always short of you, I am insatiable, I will never be able to get enough completely, you are a fantastic paradise, the heart can not withstand so much pleasure from what you see, you an ingot of sexual luxury, I have an excess of pressure in my penis from excitement, you inflate it like a balloon, your beauty is your reality cheat code to wealth, a bottomless immersion in love,AphorismsWe are the waiters of our body, the cybernetics of life itself, where genes are transformed for the evolution of egoism, the philosophical and biological transformation of the body and reality, the quantum timing of life through the third eye of awareness, we will see the collapse that egoism will lead to, programming thoughts creating a new reality, the philosophical design of perception, striving violate the canons of the universe, we are born only after death, before that we slept in illusions, cybernetics of genetics that forms the design of life and fate, a dream in which a person does not feel the truth, only his instincts and vices, the design of reality according to the mood of the soul, a person is a mechanism of the universe that strives to leave one's self, other forms of life develop along the true philosophical path of evolution. The cycle of reincarnation improves only those minds that strive to become better. Consciousness crumbles into pixels.jokesIt's time for men to install, in the ass, a installation where there will be several thousand blades, protection from rape, and as a poop grinder.If a person climbed into your soul, he will piss everything there with his opinion.First date, tour guide of your life, press one if there's a second date, press two if you're sending me to hell.A snowstorm from a bitch's vagina.My ugliness is my conception.Only women are hired, what to do now? Chik-chik here, chik-chik there, ma'am, welcome to us.If you've had your heart broken too many times, then your penis is just a skeptic, who am I kidding, it's the dumbest of them all.Meinstrumentation, vagina thirsty for blood. The energy vampire between the legs is bleeding.I have a whole harem of girls, I'm talking about slide shows on the computer.A whole dowry for a sex doll.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. A man in tattoos is like a child who has painted himself, you know, he is like a student's desk Fast food is indigestion, I want to make myself hara-kiri, this is a suicide of the ass, sat on the toilet with a kamikaze cry Which girl to choose heaven, hell, aida If you are a Siamese twin with two heads, then you are like a dragon. And the ordinary twins are arguing which one of them is real. I'm not afraid of men because I have pepper spray Your wife is growing a beard let her buy a bike You are tall, you can see the whole city So high where is your head there is rarefied air Inflation will turn us into dreamers, and the store into an art museum Your boobs and ass can write poetry forever On the pedestal of my love, your boobs and ass You're sad, apply ice You don't have a girlfriend, your wallet needs a marauder You need a girl, you need a subway pocket Someone gets out of the subway at rush hour pregnant Throw your wife's paycheck like a Frisbee Optimism in our world is optimism in hell Apartments are made for dwarfs You don't have a girlfriend, you don't have a boss, you're single anarchist, get married and die a slave Marriage is a kamasutra with your budget The girl is a stripper, you throw money at her and she undresses Most kung fu professions have excuses and laziness meditation The woman endures then removes the safety of the gun and begins to threaten You are still alive, the jokes on you are not over yet You quarrel with your wife, how often do you go out on the tatami In old age without teeth like a duck with a toy jaw You are a careerist, a slave enthusiast, we need such Shave bald and varnish Women are pimps, they even have fur coats like them My friend played snowballs with friends, how could he know that there were stones You masturbate your belly button when you watch a cooking channel, your stomach is excited I hate telling jokes to those who are hard of hearing with each repetition the joke seems dumber and dumber, and then I have to explain the joke Girls often refuse, and your penis is depressed, such a penis is a philosopher Mercantile guy says he crashed his rich girl's car, sun, I crashed your sexy babe You brought one flower into the house, then another and another, and you are in the jungle. bdsm special forces masks I love how special forces take pictures with a captured trophy When they ask you to fix something, you say oh, I'm a blonde in these matters, a very glamorous blonde In the Kazakh language auezhay means airport is a hint auezhay how are you from here There is a village of matai in Kazakhstan, matai from here In the kama sutra you fold like origami You go to the gym, you go to the finish They teach you how to save light, like a bat that has lost the habit of light and the wife of the earl budget sucked Smart people have muscular convolutions from the stupidity of people, because they take everything into account 2. If your testosterone level is off scale, then you watch porn, if it’s low, then the culinary channel is porn for the stomach, in short, cooking is erotic In modern cinema, they pause in lines for a second more, or less, as if you are looking at actors from cheap porn You think that your son will be a doctor or a lawyer, but he says dad I'm a dancer Hypocrisy is when you know how to work with your tongue to bring their ego to anal orgasm Alco surfing is when you're a drunken man aggressively twerking to sad music, it's like ninjutsu when you are transferred to another dimension and you don't understand what you're doing People without complexes drunk without alcohol If you are henpecked, then your balls are in the pawnshop A man should remain like a man, not a woman, he should cause slight vomiting When I see dwarfs in my head circus music, you like dwarf girls with high demands, but you are a pedophile. You like nymphomaniacs, but you're a zoophile, she's in heat. You're married, what's your name on your dog collar? Kitty, baby, zay, there is a guilt shocker on your collar. Love is when you fall into a crowd of fans and you are torn into atoms, like that, and I have his skull. When fans throw marriage contracts and positive pregnancy tests onto the stage, you're like, it's not me, and you leave the country. I remember riding the subway with a lady with a huge ass, she stood with her back to me and I just sat down on a chair on her ass When you are thirty, they say bala from Kazakh means child, baby, to belittle you, it’s scary to think that in your understanding an elderly person Even the computer starts behaving like a human, fuck everything, system crash Before he died, he said wake me up in five minutes. The world is changing, and people are surprised as if they were just thawed in a piece of ice, how many centuries have you slept The best friend is a bonsai tree, it will always listen and bloom if you start complaining about life, it will start to rot When someone says that he talks a lot, works a lot with his mouth, and someone jumps out: what makes his mouth hurt When testosterone drops, you turn into a bitch. Strange feeling when you get something you feel like a fool Life is when you realize that you are in heavenly hell Testosterone enhances the beauty of women You want to write, your legs are taken away, you see the light at the end of the tunnel 3. You don't have a girlfriend, you don't have a BDSM mistress Even your penis will be sued In marriage it's like trick or treat Inflation is when you can look at girls, but you can’t touch Inflation is bodybuilding endurance Inflation is a number phobia Inflation is useless while people are smacking smack I don't talk to other guys call each other handsome I'm afraid What politicians say is fantasy Some guys are offended that they cannot get married, they are offended that they are not allowed into the scam Marriage is like a mine, so you sat down, but you can’t get up, there will be an alimony explosion Who flew into marriage is another big question People have been living together for 35 years and in a friend they realize that you do not match the color of the tile and passion passes. As inflation rises, more holy virgins will go to heaven Two women at the table is a quarrel, so they write in the dream book (okay, I made it up) A lot of women in the apartment will break your bladder because they even get sad there If you are in a quarrel, you say yes to a girl, tell me nasty things If you have a rich wife, you are like a Chihuahua in your purse. You meet a girl and you have fears in your head whether she has a knife shocker pepper spray herpis loan madness penis spender harem can be a witch or all at once Single people have a harem that's sex toys in the closet Fractured arm from aggressive masturbation get out get out loneliness Laziness is a hangover is a drunken feeling At first, parents love, but if you continue to live with them, they wish you death. Women's gossip is political technology against men A man who has a cool sex doll will save a lot of money and nerves People who are out of wedlock are much younger Two wifes? Why the second drill in the head The pocket between the legs of the girls is so wide, you can show tours there How much do I earn even in New York, homeless people get more than me When I told my girlfriend how much I earn on a date, she earned herself a hernia from laughter, a few cubes on her stomach and an orgasm, then she was given a sniff of ammonia so that she would come to her senses Life is an empty pool and everyone shits all and sundry and when it fills up fate is such a jump, you take a cap of goggles for swimming an inflatable toy and swim in the memories of your life, people continue to shit, and then fate drinks two liters of laxative and pours a fountain of shit, and everyone thinks that you are to blame You have an inner core - this is the middle finger inside you directed at the holy society In marriage, a pimp is the one who gets paid Testosterone is a hairy bikini hairy thong and eyebrows grow so that you get a heart on your hands fur gloves Alphonse... Is the house free? When women brag about their husbands like an exhibition of tame dogs, castrated henpecked labotomies Life is a cruel comedy where you are mostly dumb Friendship is when you are a waiter The man has a vagina, it is in the back of the head, and the wife puts on a strap-on and fries this hole every night Nobody is turned on by your salary From bad luck in love, men buy themselves mastrubators because a spark runs between them A sex doll is cool if the demon doesn't move into it: buy me a fur coat, and a house and a jeep Hairy people do not have a hair cutter, they are protected by their own ozone layer. Evolution has turned towards fat rich people who need to lubricate the corners with Vaseline to climb through the door Fatties fuck cracks grow someday they'll fall on me The metal detector could not miss me in any way, I say this is my erection from fear No one dances to the toy music (Kazakh music) on soberware (Kazakh music) there is not even a dance rule, this is dancing without rules Clits are big you open a gift and there is a bazooka looking at you and they make you give a blowjob to the clitoris, if you are rich you are the lord of the clitoris they all stand up when you enter the room and these bazookas are ready to cum in your honor. No, I have not met such girls. You see the girl of your dreams, she sees a maniac If you are an innovator, then you are like a volleyball, only not to us, not to us, because you make them work. If they troll, then a football one, if they get it, then a basketball one, if it is in demand, then a rugby ball The girl laughs out loud on a date, I tell her quieter, quieter, turn on the vibration mode The girl's pussy is a nightclub in which face control does not let all people in Loneliness is terabytes of porn, it's the only girl available Some are born with two penises, it's cool if you have fifteen penises, you have enough sex with a girl all night, you are like, uh, milk me and you lie like a sacred cow of India, sperm can be sold in a sperm bank, the wife will turn on the milking machine, so you can capture peace, overtake Genghis Khan I have a slight astigmatism, this eye I call naughty Once I drank a whole pack of sedatives I wanted to die, and you know that I did not calm down in peace Viagra to recharge the hard drive Airplane neck pillow, looks like a hernia pillow or toilet seat A shy bearded man saw a beautiful girl winding a beard curl around her finger 4. Thought that I slapped the beauty on the pope, in fact, the fat woman on the belly 2. I have a joke humor from the word creepy 3. At the beginning, the penis rises when a woman enters, and with age, sadly nods. 4. I ride a limousine every day, only there is not enough space on this bus. 5. A lot of people are dumb after a lobotomy. 6. Alcoholism is sleepwalking 7. Depression is when even a prostitute refuses you 8. They thought that I had sex every day, but I just watch porn 9. Bones are like chips. 10. You need a ticket to meet a girl. 11. Gemini is like a double-barreled shotgun. 12. Beep beep beep is mats beep beep beep mats with sound and the sound of cardiac arrest. 13. Deputies and friends feed them like pigeons, they fly more and more when the bread runs out, they scatter. 14. Black Friday why is it, the seller just likes to watch the fights they place their bets on. 15. Five years in a rocking chair the effect of big muscles lasts five minutes for five years. 16. I've been doing a press for two years, a second cube appeared. 17. You don't have a girlfriend, you don't have a BDSM mistress 18. Even your penis will be sued 19. Marriage is like trick or treat. 20. Inflation is when you can look at girls, but you can’t touch 21. Inflation is endurance bodybuilding 22. Inflation is number phobia 23. Inflation is useless as long as people are smacking smack 24. I don't talk to other guys call each other handsome I'm afraid 25. What politicians say is fantasy 26. Some guys are offended that they cannot get married, they are offended that they are not allowed into the scam 27. Marriage is like a mine, so you sat down, but you can’t get up, there will be an alimony explosion 28. Who flew into marriage is another big question. People have been living together for 35 years and in a friend they realize that you do not match the color of the tile and passion passes. As inflation rises, more holy virgins will go to heaven Two women at the table is a quarrel, so they write in the dream book (okay, I made it up) A lot of women in the apartment will break your bladder because they even get sad there If you are in a quarrel, you say yes to a girl, tell me nasty things If you have a rich wife, you are like a Chihuahua in your purse. You meet a girl and you have fears in your head whether she has a knife shocker pepper spray herpis loan madness penis spender harem can be a witch or all at once Single people have a harem that's sex toys in the closet Fractured arm from aggressive masturbation get out get out loneliness Laziness is a hangover is a drunken feeling At first, parents love, but if you continue to live with them, they wish you death. Women's gossip is political technology against men A man who has a cool sex doll will save a lot of money and nerves People who are out of wedlock are much younger Two wifes? Why the second drill in the head The pocket between the legs of the girls is so wide, you can show tours there How much do I earn even in New York, homeless people get more than me When I told my girlfriend how much I earn on a date, she earned herself a hernia from laughter, a few cubes on her stomach and an orgasm, then she was given a sniff of ammonia so that she would come to her senses Life is an empty pool and everyone shits all and sundry and when it fills up fate is such a jump, you take a cap of goggles for swimming an inflatable toy and swim in the memories of your life, people continue to shit, and then fate drinks two liters of laxative and pours a fountain of shit, and everyone thinks that you are to blame You have an inner core - this is the middle finger inside you directed at the holy society 5. PoemsYou are a sparkling gem of aesthetics, my feelings call you with all my heart, levitation with delight, my subconscious is filled with you, my sincerity poeticizes you, the most valuable gift in all eternity, with every second your significance increases, the ideal goddess of my dreams, a special radiance of feelings, each a note of nerves is a pulsation of passion, intuition deifies your image, your kisses are like divine nectar, the highest poetry of aesthetics, your beauty creates a mental connection with you, my vision disdains everything except you alone, and every second is an epic nostalgia of romance, my heart is a safe that keeps memories of you like treasures, the most necessary notes of love, from your beauty, the multifaceted charm of charisma in your face, the energy of life consists of love for you.Penis burn from excitement, divine aesthetics, high art, tearfully beautiful nymph, infinitely deep passion, and growl of lust from hunger, you are perfection from billions of dreams, timeless love of sincerity, like birds singing on a violin, sing about love for you, in the infinite cosmos consisting of molecules of love for you, and all dimensions in it are the energy of love, and the times of all epochs idolize you, eternity is faithful to you, deep impregnation with love, the heart beats tremblingly from love, eternal love, the hot heat of passion that struck down the imagination, an ideal masterpiece the universe, the irresistible magnetism of sexuality, the dope of sweet charms, in the magic of seduction, the libido sings of your beauty, my whole being is drawn to you. I know your universe of beauty.AphorismsDifferent worldviews deepen the universe, an unstable dimension of the human world, a changeable climate of thinking, like a thermometer of emotions, the ecology of fate is unstable, to be sober from the illusions of dreams, and sincerity to tears, a whisper of intuition, we build reality from mirages, an endless abundance of revelations in the blood vessels of truth, like roots that feed on the energy of eternity, the energy of philosophy in a quantum leap of insight, the cyclical rhythm of life, like a philosophical melody of life, a philosophical masterpiece of being, philosophical romance of infinity, we see the horizons of life, but eternity in this dimension, refined thoughts of intuition, lead to the deep secrets of the universe , in insight we feel the highest dimension of thinking, we see only a fragment of life, a piece of reality in a distorting mirror of vice.2. Loneliness is a way out of the matrix of karma.The monotonous banality of selfishness, the fatal romance of fearlessness.Modern love is when you rent a place in the heart like in a motel, the love of a woman is on a paid basis.jokesAre you still growing? I'll soon need binoculars to see your faceHike to a prostitute in a crisis, credit, installments, discounts3. After a hard day, you feel like you're a used condom.4. The hierarchy of egoism creates a gap and lack of unity in society, castes are fragmented into clans. The hierarchy shows that the more a person earns, the brighter the optimism, the less, the gloomier the pessimism and the bottom of reality. The blinding light of illusions of hedonism, depravity of optimism, morally corrupts the brain.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. A pocket watch is like a compass of awareness, like a phoenix that turns evolution to dust and gives rise to a new branch.2. Laughter is an orgasm of awareness.3. The face of the one who has begun to see clearly from laughter is torn, and there is not flesh and soul, but a continuous smile of awareness.4. Awareness of his name is the will and interaction of the race of the enlightened, sincere peace without egoism. The reality of humanity will finally be included in the network and telephone communication of empathy.5. The main thing in this world is family and awareness, the rest is decor.6. The whole body is torn from laughter, from the strongest mental tension of awareness. Blood flows from the mouth and nose, lungs suffocate from laughter. My whole philosophy is saturated with a frightening laughter of insight, after rebirth you will know yourself, it will not be long like a clinical death. In which all dark mortal feelings and emotions will die and only bright, true, eternal feelings of insight will remain.7. Realization is the shocking, brutal humor of smiling dejection. A clown with glowing eyes and his costume shines with lights and his strength makes him laugh, thereby tearing his soul and entire psyche to shreds. And only the strongest person will understand his jokes.8. Hang out all your life without realizing anything. It means wasting time.9. Awareness is a powerful tension of the psyche when you constantly smile and laugh, and inside you continuously cry.10. Truth is like an empty shell of a nautilus pompilius, where you can see the spiral of a smile of awareness of this true insight of the mind.11. How funny is the brutal humor of awareness.12. The shocker of awareness, calling for goodness and nobility, beats with current, the corpse of stupidity, whose name is: the thinking of mankind.03 Some sit on the throne of pleasure, while others are roasted in the electric chair of awareness.14. Contemplation causes a slight, evil smile of awareness.15. Genuine knowledge is genuine awareness and understanding: it always calls people to love and nobility.16. Awareness is laughing gas.17. Only a person who is aware can know the wilds of a loved one.18. Awareness is the wormholes of the subconscious, revealing the future.19. Awareness is the freedom of the mind from false desires.20. The evolution of awareness in the heart, gives revelations of the soul, which is the highest philosophy of the spirit. The heart is the great teacher of the soul.21. The strength and power of the laughter of consciousness and the smile of awareness increases with each life - this is the inner evolution of awareness that turns you into an angel.22. Laughter of rage and bloody darkness in a smile in the mind from the evil joke of reality from the fact that you are not worthy to live like everyone else. Broken strings of an ever-laughing psyche, like a flashing light of madness, where there is an insight between light and darkness. Interrupted melody of the harmony of the soul. The silence of insight overcomes the mind, the light is visible, leading to a new dimension of thinking, because everything is visible through the transparent eyelids of the vigilance of fear, and only unconsciousness temporarily closes our eyes from fatigue in the realm of the subconscious.23. Laughing grin of smiling reality from the fact that billions of internal realities of people form a single reality of the hidden chaos of egoism, reality holds a gun in its hands and the word: ha is written in each test pool.1. Laughter is my essence, my only attitude towards everything and everything.2. Laughter is the cry of the soul.3. From the depths of one's own self, a powerful energy of understanding and awareness comes out, everything is rapidly coming out. Everything inside is torn and shaking from the crazy, frightening, heartbreaking laughter of pure madness. Endless, contagious laughter and a huge evil, mocking, malicious smile in the soul and on the face. And from this smile and this laughter, everyone who sees her also begins to smile, and then laugh like crazy, and completely go crazy. All this insight from a deep disappointment in everything and everything. Leading into lyrical, vital, sad sadness, in the human soul.4. A race of smiling people or a race called: Smile. This is my fantastic seer race that you see in my many drawings. Their smiles are like a symbol of awareness of something absolutely brilliant.A huge amount of information and energy passes through you, and it only makes you laugh.5. You are in the dimension of eternal causeless laughter, here everyone is always laughing. In this immoral place, everything is not real, in this shameless space, everything is not serious.6. Feigned laughter is heard much more often than sincere.7. Inside, everything bursts with laughter from awareness and understanding, sincere laughter, introducing people into deep shock.8. Look how in this funny terror, people die from laughter, from awareness and understanding, from funny horrors. This laugh drives people crazy.9. Laugh louder like crazy, I want to hear how your madness laughs, how laughter kills pain.14. You go down, you sink into endless repetition in an open smile, in which there is an open smile. In this abyss of laughter of reality, at the very bottom, you will know yourself.15. Creativity is laughter in the infinitely deep emptiness of nothingness.16. Entering this world in the form of a heart-shaped smile, you enter the human world, the dimension of laughter, the sarcastic-satirical-ironic sphere of comical, funny pessimism. exit from this measurement is also in the shape of a heart-shaped smile.17. Human reality is an artificial chaos of the subconscious turned inside out, a fictional world woven from a thousand and thousand ideas. Where their consciousness gradually mutates, thus turning them into unknown monsters.18. Only those steps are holy that crush the madness and chaos in the world.19. Madness is when the processing of garbage in the head breaks down.20. If you want to destroy the madness and chaos in this world, it is enough just to give up your own selfishness.22. The human world is a comical chaos.23. Chaos is someone's baby rattle.25. Chaos in society reigns from the fact that everyone in this world learns to live in their own way.26. Feelings and emotions are the seeds of chaos.27. We are not afraid of chaos in society, we are afraid of ourselves.28. Truth is an evil, mocking smile that awakens awareness in the mind, and causes an evil smile on the face.29. Evil smiles that never leave your face. Only those who deeply understand.30. Optimism is a fake smile.31. It's funny to realize that under the mask of a scalp, an eternal smile is visible.32. What are your eyes sad about, and what is your smile hiding?33. From the awareness of everything and everything, the smile on the face becomes wider and wider.35. Creativity is like the flight of a butterfly, light wings of inspiration will help you fly beyond the limits of human understanding.36. Pure madness is when you completely stop pretending.37. Depression is a free fall into the depths of your soul.38. Put this huge glow-in-the-dark smile mask of pessimism, with long lips and huge teeth, on the floor of your face, it will grow into your skin, it will blink every time you speak, it will give you amazing power, and you will start understand how ridiculous this world is. Your mouth will speak only the truth, which people will call: funny shock. And put on these black lenses of pessimism, all over your eye, they will also grow together with your eyes, and black smoke will come out of them, these lenses will suck all the pessimism out of people, and you will see how terrible this dead world is.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Advertising is preservatives and sweeteners.Marketing is about lubricants.2. 1. Manipulators are musicians. Surfing in which you catch a wave of chaos and anarchy.2. Creativity is a digital petroglyph.3. We are a story about ourselves as we want to see ourselves this hypocrisy in relation to ourselves.4. Loneliness reveals the revelations of reality in emptiness, we warm ourselves and comfort. We know all facets of truth. We see only the truth. We can see better the future without hope. We see reality vigorously without optimism. We experience the whole essence of truth physically. We fall asleep in humility. Meditation in the romance of life. Humility changes our personality. We know the abyss of awareness and life.5. Children will destroy the past.3. 1. Ready to whine with excitement, sultry heat through the body with admiration, the soul groans with pleasure, lust growls brutally, it is difficult to breathe with delight, it is inconceivably incredibly beautiful, your beauty is so poetic, fills with the lyrical meaning of life, there is nothing more beautiful than your presence, you are poetic a dream, an aggressive thirst to be with you, you are a sincere, childish desire, you cause an endless rain of sperm and every drop is a hot lustful compliment, proof of admiration. You are a deep insight of love to tears I want you alone. All the libido of the men of this world reaches out to you like plants to the sun, the mistress of all the penises of the world, the queen of male lust, an infinite number of likes like sperm fall on you, your appearance is an epic landscape of romance, your beauty is priceless, it dominates my consciousness, the subconscious keeps eternal love for you in a romantic poem of retro nostalgia of the golden age in which I saw you. The best life in eternity is living with you. Every detail of your body is epically prosaic, in your eyes is a lyric poem of love, my love is eternal and endlessly like an echo of love piercing future lives, subconsciously I dream of you all my life, I love you truly and endlessly. I keep your image in my heart forever. The heart cries and groans when you are not around.2. Love painting of feelings of thoughts in me, emotional storm of love feelings, sensual tremors of love. 1000 percent of the brain consists of thoughts about you, I live with you to be with you, my obsessive eternal prayer, fixation on your image. The extraordinary beauty of the body is mesmerizing. An obsessed dream and priceless value of eternity, hot lust in love, subconscious fidelity, poetic eroticism of feelings, fantasy of romanticism, you are my eternal call of lust, your beauty prolongs spermotoxicosis, my love for you is timeless and eternal, and passion is endless, touches the thinnest strings of potency, libido, lust, passionate lust, goes deep into the subconscious, prehistoric primitive passion, stone age lust, bestial lust of sincere love. So natural and natural, so sincere in instincts, a sublime flight of delight, this is the sex of our passions, my words from the depths of insight, in sensual revelations through the entire nervous system filled with poetic love for you.3. Orgasmic flight of fantasies, I am a sex slave of your vagina, I am drawn to you more and more, you make me feel like we had sex for a year without pauses with Viagra, aggressively brutal sexually, you are the hottest, you awaken the brutal fire of lust, return and you increase the potency testosterone libido the potency of passionate lust, I want you forever even if the penis stops working, anyway I crave you forever, the growl of my violent passion, too luxurious goddess of penises, shocking sexuality, you are a masterpiece of seduction, the powerful influence of your beauty, dominates in my heart, monstrously corrupts, you are brutal sex, merciless aggressive passion in my heart is devoted to your beauty, shocking sexuality, you are a masterpiece of desire and temptation, mercilessly beautiful, beauty that can lead to a heart attack from delight, you are a powerful orgasm like a thermonuclear bomb or even worse an orgasm bomb that can explode the universe, the pulsation of love for you lasts forever, the vibrations are nostal A wave of love like an echo pierces eternity, incredibly beautiful, your look and beauty instantly orders the penis to stand up, my inner erection of passion is ready to stand on you for all eternity, rrr how sexy, brutal hunger of lust, unquenchable and eternal like a thirst to drink in the desert.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. All desires of materialism are meaningless because you will still turn into a toothless raisin.2. A person who understands too much hears only tinnitus.3. Karma needs chaos so that the power of karma never ends, so the unworthy get power.4. A mixture of good and evil shows sincerity.5. The rattle of insight. Fear is the umbilical cord of illusion.6. Revenge is like gluttony, karma cholesterol rises.7. Earthly hell his name is disappointing. You sink deeper and deeper into disappointment and inevitability. The richer you are, the deeper you fall asleep in the matrix of illusions, and you are very optimistic. The poorer the closer to pessimism, reality, God, you are awakened because you are outside the matrix.8. Art is cannibalism in eating the emotions and suffering of the author. To feel the vital energy of feelings and this is the cannibalism of empathy.9. There is nothing more cynical than an egg.10. Music of feelings philosophy of music, you know in one word orgasm from you as if you did get a multi-orgasmic vibration of love that grows every second. Endless immersion in love, deeper and deeper in the subconscious, love intensifies and gives a powerful awareness.11. The cyclical nature of the infinity of reincarnation and the wheel of samsara leads the matrix of illusions to the absolute madness of vicious childhood.12. 1. Hypocrisy is a parody of culture and diplomacy.2. Hate is tears, tears, tears. A shower of tears, so many people seem to be shadows.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. And I see how people in the ocean, someone knows how to swim (survive), and someone uses a friend, relative, loved one or a loved one as a lifeline, that is, he drowns him so as not to drown and breathe air.2. Desires are sweet madness, small, unconscious steps towards death. A ready-made path of the subconscious to inevitability.3. The cynical blindness of indifference that devalued death, here conscience is just a guide.4. 1. Death has depreciated, it has become a formality and politeness.2. Love is a hormonal fantasy of passion, over time it turns into fidelity.3. Love is libido, testosterone, potency. When everything dries up, only loyalty remains.1. Loneliness is a pension.2. Abundance of desires leads the heart to oblivion and mental amnesia, teaches us not to value anything forever.3. 1. Impotence is like you are undead.2. Depression is an endless void of timeless darkness or twilight.1. Diplomacy is the mercenary politeness of manipulators, modern culture consists of greedy hypocrisy, cynical myopia who value bad taste, obeying the herd instinct. The two-faced modern culture of politeness is a parody of indifference. Officially polite, but swearing in person, modern culture is a ghetto.2. Pick the nerves of anger with a knife, there must be somewhere to switch from a lie to a state of truth.Hypnotic delightYou are the supreme dream. Hypnotic delight. I am ready to worship dance and sing songs to every part of your body. You are like erotic saxophone music. From love to you I do not understand at all, only emotions of love of lust and passion. My love grows for you every day and will soon outgrow the scale of the universe. My soul levitates with love and moves around your axis. My passion is like aggressive brutal sex. The unbridled power of love. My heart chakra radiates love for you. Your voice is a song of my love, which excites passion to the very depths of the consciousness of the subconscious of the unconscious, falling in love to infinity. You are like the hottest sex, oh god yes, my soul was made for yours.Your beauty is the endless poetry of passionate love, in erotic lust. A burst of heart from endless sleepless love obsession, a portal is opened in my heart to the dimension of endless love passion where you are the Goddess. An infinitely powerful orgasm of catharsis with delight. Subconsciously and unconsciously attracts only to you.You are beautiful, well, just roast. Among an infinite number of values ​​and treasures, you are the highest jewel of the universe. Phew babe you are a hot moan and heat of imagination. You are a looped soap in your head, repeating itself over and over again. Beautifully straight to a heart attack. Aesthetically perfect. My mouth is just open with delight and my brain is turned off, I am zombified by your beauty. You are my sincere dream, this will be confirmed by any lie detector.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Biological infantilism atrophies in a person many useful qualities of survival due to selfishness, the population of mankind will be significantly reduced.2. Machine logicOutside, we look like people, but inside we are as if machines that created evolution itself. Machine mechanisms of thinking moving from one extreme to another. The logic is completely automatic. Inside, everything works very accurately for a normal person, if something breaks, this person is called a madman. This is the absolute power of logic over everything. Robotic consciousness in which everything seems exotic when it is not a profit, but romance.3. The subconscious mind is capricious and therefore paradoxical, it does not listen to the wisdom of the universe.4. All reflexes of thinking are just gears twisted by the experience of life.5. The main geography of the organismThe basic geography of an organism is entirely based on the life experience of evolution. Constantly corrected by selfishness that will disrupt the basic ecosystem of thinking and human health.6. Fear is the basis of all desires.7. Cosmetics, clothing shopping and plastic surgery are pain relievers for your ego, dear ladies, but not a medicine.8. We all admire geniuses. Before the talents. This is totemism. This is paganism where every genius as a god is responsible for his ability. We have become pagans of media mythology.9. Sleep is self-criticism and self-irony.10. Loneliness is when all the threads connecting with communication break and you stop being a puppet.11. You will become more successful when all stupid desires die out in you.12. Successful people are obsessed with the idea that they are always late.13. A rich man thinks like a sultan. More secret wives, more mistresses, more prostitutes, he is not a prince, he just bought you like a barbie at a sex toy store.14. The world is a masterpiece of adaptation and there is an endless space around us, but nature is our space.15. Immortality which will give you to find the secrets of being. All the secrets of awareness will be revealed by eternity.16. Thinking constantly mutates, instincts and reflexes acquire new qualities of ability, philosophy acquires new armor, and thinking new claws in the process of adaptation.17. Insomnia is the epicenter of loneliness, a painful point of inevitability.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich