1. Art is a fusion of various dimensions, as if the cosmic exoticism of thinking.2. Designated as a horse carousel, each has its own seating shape.3. Loneliness is a very beautiful, romantic depression of reality.4. The intuition of the subconscious is the mother of all arts - this is the navigator of the imagination leading to innovation.5. All the romantics in the soul and mind are too mature.6. Thought is the stage of the death of egoism and the transition to eternity of romance.

More Quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. We are in the womb of materialism, in a cocoon of illusions of fear, where slaves are born.2. Deja vu karmic, infantile nostalgiaNew neurons of thinking are formed in the anatomy of philosophy, evolutionary maturation is formed. In the bathysphere, the bottomless depth of philosophy is cognized with the unknown flora and fauna of evolutionary thinking. More and more often, one can feel the deja vu karmic, infantile nostalgia of romance keeps us in the karmic merry-go-rounds and the swing of childish stubbornness and cheerful fear. Where love finds eternity in the nostalgia of romance, a sense of the pricelessness of the moments.We remain in the past during life and after life. where we feel déjà vu as we are ghosts. Consciousness matures with each new life, and subconsciousness is a piggy bank of nostalgia. Reincarnation and the wheel of samsara is the kindergarten of infantilism and childhood fears. This is a time loop of a philosophical lesson in life. Incubator and cocoon of growing up. Amnesia lowers everything into oblivion, and life turns into nothingness, and only intuition is the navigator of genius and maturity in eternity.Life is not enough to understand its laws of variability, there are only theories. Only the evolution of fear and selfishness is possible. Science and culture are useless without knowledge of the future.3. The game leads to the logical end of the cycle. From one playful, infantile mindset of manipulation of populism to another. All modes change as the design and graphics of the game reality change.4. We are limited by the illusion of materialism in the small screen of marketingIt's amazing how we are constrained by the illusion of materialism in the small screen of marketing. Nature seems to be endless as the earth is round. With its abundance and originality in colors. There, in natural landscapes, freedom of thought and the flight of poetry like birds in the sky. Computers suck life out of us as well as materialism. In nature, we feel the infinity of life, in the harmonious cycles of rebirth. The world is so gigantic and the screen is so small. Nature as the best decor for life.Sweet dream of life in nature. Life seems full, and the soul is full of happiness and romance. No urban autism.5. Poetic beauty of a Kazakh womanYou are my hot attraction, I do not control myself at all. I want to cling to you with my love like a leech. From your appearance, the impotent will get up, anyone will feel like a romantic. You are the eternal inspiration of romance.This is how your image sounds poetic in the bright colors of epic prose. You are the hard drug with the most powerful addiction. You are not enough all the time. Without you, everything is meaningless and insignificant. All grammy songs are about you. All that has to do with you are Oscar-worthy romantic films. The hot heat of love, the burn of passion from your body.Tongue and lips are drawn to you. Your image has powerfully merged in consciousness and subconsciousness. Powerful mental addiction. It's useless to give up on you. You are like an orgasm of poetry. You are like an endless love journey. Oh my God, my mind says, you are like an obscene delight. You are the medicine for my mind.6. Hope is like leaves on trees.7. Hints of awarenessPolemics and discussion like wushu kong fu and contactless combat, subtly and refined, hints of awareness sound, the wisdom of redirected aggression sounds like a discussion of aikido. Battles for the heart. Consciousness, thinking as the direction of consciousness of the philosophy of life energy qi and prana of thinking. Where traditional folk music is the rhythms of the cyclical nature of life as the cyclical nature. Philosophy of life, its wealth and abundance. Meditative romance of being and the philosophy of life, its subtle vibrations of insight sound like a whisper of eternity.8. We are a broken nature, we are cut off from the laws of nature from the romantic philosophy of being, but we preserve the pragmatism of the Stone Age. This is what connects us to the natural world. Instincts are our cradle of nature. On a cognitive level, thought development is how human evolution develops.9. We're in the ghost matrixWe are in a ghostly matrix, we are in the past and this is our eternity. In the time loop of karmic nostalgia, reincarnation and the wheel of samsara, where the philosophical romance of awareness of the soul and heart is intensified. We do not understand that we have been dead for a long time.10. Poetry is an eloquent painting of emotions, a prosaic sense of reality.11. The stages of life as the cycles of the moon, the regularity of the influence of the biology of the body, and only selfishness, money and character take away from the natural norm of the processes of life.12. A person as a traveler in the world of nature of people, the subconscious as a vacuum cleaner accumulates and projects everything that is in this world, a person is like a turtle who moves on himself everything that humanity has created in his mind, like a heavy load, a person from this is still moving on on all fours like a turtle, thinking has become a whole industry of thought production. Where ideas are not a medicine, but only a commodity in the marketing of vanity and selfishness.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. We are locked in the emptiness of life, we are locked in life in our inevitability, we gaze into the emptiness of illusion, we see the truth, its infinitely deep cosmos. Society is lifeless and selfish. We peer into the inevitability of the future and see the philosophical truth that transforms us into a different personality. And in reincarnation, everything is so arranged that our personality is constantly changing and all lives will change so that we do not value anything for a long time and are forgotten in this eternity. Quantum meditation of truth, a look into the future. We dissolve in this endless emptiness of eternity.2. We sink into the depths of suffering we sink into the abyss of nothingness and despair away from illusions we sink into the emptiness of the truth of reality. You're running away from hypocrisy. In the abyss of suffering, you are reborn. And nothing can comfort us and we are afraid of the cruel truth. Since they will awaken us from the sweet illusions of happiness. We live in the void of truth where there is nothing but us. Humility changes our personality. We become different. No one will hear the cry of the soul from the abyss of despair in the dark fog of depression.3. It is surprising where life leads us to inevitable desires and temptations that form a scenario of life full of errors and illusions. Our whole life is a long queue, the hour has not yet come for us and the time has not come when we will be happy and the queue lasts through life, you pass in a queue and there is no happiness and you go through another life and there is no happiness. You have passed a lot of life and your turn has come and will you accept this gift of fate. We are waiting in the wings. And life is in endless anticipation. And happiness seems to be the meaning of life. We have been waiting for these minutes for many lives.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. We feel like we are drowningWe feel like we are drowning and dissolving in nonsense, as if scattering in inevitability, we cease to exist. And feel the meaning. We stop breathing, choking on inevitability.2. Life is literally everywhereLife is literally everywhere. All this looks like a single mechanism. Systematic movement of impulses, instincts. One network of karma. It is an endless tunnel of life. Where all destinies are linked to each other. All this is at home like microcircuits of society. In this I see a new manifestation of the universe of life.3. Do you hear jazzYou hear jazz. How the music sounds piercing your mind and thinking. Jazz is an energy that dissolves your brain and throws your thoughts into the abyss. As if the cigarette smoke is all that remains of our thoughts that burn out in us. This is the mood of the soul. This is the silence of the city and the romance of life.4. Not being collected within is life within. Fauna of wild instincts that devour each other. Flora of emotions and feelings. Romantic landscapes of impressions. The evolution of thinking in one century.5. Corporate giantsCorporate giants are drifting away from reality. Cynicism forms levitation in them, progress forms in us oblivion in egoism. Cynicism is a low intellect in which we supposedly have to earn the recognition of a fool. Floating buildings are pure cynicism. It is levitation in dreams of greatness. Many of their own universe of skyscrapers are being formed where each floor is a stage of cynicism and blindness of the spirit. The universe is losing the basis of spiritual thinking.6. Thinking isThinking is a philosophical blender for awareness. It is insight that brings healing to our minds.7. The brain as the basis of the technocracy of logic. It forms the details and the process of knowing the experience.8. The brain is a looking glass of instincts. A mirror that distorts the truth with a vivid imagination of fear. Only love is a bridge with the outside world.9. Lonely people move in the void of nonsense.10. We endure a whole storm of illusions within ourselves. A storm born of fear and despair. Like an explosion leading into hyperspace where hundreds of millions of fear scenarios are played. It’s like cinema, and you are a screenwriter who endures it as if wears virtual glasses.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

1. Without desires, you are dead, like a ghost that sees only reality.2. It's amazing how we choose our own reality, what does it mean that we want to live in an illusory lie, or to see only what we want to see in individual reality, denying the divine reality of nature.To live in an artificial reality of our vices and instincts. To squeeze bodily pleasures out of her when, as spiritual pleasures, as opposed to bodily pleasures, are eternal. We deny our lives by plunging into the illusion of emptiness. Lies from our illusory dreams become reality. Lying out of self-deception becomes our sight.3. Life is a memory, it is memories, life is a recording on an energy tape, because life is in the past.4. Life is not a body, but a soul, life is energy in emptiness.5. Life consists of recording thoughts, from confusion and naivety.6. Life goes through a karmic evolution of awareness, over and over again in retro deja vu recordings. Karmic incubator of evolution in one moment of life that you experience over and over again, you grow up when you want to take the side of goodness and light.7. Life is karmic nostalgia. A karmic foodie looking for adventure. Life is the philosophical energy of a buffet of feelings and emotions.8. Melanin and anthropological, genetic adaptation of philosophical culture, created the illusion of hierarchical aesthetics, external and internal obsession with perfectionism, animal ego of the Olympics, where envy and self-doubt creates a dead end in evolution.9. Cultural vandalism of the hype of the media, media and the Internet in pop culture, science, art, where instead of discoveries, attracting attention and appropriating other people's merits, this is the cancer of evolution.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

A creative person, be it a singer, actor, artist, musician, dancer, etc., is a star who illuminates and warms the souls of the whole world with her amazing talent. But then star fever begins, that is, the star's creative crisis, her fame dies and she turns into a black hole of scandalous vanity, which sucks in all the attention of the surrounding worlds.26. You are in the artificial intelligence of the herd instinct. How you behave is an artificial intelligence program.2. Poetic ascension, like birdsong. For birds, singing is an instinct and an art. How many instincts are there on the canvas of thought. Like a splash of expression, a splash of emotion. Aria coming from the depths of the soul. Beautiful feelings of lyrics to tears. Harmony of color as a subtle aesthetics. Refined intuition of truth, like the sound of a violin. Leading to the heights of the highest feelings of the poetry of the spirit.3. Graffiti is a gangsta painting, an anytopia of culture.4. We are tiny particles of the universe. We are the energy that will evaporate. Consciousness in a dance with the subconscious seems to be leading the dance of eternity, as the present with the past and the future is unconscious, and the past is the subconscious and consciousness is the present.Life is accelerating that we do not always have time to say goodbye. We are moving towards the end point where we will gain eternity. But in life we ​​will not find eternity only in the torment of passions. We remain in this eternity like scars of reality in the form of ghosts. Life is the greatness of the romance of emptiness. The great philosophical path of the soul, up the ladder of insight. Where the crackle of reality is visible and there is a more real world.5. We live in the twilight of unconsciousness. In the mystical fog of the vague consciousness of the timeless existence of the soul.6. 1. Numerology of mercantileness is the codes of fate in which mostly selfish people are born.2. Advertising is the dictator of culture.7. harmony of what has no relationship with each other. Incompatible elements on earth have a harmony of existence. And all this creates harmony in the chaos itself. Also among people, incompatible people get along together. Love is the harmony of chaos. As if different elements of the universe mixed together to create the world. The world strives to get used to everything and everyone. Combine the incompatible. Create mestizo culture.8. Experience is the metronome of intuition, the path to the philosophical aesthetics of thought. Actor's rehearsals of reincarnation in an endless repetition of an absurd life. The only way out is in the sincerity of the heart.9. Thousands of subtle one-dimensional dimensions of egoism. Flat humor of reality. They are like dripping drops on the wall. They dry up in eternity. Shimmers and shimmers. One-dimensional worlds of egoists. Here logic rationalizes illusion and ridiculous paradoxes. We must wake up from life to see everything from the outside. the technical world of formality and the meticulous perfectionism of arrogance.10. Holiness reduces gravity.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

A mirror image of reciprocity, a place where bottom and top merge together, a mirror of truth, where you confuse truth with lies, where you suffocate and bathe in lies, where the bottom of lies creates pressure, where truth is flight and lightness, but at the top of truth you cannot breathe and you freeze from indifference, a balance where animals live in different worlds, they are adapted in their world, in its dimension of the philosophical landscape, we are on the verge between truth and lies, the borders of the worlds, winds move in a waltz, fatal freedom in a lie, or the willpower to live in truth, piercing life, we plunge into eternity, the line of truth and falsehood is erased in order to see the sincerity of people, the line of good and evil is erased in order to see the honesty of people.Switching trance consciousness from one state of mind to another, from the distant past or distant future, but even in them you can find points of contact, the mind is a flexible dimension that combines several forms of worldview, mixing colors to get a completely new color of perception of the world, cracks of insight into mind of a person, create the effect of a breakthrough of evolutionary perception, distorts the projection of perception, eyes as a projector of the subconscious, bio-quantum transition of consciousness to a new level of awareness, transformation of DNA awareness, refinement of thoughts like the sound of a violin, bio composition of DNA, at special frequencies of insight vibration.Life is a philosophical mystery, the truth to which we must be ready, an interdimensional journey, between where intuition is a guide, we fall asleep to wake up different, we plunge into life to know ourselves, the philosophical universal mechanisms that reveal sincerity, as well as the merger of good and evil, will reveal secrets mind, we know ourselves during life, evil is only a surface, good is the depth of our self, mind as a mechanism for universal knowledge of dimensions, DNA as a wheel of dharma, the wheel of time changing to the side of good and light, the heart directs us so that we understand something very important in this life, in order to evolve mentally and spiritually, the treasures of insight are hidden in us like a library, and each line is more precious than all blessings.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

About ego and selfishnessThe infinite heights of the ego, far from reality, in the narcotic illusions of the ego, we see how microcosmic life is from the height of a skyscraper, people do not see the problems of ordinary people. The divine eye of the ego. Dreams and temptations make it difficult to see reality. The bottom of reality on the first floor, where it takes years to reach all dreams, like stars, and the stars are burning below and in the sky, they forgot everything where up and down, lies are a metamorphosis that has endless guise of benefits, we create gigantic problems to see life from above, the micro chip circuits (that is, the cities in which we live) are siphoning off benefits, one ego uses billions of egos of minds. The flow of profit, like the movement of qi, is manipulated and moves in a certain direction, as the movement of electricity of labor is directed by money. People do not have will and personal perception. The impulse (man) moves along a certain trajectory of fate.Obsession with oneself, a limited world of egoism, everyone has their own micro window into the world in a hundred square meters, and life is in search of fictitious meanings of life, wandering into oblivion, micro space in the minds of people, being far away, moving away into hypocrisy, free swimming in a world of distorted reality , deformations and transformations of values ​​that become abstractions that they themselves do not understand, they try to feel what they themselves do not understand, deforming their mind to infinity, seeing improvisations of lies and self-deception in it, creative mood design every day the world changes and seems different in the infinity of confusion, immersion in misunderstanding of each other, selfishness makes us all lonely and turns away from society, we go into the depths of nonsense.Loneliness is something that is part of us, like a child we hug ourselves or our child who is the personification of us, the development of personality in our children, we only wander in the same places in reality and in dreams. A vicious circle of selfishness, which is increasingly recorded in our subconscious. The world is limited in a certain circle of the aviary of life, as if we are in the zoo of the gods. They observe behavior and the development of evolution in behavior. Rooms are like a corner where we live and go crazy. A cell in our body, we try to forget ourselves in the unknown. We are moving more and more in an unconscious state. We react less and less through ourselves, as a lie teaches us to be insensitive. Closer to death, we become dead in our head, and the heart sounds mechanically quieter and quieter, and the sound of eternity is louder and louder.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich