1. And paradise on earth will come when all souls grow old in the circles of reincarnation and the wheel of samsara, the stupid desires of despair will die. All desire is meaningless because everything is fleeting, everything that you create quickly decays and is subject to oblivion. Success and happiness smolder like a corpse. Everything plunges into old age, even souls and consciousness.2. 1. You are a fish swimming in someone else's egoism.2. Lonely people merge with eternity and reality.3. Loneliness is a fear of eternity, love is an attempt to keep eternity in the moment.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

More Quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. DNA creates a utopia of the unity of everything and everyone in the universe.2. Humor is funny pessimism in bright colors of irony and sarcasm, black humor of truth, funny associations of satire, funny awareness and insight of irony, cartoonish thinking, and clown behavior. Laughter is like a Tibetan singing bowl where you manipulate the sound of laughter, like the sound of the bowl, it is your musical instrument of awareness. The clown side of life. In each of us there is a comedian, you just need to realize what is funny in me, chips and an artistic image. Realize your funny self.3. 1. The sect of greed.2. And you will know paradise in purity of mind, and love in the heart, paradise of love in the heart3. Happiness in humility.4. Extract from your thinking the special philosophical melody of a romantic utopia.1. To know the universe in the punishment cell of loneliness.2. Life is a dimension of philosophy, on this planet, which is like an alien ship, around the axis of reincarnation.3. Because of problems, you do not feel eternity and life.4. Eternity is the infinite truth after death.5. The calendar of the cycle of life moves towards the center of death from stupidity.6. All philias, manias, fetishes, inclinations, isms, are the result of the hedonism of selfish philosophy.7. Hedonism of illusions of self-deception of egoism devalues ​​literally everything.8. Unbearably sexy, wildly sexy, heavenly pleasure to look at you, being with you is nirvana, your love is Shambhala, your appearance is immersion in a buzz, I love you right up to the pain in the erection and heart, aggressively excites, endlessly sexy body, you super beautiful goddess, extremely powerful attraction and obsession with your image, the dream of eternity, my love for you is true idealism, only your photograph is in the pendant of the heart.9. Like the deceased in the earth, man as the seed of eternity, the flowers of truth will sprout, and the roots of the bones of reincarnation to bring us back to the beginning.10. Wrinkles as a composition of life, waves of emotions, wrinkles like those of a tree as a composition of eternity in reincarnation, frozen waves of feelings. Wrinkles are a picturesque expression of philosophical reasoning.4. 1. Advertising is preservatives and sweeteners.Marketing is about lubricants.2. 1. Manipulators are musicians. Surfing in which you catch a wave of chaos and anarchy.2. Creativity is a digital petroglyph.3. We are a story about ourselves as we want to see ourselves this hypocrisy in relation to ourselves.4. Loneliness reveals the revelations of reality in emptiness, we warm ourselves and comfort. We know all facets of truth. We see only the truth. We can see better the future without hope. We see reality vigorously without optimism. We experience the whole essence of truth physically. We fall asleep in humility. Meditation in the romance of life. Humility changes our personality. We know the abyss of awareness and life.5. Children will destroy the past.3. 1. Ready to whine with excitement, sultry heat through the body with admiration, the soul groans with pleasure, lust growls brutally, it is difficult to breathe with delight, it is inconceivably incredibly beautiful, your beauty is so poetic, fills with the lyrical meaning of life, there is nothing more beautiful than your presence, you are poetic a dream, an aggressive thirst to be with you, you are a sincere, childish desire, you cause an endless rain of sperm and every drop is a hot lustful compliment, proof of admiration. You are a deep insight of love to tears I want you alone. All the libido of the men of this world reaches out to you like plants to the sun, the mistress of all the penises of the world, the queen of male lust, an infinite number of likes like sperm fall on you, your appearance is an epic landscape of romance, your beauty is priceless, it dominates my consciousness, the subconscious keeps eternal love for you in a romantic poem of retro nostalgia of the golden age in which I saw you. The best life in eternity is living with you. Every detail of your body is epically prosaic, in your eyes is a lyric poem of love, my love is eternal and endlessly like an echo of love piercing future lives, subconsciously I dream of you all my life, I love you truly and endlessly. I keep your image in my heart forever. The heart cries and groans when you are not around.2. Love painting of feelings of thoughts in me, emotional storm of love feelings, sensual tremors of love. 1000 percent of the brain consists of thoughts about you, I live with you to be with you, my obsessive eternal prayer, fixation on your image. The extraordinary beauty of the body is mesmerizing. An obsessed dream and priceless value of eternity, hot lust in love, subconscious fidelity, poetic eroticism of feelings, fantasy of romanticism, you are my eternal call of lust, your beauty prolongs spermotoxicosis, my love for you is timeless and eternal, and passion is endless, touches the thinnest strings of potency, libido, lust, passionate lust, goes deep into the subconscious, prehistoric primitive passion, stone age lust, bestial lust of sincere love. So natural and natural, so sincere in instincts, a sublime flight of delight, this is the sex of our passions, my words from the depths of insight, in sensual revelations through the entire nervous system filled with poetic love for you.3. Orgasmic flight of fantasies, I am a sex slave of your vagina, I am drawn to you more and more, you make me feel like we had sex for a year without pauses with Viagra, aggressively brutal sexually, you are the hottest, you awaken the brutal fire of lust, return and you increase the potency testosterone libido the potency of passionate lust, I want you forever even if the penis stops working, anyway I crave you forever, the growl of my violent passion, too luxurious goddess of penises, shocking sexuality, you are a masterpiece of seduction, the powerful influence of your beauty, dominates in my heart, monstrously corrupts, you are brutal sex, merciless aggressive passion in my heart is devoted to your beauty, shocking sexuality, you are a masterpiece of desire and temptation, mercilessly beautiful, beauty that can lead to a heart attack from delight, you are a powerful orgasm like a thermonuclear bomb or even worse an orgasm bomb that can explode the universe, the pulsation of love for you lasts forever, the vibrations are nostal A wave of love like an echo pierces eternity, incredibly beautiful, your look and beauty instantly orders the penis to stand up, my inner erection of passion is ready to stand on you for all eternity, rrr how sexy, brutal hunger of lust, unquenchable and eternal like a thirst to drink in the desert.5. 1. We feel pain inside while suffering we comprehend the details of life revelations are revealed in wounds. And pain is lava that no rain of suffering and despair can extinguish. We live in pain. We sing lullabies of our pain, of consolation. We gaze into the darkness of the void. And we comprehend the truth in this emptiness where we hear only ourselves. Pain is a room of self-knowledge. Pain is a morbid personality mutation. The shell collapses and the more outspoken self comes out. The pain in my soul will end when the bones see the light. Pain bares the soul. Pain reveals truth. Pain reveals the essence of insight. The painful truth that we must see. Through pain, you see the world deeper.2. Hedonism of infantility is a diabetes of illusions.6. It's amazing how rebirth shapes the rethinking of thinking. The birth of your child is also a kind of reincarnation, a continuation of your genetic philosophy based on experience. The thread of philosophy pierces eternity. Flowering of eternity in nobility and love and forgiveness. The body ages and we remove the skin. Like a phoenix is ​​born from the ashes. With each birth we become wiser and wiser on a subconscious level. And the branches of thought that open their branches and so the worldview is formed as branches of the evolution of thinking that form the fruits of enlightenment. And the roots of the subconscious go deep into the world of our intellect.7. 1. Wide wardrobe and dressing room of our self. The show begins. And in reincarnation, it must go on forever. Show of despair and self-deception. The person is not sincere towards himself. Illusions make you lie to yourself. Man consists of various self-suggestions. Sincerity is purity of heart. Few strive for truth without self-deception. A performance of selfishness where truth is parodied.2. A person feels an emptiness inside, and a web of illusions that connects all the neurons of the relationship of thinking to which thoughts stick. A person consists of retro nostalgia and all values ​​remain in the past and fly away somewhere far away from us.The loose sands of the temptations of this world bury us alive. The emptiness inside through which the light of insight passes. You need to feel the emptiness inside to be cleansed of this world. To know the purity of consciousness. And only then will the revelations of the true self be revealed. When you stop pretending. In the silence of emptiness, you will know the truth of all that exists.3. Death will unite times.4. Philosophy is the blurry energy of the universe. Plunging into ourselves into the endless cosmos of inner space, wandering in endless worlds created by imagination, the basis of which is the distortion of a crooked mirror from the real world, and so we turn reality itself into a paradoxical looking glass. Through the prism of our self-interest of selfishness and despair. Improving yourself by immersing yourself in yourself. We are turning into a dimension with extraordinary energy.5. We reveal the facets of our world, and we bring the facets of our mind to life, the abundance of illusions is an endless world of temptations and dreams, and dreams are like tears from the depths of our subconscious, as the bitter juice of sincerity flows down the face of our self, the world forms us terrible mutations of distorted reality, we cease to understand what reality is, we cease to understand ourselves and others, the round world as the infinity of cyclical life, gives rise to detachment from the past in us, and the future as a cultural shock of quantum changes sounds like a parody of the past. And the future scares us, so we want to be stuck in the past, and you are like a hermit crab in the shell of the past, you are warmed by nostalgia at night, and you want the thread of memories to never end. Painful transformations of the future, tears us off from the foundations as fetters and plunges either into flight or fall. City lights as signals of the subconscious, drowning intuition.6. 1. All the cogs in the head are like a time machine spinning in the head, we cannot stop time and the time machine is all the lives that we have lived. And time presses on us and transforms us into something that we did not even suspect.2. Time leads to the endless depths of self-knowledge. Time is hypnosis of space associated with our subconsciousness. Creates an epiphany portal through a chain of events.3. Neon fornication in which our souls are lost, the lights of delusion and temptations beckon us as a chain of events leading into the void of nothingness. We learn revelation through suffering. In the darkness of eternity, we see lights that lead us away from the true path.4. The world is a complex technology. We invade the void and create even more illusory holographic illusion. Hallucinations of seduction shape the plot of our life. Torn away from the world and its foundations. We are in the oblivion space. Prisoners of the esoteric technocracy of the universe.7. Reincarnation is a degrading franchise.8. Modern society has plunged into infantile oblivion.9. 1. Surrealistic symbolism of the paradoxes of reality, reveals the philosophy of egoism. This makes society paradoxical and absurd.2. In the well of truth, tears of insight.10. 1. In this tree, every foliage contains the circulatory system of life. It exists according to the laws of the universe and therefore lives longer than people. A form of life that is absolutely sinless. A perfect state in which you are in harmony with the universe. Man survives, but the tree lives. Because our body is very moody from instincts. The body wants a lot, but the tree wants to live. And it absorbs the energy of the wisdom of the universe into itself. In peace and humility, we know the sincerity of life.2. We plunge through a painful rebirth and culture shock that transforms society by adding the options of a new person to a person, the technological development of a person, which will form a highly technological thinking.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Evolutionary, gene transformation of the chimera of thinkingThe evolutionary, gene transformation of the chimera of thinking, due to the gene of ingenuity and egoism, expands, as it were, the universe of disunity. How the mental health of people is changing in the history of mankind can be seen in psychology, philosophy, science and culture. Anthropomorphic worldview of multiculturalism and hydras of science and pop culture that raise mestizos of globalism of various mentalities.2. In life, the past is romantic or depressive, the present is myopic, the future is inadequate.3. The ocean of thought and the ocean evaporates from intense awareness and the water turns into steam and the drops go to the sky and return to the ocean with rain.4. The dark side of the personality is the dark face of the suffering of the soul.5. The emptiness of life and reality, like pure snow, cover the earth with indifference. The world of people freezes from selfishness and the mysterious twilight of the unknown6. Musical instruments of vices, instincts, feelings and emotions are an endless improvisation of truth and revelations, anatomy of human philosophy, which reveals the evolution of the human psyche, its philosophy, the complete history is a complete mental portrait of human history, various sounds of manipulation from various childhood fears.7. Laziness gave birth to money, money gave rise to selfishness, selfishness gave rise to slavery because we are controlled with the help of our own selfishness. Selfishness and laziness lead to the degradation and atrophy of many genes.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Form yourself Body like children's plasticine, become such a man so that girls and women have a natural fire between their legs, so that trousers are on fire with excitement. The same applies to girls, the more your shape, that is, the bait you are more likely to get married.2. Cybernetics of etiquette The danger is that the robotization of the formal hypocrisy of the selfish world is developing. The cybernetics of selfish etiquette, where one will unlearn compassion and even cry, everyone will only smile politely while committing an unconscious sin that is the result of hopeless despair.3. Around you there are a lot of ironic gifts in which there may be a hypocritical sarcasm of approval. Gifts of Fate and they all tick and only a few of them will not explode and cripple you. Be sure to save those that talk about your family and children.4. Wild anger enveloped in chains of patience, red-hot with the fire of rage. Abstinence is the highest human feeling. You must live a life without anger, shackling him in the arms of nobility and love, and then the hellish flame of anger will turn into a steel of peace. Anger is painful because it is a delusion devoid of any sense of justice, it does not give you respect or a sense of satisfaction from justice, only a contemptible shame in front of higher powers. Anger is an unnecessary feeling of the mind and heart, it is a fire that burns the soul and defiles memory. Anger is the product of new grievances, dramas, and tragedies. Live only one life without anger, and the vicious circle of self-deception, the wheel of samsara and reincarnation of déjà vu, the whole life as an inadequate sleep will stop, and you will wake up in paradise, the same life will stop repeating itself.5. Cyber ​​Animatronics In all this cyber illusion of the human world, the animatronic work ethic needs to be lubricated with the machine oil of the humanity of empathy.6. Your self-deception and selfishness Beat to death only a few enemies, laziness because of which you will become poor, fear giving problems (beat the problem, not people) and your own selfishness, because of which you will be lonely. And your most important enemy, the boss of all your problems and sorrows because of which you live in the illusions of deception - it is your self-deception because of him, you do not see the truth and the light of holiness of spirit, their death will give you happiness.7. Fear is your shadow, the sun reflects in it all your instincts in which vices and inner flaws are hidden. Fear is a confirmation that you are alive, since the dead do not have a shadow, some after death themselves turn into a shadow.8. Relationships are children's play tea.9. Chaste modesty in modern society is the pestis of a hypocritical girl in an erotic costume of an angel with a trident of a devil as a symbol of bitchiness.10. For higher powers, feelings are not important, only a reaction.11. Loneliness is an oppressive silence, plunging into the depths of reality and the words are just noise.12. Be against any kind of smoking, because the smoker smokes and exhales cigarette smoke. This smoke from his rotten lungs, spoiled body, harmful bacteria, all this nasty dirt in the smoke goes into your nose and mouth. If you value your health, then be against smoking13. The smile of awareness gives sexual pleasure from your own laughter - this is an epiphany orgasm.14. Self-deception catches your joke by grabbing your hand, the joke of which you wanted to hit someone and half of your life beats you half to death with your own joke, but this is the irony of karma.15. All people are diamonds, but they do not cleanse themselves of the dirt of laziness, without striving for perfection, they do not want to make themselves a filigree cut to see new facets of possibilities.16. Look at these two smiling freaks, they are your laziness and fear, they are the sixes of your egoism, while egoism submits to self-deception. Because of them, you are at the bottom of your life. Take two brass knuckles: will and courage, beat them, but kill them, I feel how you get pleasure from this, you see that you are becoming richer. Kill them because only they pull you to the bottom.17. When the powerful bass of anger sounds, everyone is deaf in their eyes, the darkness of selfishness, and their eyes reflect drama, and maybe tragedy, but later comes realization along with crying laughter of regret.18. Potential is a lunar eclipse when it overshadows all envious shadows.19. Looking like a lot of playful toys called chattering teeth in the basement of mankind's thinking, this place is the abode of envy.20. History hides the sins of selfishness under new theories.21. Time accumulates ghosts Time accumulates ghosts, over time they can become so many that they will become a separate people and the living and the dead will live together as one people.22. Faithful loving girls are the most gorgeous and luxurious they are priceless.23. Psychology is stereotyped Psychology thinks very stereotypically, you cannot fully rely on it, since it is almost impossible to calculate the code of behavior or the pattern of its actions. Since a person is unpredictable even for himself.24. Compliment girls more often Compliments are like an erotic massage of the soul and nerves for a girl.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Growing inflation has turned the female sex into a museum of art, you can not touch it, at the auction, providing a woman with cosmic amounts for us.2. Dimensions are like eggshells of reality, all the shells, that is, the cocoons are crumbling, you wake up from all desires. Each rebirth is painful, you wake up with a groan of the soul.3. Hearing the serpentine voice of selfishness, you will get confused in your life, only the voice of conscience and valor will lead you to the truth.4. X-ray thinking of pessimistic realism, where selfishness is a broken mirror of personality in which hundreds of personalities grew out of opinions.5. An amazing life in which the abundance of everything is revealed, but the outer side of the existence of the emptiness of reality is shown. after death and he is shown what he did in a state of sleepwalking. Zombified with desires, they are ready to do karmic nonsense. And stay in this karmic time loop.6. Life is a fog of desires, an illusory oasis, the development of the cyber ego, to endless expanses, but not the development of awareness, the ego has stopped the development of evolution.7. life divides and multiplies, one drop of life turns into two or more, turns into worlds of dimensions and the universes, everything starts with one drop that gives rise to the dimensions of philosophy.8. Asians of gold color are the golden race.1. Loneliness is a utopia of serenity, a deep connection with eternity and infinity and reality.2. Reincarnation and the wheel of samsara is a protracted karmic joke, all these jokes end when you understand the meaning of the joke (the meaning of life) and you stop being reborn.3. You are undead in reincarnation, whose consciousness is being cloned.4. In karma, the stubborn one knows infinity, and the righteous one knows eternity.Look at this face when you are in the depths of hell, it looks like the world of people among such a society, you live among people with inner suffering, hell is hiding under the guise of an ordinary world, and all people suffer from their complexes and stupidity and beckon their unconscious sins, world war selfishness among all people for the right to live as they want, this is the face of a girl who sees the truth of the world, this is a karmic hell in which people live creating even more karma, this is not pessimism, but realism, this is what we all deny and live in a matrix of illusions, matrix of optimism, we suffer from our own desires and thoughts, the hellfire of depression, and the darkness of despondency, despair, all people are immersed in karmic debts and burn in the agony of dissatisfaction, in the emptiness of the infinity of reality, this is immersion into the depths of reality, and there the air from awareness is given to those who stops pretending.1. The one who wants nothing wakes up from the matrix of illusions.2. New and new desires, like rain, it plunges into oblivion, they plunge into the amnesia of a time loop.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. If you feel lonely then you need a bigger bed. There is no feeling of loneliness - it's just fear of the future and laziness.2. The higher the intelligence, the less craving for sex and fears.3. Logic is the pixels of reality. They are getting smaller and smaller.4. Look at this old residential building. The basis of life is economics and marketing as at the base of a building. Maybe the human universe has turned into this. Morality is rotten and only greed remains.5. Inevitability shapes us, or we shape inevitability.6. Alone, we feel cold and dead like ice. We hardly feel suffering because insensibility dulls the pain of despair. Feeling insensible is the worst pain in the world. Feel dead from loneliness.7. The coldness of loneliness burns with insensibility and endless emptiness.8. The coldness of unfeeling loneliness causes rejection, but at the same time the attraction to warm from loneliness with the warmth of sympathy.9. Through fire, a person communicates with nature with the spirits of ancestors who are the basis of culture and nature. This forms the full value of being, life experiences are combined into a single chain of meaning.10. it is not just communication with nature, it is communication with true reality and the universe itself. City life is a fictional reality of marketing.11. Time shapes goals and life path is most often formed from inevitability and chance.12. We are moving in the void of nonsense. In a fog of illusion. And only time directs us it sober us up from nonsense.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich