1. Biological infantilism atrophies in a person many useful qualities of survival due to selfishness, the population of mankind will be significantly reduced.2. Machine logicOutside, we look like people, but inside we are as if machines that created evolution itself. Machine mechanisms of thinking moving from one extreme to another. The logic is completely automatic. Inside, everything works very accurately for a normal person, if something breaks, this person is called a madman. This is the absolute power of logic over everything. Robotic consciousness in which everything seems exotic when it is not a profit, but romance.3. The subconscious mind is capricious and therefore paradoxical, it does not listen to the wisdom of the universe.4. All reflexes of thinking are just gears twisted by the experience of life.5. The main geography of the organismThe basic geography of an organism is entirely based on the life experience of evolution. Constantly corrected by selfishness that will disrupt the basic ecosystem of thinking and human health.6. Fear is the basis of all desires.7. Cosmetics, clothing shopping and plastic surgery are pain relievers for your ego, dear ladies, but not a medicine.8. We all admire geniuses. Before the talents. This is totemism. This is paganism where every genius as a god is responsible for his ability. We have become pagans of media mythology.9. Sleep is self-criticism and self-irony.10. Loneliness is when all the threads connecting with communication break and you stop being a puppet.11. You will become more successful when all stupid desires die out in you.12. Successful people are obsessed with the idea that they are always late.13. A rich man thinks like a sultan. More secret wives, more mistresses, more prostitutes, he is not a prince, he just bought you like a barbie at a sex toy store.14. The world is a masterpiece of adaptation and there is an endless space around us, but nature is our space.15. Immortality which will give you to find the secrets of being. All the secrets of awareness will be revealed by eternity.16. Thinking constantly mutates, instincts and reflexes acquire new qualities of ability, philosophy acquires new armor, and thinking new claws in the process of adaptation.17. Insomnia is the epicenter of loneliness, a painful point of inevitability.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

More Quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Aphorismsfrom awareness you leave this world in your thoughts, freedom increases the mental ugliness in the world, freedom plunges into the wild delusion of selfishness, freedom is the absence of self-control, all the horrors that you see in the world are the result of freedom, the chaos of the toy world, for the elite, freedom shows to what extent a person is vicious, to what extent he is ugly from his own egoism, gourmets of perversity turn madness into pleasure,PoetryUnusually divine, I want to kiss your lips every second, feel the skin is a heavenly pleasure, a juicy wave of excitement through the body, one kiss is sweeter than the other, I touch the very greatness, that is, your unattainable beauty, top ratings, ratings, trends, in my heart, mine libido breathes you, my erection writes poems about your beauty, the powerful energy of love in a kiss, the biocurrents of love, charge me with you, and fill me with the energy of love, when I touch you, you are heaven, you are the highest happiness, joy only when I feel you, your spirit becomes one with me, it’s hard to breathe and my soul groans with delight, pressure rises in the whole body from your beauty, you are a priceless real, narcotic piquant temptation, awakens the brutal lust of the stone age, kiss your lips, I will keep in my subconscious for thousands of years, subconsciously I will always I will look for you, you are the embodiment of the philosophy of love, my idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba beautiful woman, your gaze of sex melts steel, all taste buds all over my body with sweet lust feel only you, you awaken the brutal appetite of passion,jokesJapanese toilets, it's harder to poop, take poop? Press ok. Yes. Are you sure? Yes.Your girlfriend's fat folds are also a blanket.Yesterday she went, now she has a happy face, she is in a wheelchair, just her boyfriend is a brutal sex machine.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsInfinite wisdom of eternity, far from desires, money teaches selfishness, if instead of money there was disinterested nobility, people would reach the highest evolution of development, a ray of life in the void, pierces eternity into the unknown and nonsense, subjective reality of a selfish society, biological technocracy of evolution, cybernetics genes, cybernetics of the universal body, the energy of sincerity as a rare element of the universe, in it we learn the secrets of life, a lie is a reckless driver who crashes into the truth, love is an energy connection in which the highest value of eternity is known, spiritual flowers of mystical reality, one part of the universe of society in the past , another in the future.Poetryphenomenal beauty, you are more beautiful than a doll, hot passion, hot heat, a huge library of cassettes of memories of you, and I constantly review each one, I keep a feeling of love, warmth of happiness in my soul, you are a whole era of lust.jokesIf you want to meet her, take a ticket.Many people have spiritual impotence.Your wallet is your wife in all sex positions.The woman is menstruating, call the exorcist.The crisis is increasing, the country is moving in slow-mo mode, inflation has increased, slow-mo too. There is no motivation to run after money.It's not a clitoris, it's my penis.Hot weather, you are like barbecue meat, on the grill, you are turned over, unwrapped like a shawarma, you take off your clothes so that the meat is well fried. Sunburn, it doesn't help, it's like barbecue sauce.You got burned on the beach, you climb around, you walk in pain like a broken robot.You run away from cellulite and old age like from a chainsaw, how I feel sorry for you.The breath is weak to run after girls, here's a tranquilizer for you (I'm rich).The cat will gladly watch you die.Vagina is a lottery drum, and sperm are balls, who won the winning alimony ticket in this orgy.A condom is like a joint, you wrap it up so your baby gets high. Pull up baby.Does the penis cum fast? He's a neurotic.The girl knows you very well, all your ego erogenous zones, he plays on you like on you solo sex.On a female leash with an electric shock, the word money is written.What an oil rig does is like sex, a girl just extracts money from a man.Inflation mummifies your penis.Do you finish hard? To make your girlfriend fly into the wall.You have seen how the seahorse moves, as if he is fucking. This is the walk of a womanizer.Do you go home to your wife drunk? Put on your body armor.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsLife is quantum threads that create the interconnection of a genetic, quantum rope, opening new time portals, the philosophy of time is billions of options for events, the earth is a philosopher of relationships, it moves all the time, forming the progress of the evolution of the laboratory of bio-energetic synthesis of spirituality, manipulation of the movement of the earth, directs the development of relations in system of chaos, time as an abstract artist will show the result of the picture, chaos as an artist does not know about the result of his picture, fire is novelty, water and air are nobility, iron is eternity, wood is the veins of life, freedom of chaos of egoism cleanses the earth of people, the one who renounced from the laws of the universe will be destroyed, money grows selfishness, the earth is a philosophical project, because of selfishness, all the mistakes of civilization are visible because of which life destroys itself like cannibalism of self-hatred, the body is a bio technology of the universe, in order to transform reality, which is the surface of emptiness , chaos gives a biological weapon to the body, chaos is the erosion of time, due to ego ma, loneliness is the tinting of personal perception like black glasses, consciousness is the bio-energy chip of the universe.PoetryYou're like a sweet drug, and I'm your cat, erotic, from your beauty tetanus, boner like a mansion.jokesToo overpainted eyes, if slightly tilted, smoked so that they are red inside, it will look like the vaginas of black horses.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsMarketing and populism, activate the force field of skepticism. Honesty will save you a lot of money in love. The lingering note of the violin flying into space, the note of the piano as a tear of regret, the note of the violin carried away into the depths of eternity, the colors of chaos in the hands of sociopaths, the media harvests stupidity, and the ego is a farm of stupidity. A presentation, a documentary, a conference on how much of a brute I am for not taking out the trash. Prison of no understanding. Telepathy of intuition of empathy is the world language of the world. Unstable chaos of perception due to self-interest. Will is your photoshop with which you change reality.jokesShe is so thin as if she was rolled out with a rolling pineconomic riserIn old age, the penis is like a watering can, strictly dosed trickles, like sex with his wife.Doctors are not vulgar? So in their lexicon they say the word insert more often than others.Sex of saints, how is it? Just pat on the shoulder as a friend.Why can't her snoring be cured? I'm snoring to determine if she's alive or notA stand-up comedian performs in the hall, a man screams from the audience that is not funny, the second brutal man screams show me the penis. Comedian: Penis? Why are there only men in the room? Like you said the club is called, banana paradise. Oh no. No no no. The comedian runs out and the guys catch him. I'm sorry, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, the guy show me such a penis. He shows with tears, all the guys started laughing, that was funny. Get out. I'll fire my agent.Guy: You're not manly enough. Another guy: yes, but you have like a hairstyle like a feminist, a woman of age who mows down like a boy. Looks at women: enough boys.Asian women stretch pleasure to passion like a slime, it will break quickly if you finish quickly.Why does your penis cum so fast, is it ticklish.So she is insatiable in sex? Milking machine, and you sang with happiness: muThe director of the bank is the godfather to whom you kiss the ring, and something else if you are guilty.Take a giant loan and run away from the country and rob the state treasury? You watch too many cartoons.He's thirty and still watches cartoons. For adults. Anime? No for adults.Why don’t you go to the dance floor, I didn’t come here for this, but why, I watch drunk boobs and priests shaking. It is clear why the club is called. Coco is like coconuts (buffers) Bongos (Priests), well, who do you stick your spear into (penis).Skepticism, your guardian angel in the sales world.Human stupidity is painful.Did you sue your ex-wife for your penis? Was the judge a man? Yes. All clear.Woman: my husband is not young, and how do you like sex with him, like a dispenser of toothpaste, soap, seeds.Why do you need a sweater with a high collar, Lord, she sees a penis everywhere, she has not had sex for a long time.Naked man on the ground with a bouquet of roses in his ass, I like it, the original flower vase, my husband burned it with this lover, how vital and painful, these flowers have thornsHow to prolong love? We will renew (that's what prostitutes say)Why does it say juicer above your vaginaHow to send off an annoying boyfriend? Well, I'm like that, I think with my penis all the time. The boyfriend will answer, and I'm a vaginaThe brain is like a rubber ball, defends against the walls of the skullBreaking up is hard, like a ruptured spleen, now you have two spleensI love it when fat women gurgle when walkingYou still haven't found a girl for a guy, I came in without knocking, and he stroked his penis like a cat looking at the photo of the formerBeautiful well, straight beef steak in honey for a hungry bearDon't cum so fast, it's sex, not cum donationWhy did you bite a naked girl, she had so much food on her, she is part of the service, not an appetizer, and her hair is not a napkin, and why was it necessary to make kuni, I wanted to get a cherryAnd when I was naked, and remember, let's drink to me, drink, you will go into a binge, and this, this does not count, but this, this, and this, and this, and this, where did you get so muchA clothing store for the overweight, it’s called the largest, it’s understandable why the store is called that right there, the prices are x x ale, sorry, a lot of material is spent on the fabric, I’m looking for a dress, not a military tent, do you remember, dear, what a hot camping we had. Pack a tent? How sweet you made him eat almost the entire tent, next time I talk to the sellers.Is your girlfriend a soldier? And how many push-ups does your penis do. Better say how many penis squeezes. Hard squeeze.Don't like porn? Why? I'm jealous. Well, I'm sorry it's not yours.He is an abstractionist, a dash addict, like a conversation with a woman, it doesn’t matter what they talked about, the main thing is she enjoyed it, now you feel what they feel after sex, what it was, and you feel usedYour moped is a vibrator, it’s understandable why you ride it so much and the seat is wet, it’s all leaking yes, after the washing machine you need to bring a rag, after a hard wringHe's pimply like a bubble wrapThank you for the chain honey, the chain is small, damn baby don't strangle yourself, you have a muscular neckWhy is there so much sunscreen in the coffin, he sinned a lot, you think that he will go to hellIt's not funny at all, we spent a whole day under high-power solarium lamps, why are they on the office ceilingWell, how do you like sex with that fat woman, iron, train, bulldozer swept with the breeze, the iron, unlike thin girls, is hot, children indulge in twigs, and real men with big onesTechnological ideasA quantum amplifier, connected to two connected helmets, husband and wife, or boyfriend and girlfriend, they have a love experience that makes them feel like they have been living together for more than a billion years. This enhances their love. They feel immortal.Neuro-neon tattoo, glows when a person is having funPoetryYou are a masterpiece of the lust of the Gods. Continuous increase in attraction. Moaning like a hot growl of passion, lustful honey, we will know the depths of lustful passion, in the bottomless ocean of falling in love like half a fish, we will know to what extent we love each other, that my body was created only for you alone, the connection with you is infinitely beautiful, the poetic eloquence of feelings in orgasm of delight, painting fiery colors of passion, the radiance of love in the heart, we are united to the very depths of the soul, the rhythm of my heart is in time with yours, this is hip hop, a storm of pheromones, blows and takes to you, drags you into your beauty, no time, no nothing in the world, there is only you in this world, You are just the nectar of the gods, full of vitamins and minerals without preservatives, your beauty is a dirty trick, dissolve in the light of your infinite divine, beautiful beauty, your tender beauty is incendiary and romantic like a disco ball in a disco , poetic music of feelings, how tender love sounds in your eyes, and infinite greatness cannot surpass your beauty, the world adorns your joy, one kiss is forever sweet on m on both lips, this is the eternal euphoria of romantic tenderness, I drown in the sentimental romance of the ocean, where the bottomless beauty of your soul, the mermaid of eternal beauty, in my eyes you are billions and billions of times more beautiful, infinitely more beautiful and valuable, draws you into your beauty, into the dimension eternal pleasures, where only you and me. You are so hot, I need sunscreen, and eternity is not enough to enjoy your caresses and hugs, erotic magic of seduction, I lose consciousness from the pleasure of your beauty, a masterpiece of pleasure in the nervous system, she feels only you, the body and soul always demands only you, only your kiss of love can make you cum, seconds like calories of pleasure, terabytes of nostalgia, epic romance of values, sincere passion to shiver, a kiss penetrates into the depths of the soul, the nervous system of the soul cannot withstand so much passionate love lust, to tears an aesthetic feeling of love happiness and joy, in this kiss, I see the endless valleys of the beauty of your soul, where we are happy together, and the only thing that matters is that we are nearby, like a DMT effect, like a sex shower, I feel that I love you all eternity and infinity, a masterpiece of pleasure, all the blessings of the world, all the pleasures and pleasure in this kiss.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsNeurons as quantum threads, neural system as interconnected clouds of galaxies, memory of eternity, genetic philosophy manifests as an echo from the past, ego caricatures of you, in the circulatory system of evolution, undiscovered genomes of awareness, energy channels of the nervous system as wormholes of the cosmos of awareness , they are like veins of dimensions of the philosophy of the universe, interacting dimensions and time epochs, suffering teaches kindness and patience.Poetryyour beauty starts the engine with half a turn, tantalizing sexuality, a heart in the twilight without you, you are beautiful before a heart attack, my eternity endlessly craves you, and tastes every moment, every second a romantic poem of love, like endless valleys of aesthetics, landscapes of romance in your body, I know how beautiful my love for you is, the romantic idealism of aesthetics, erase the edges of reality and immerse me in a romantic world in which I am always with you in the depths of my heart, the look of your eyes fills me with beauty and love, and I depend on this look because that this is all I want to see in this life, because through I feel the depths of your spiritual beauty. Serene love of romance, supreme love intensifies to infinity, you are supreme bliss, you are worthy of eternal applause for your beauty, the erotic color of the seduction of your skin, you are the only thing I want to remember in this life, all eternities, I will only idolize you, this will live in my mind, the highest level of aesthetics, the mistress of male lust, the queen of all penises, the queen of male desires, the empress of male love and lust, the goddess of your beauty is worshiped, you are the ingenious uniqueness of eternity, hide in my soul as in a cocoon of love.jokessex with a skinny mummy is like playing a xylophone made of bones.The squirt of lust will squirt like champagne for the new year when you find her ji point, that is, your gorgeous income.Girls remember their first words for life: no, give, mine, no, and when they grow up they say maybe, in my opinion these are the words of any government. The vague politics of women's relations is unpredictable.The vagina is shaped like a trap, they cut off married men's penises, as they age, they pee while sitting down, because they abstain from sex for too many years, the prostate enlarges.How to deal with haters? I am an energy vampire, I want all your energy, all your mind to drink. I want him to cry because of me, I want him to go to a psychologist because of me, I want him to have nightmares, I want him to constantly think about me, I want his whole head to think only about me and devote his my life, while skipping my own, I feed on his hatred, I see how his psyche is destroyed because of me, I want to dance on the ruins of his mind, if he starts to hate someone else, I will start to be jealous. I want to completely dominate his head, all his thoughts about me, I want his anger to completely destroy him and his karma because of me. And he will certainly go to hell, because of me, because he sinned, God does not forgive everything. If he becomes indifferent to me, then he is cured of his addiction to me.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsRomantic philosophy of eternity, interweaving of destinies, two spines like DNA strands of love.PoetryYou are my amnesia, the goddess of beauty of all dimensions and worlds, the highest evolution of beauty, my saliva is like the lust of your souls, your tongue is like a sponge, you tease all the penises of the world, all the shades of temptations on your skin, play erotic music on erogenous zones, on my penis like on the clarinet, the highest art of seduction, beauty is like voodoo, a model of the beauty of eternity, through the generations is still beautiful, the ideal thought of the Gods, the ideal thought of eternity, a sculpture of your beauty, this is an endless universe of compliments, all kinds of clothes, cosmetics and so on, everything decorates you, nature only adds beauty, incredibly beautiful, like the sweetest candy in the universe, I want to be with you for all eternity, psycho-sexual addiction and sex tension only increases, love obsession enslaves more and more. I want to make hickeys everywhere you will be like a Dalmatian, truly divine, sweet notes of temptation, the whole body shudders between the legs, a wave of love through the body, like heavenly, piss, you are my prize, my whim, everything is as I wanted.jokesHe yells so much, look at his nosebleed.Wrinkles on the face become more from trash, it is because of it that we age.How many years these neurotics have been married, once they were normal.Politeness is a hanging phone.In Japanese porn, when a man makes a cunnilingus, he squishes like he is drinking soup, hell, everything is salty from urine, well, not peach juice, pour sugar.Where is a handsome guy, but in front of you, where, where where is he, but in front of your nose, where, you hear the freak fuck off, where.The kids are so cute, you throw candy at toe (Kazakh holiday), the kids fight for candy, you bet, I bet on the one in the yellow T-shirt, don't throw more candy, yours is completely brutal.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsSecret Techniques of Insight. Selfishness is the deterioration of the environment, will affect all of humanity. Tough jokes are the skinning of reality, disgusting revelations under hypocrisy, phrases create a distortion in space and time of the perception of reality, interdimensional mediators of intuition, in noir truth, not everything is revealed by light, in the shadow of emotion that conceals a smile, and the lamp illuminates only the edges of the situation, the play of shadows in the light, when the paw moves like a pendulum of chaos, the manipulation of despair, like mind games.jokesDo you think I'm not so handsome for girls? No slave trader will sell you even for free. You have devalued a lot.Are you playing a fighting game? This is a reptile man, what does he shoot with? Does he have sinusitis? What are you looking at.Your penis has hypertension from falling in love.So you are my clone, and where are you driving.How kind you are today your heart was given heating.Rub me between my legs to get yours, I'm not a magic lamp, not everything I say will come true.Make coffee for a corpse? The Necromancer is not an alarm clock.I have an expensive perfume. Girls are not insects. They are attracted by your naive generosity.Looked contemptuously from the bottom up, wait, looked three more times from the bottom up, ah, your eyes hurt, everyone go.The pressure rises on the elevator.You're in a big family, you're trying to pretend to be asleep, deaf, blind, dumb, dumb, dead.PoetryYour passion melts metal, the eternal fire of love, my heart worships your beauty, the altar of eternal love, and the words are my gifts of my heart, its knocking produces melodies of passion, how rhythmically seduces every movement of the body you are like hot, you are like sweet, piquant, tea cha-cha, luxury masterpiece, extreme adrenaline of passion, the fire of love burns me.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsSincerity from the word sparks, so many sparks of insight, billions of stars come from the soul, The second is like a sword of fate, the nerves of the soul, like branches of time, merge with eternity, absorb emptiness, stages of deep inner death, living in different destinies, see the truth of each other, but they don’t understand it, the confusion of destinies can create unity in chaos itself, when people begin to feel, the biomechanics of consciousness, which has reflexes of awareness, a great culture like a fallen angel that has become pop culture, lonely people are strangers, cyclical egoism, immersion in meaninglessness, and silence fills the soul romance, sparks of hope like fireflies leading into the abyss of emptiness, selfishness is a masturbation of self-deception, an orgasm of illusions, loneliness makes invisible to the problems of this world, no one noticed that you were in the room, a ghost in the dimension of truth, A dream of inevitability, until death, synthetic lies , insomnia of immortality, all boundaries of states of mind are erased, a single vision of all visions of the world, you see and feel sew yourself, pencil (order) and eraser (chaos), reality (paper) choose the handcuffs of values ​​​​that will connect you with this world, skyscraper erection of the ego, we are ghosts in the world of egoists, in denial of reality, cognize emptiness, and other ways in distortion , in the depths of emptiness, insensitivity makes alive, so all the stupidity of the brain dies, a fish swimming in the void, losing everything, you are approaching eternity, maturity in infinity, immortal thinking, the brilliance and luxury of self-deception, we are part of the void, the nuclear threat set everyone on each other trunks, In the knowledge of eternity, we know ourselves, we are just a silhouette of emptiness, a tornado of thoughts, leads to the heights of mystery, thoughts like molecules open the portal of truth, we circle around ourselves and we are sick of ourselves, we are confused in ourselves, in desires that we do not need , gourmets who taste the taste of lies, the umbilical cord of illusions, porn addiction of hedonism, the earthly attraction of temptations, keeps the soul in nonsense, lenses of consciousness create a focus of truth, like a camera, re streams of thoughts, multifaceted painting of the perception of the world, unstable abstraction of self-interest, fiery plasma overflows of consciousness from one state of mind to another, creates oblivion of values, the infinity of the number of facets of the mind, this is a journey into eternity, The thorny path of inadequacy, nerves of reality and time, nerves of measurement, hoarding the wisdom of eternityAuthor: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Aphorismsthe best PR in the world, it's the deepest shock. Veins are like wires that feed on the information of other people's thoughts, stimulation of the nervous system makes us alive, we feel other people's thoughts, philosophy is cable television, birth in a multi-layered cocoon of awareness, each cocoon is a reality, more real, with each birth, neon temptations in the darkness of nonsense, voids of truth, death is the last birth, the world is like a vulnerable depression, the city is like inside a machine, the mechanism of the labyrinth of illusion, selfishness is the desire to get lost in carelessness, the dark dead light of indifference, ghosts connected to the wires, feed on fast food of illusions, undead indifference tries to feel, the shadow of eternity that hides from the truth, the fog of hallucinations where the rejected truth, the repository of all DNA of all forms of life from all over the universe, each DNA contains the philosophy of dimension and era, the evolution of the transformation of philosophy, which was driven by naivety and faith, the library of philosophical evolution, which transformed the anatomy , and this is a masterpiece of inevitability, dna fragment of chrono movie recordings, cameos from other people's films and series of fates, guests in ours. life, if lucky your life is a movie, if unlucky your life is a series, time is a psychiatric hospital, despair of inevitability, and only great sages use the time of the body correctly, they think about the soul all their lives, the body plunges into denial of reality, hype despair, the less time, the more humility, time teaches humility, benefit is the undertaker of mankind, open the soul, how to open the coffin in which you can lie down with your soulmate, I see banality in the crystal ball, self-interest is an unstable metaphor for false truth, it is very difficult for people to pretend to be people, the soul is a hologram of the matrix an interdimensional glitch of the matrix that created the cinema glitch of truth the soul is a retro recording of philosophical nostalgia, philosophical surprises, there is a poop or a bomb, without causal hatred of people this is a true attitude, chaos is a great manipulator of hype despair that balances in itself, secrecy is toned thinking , you see them, they don’t see you, not all seconds are illuminated by consciousness, important moments are hidden by your subconsciousness, a moment of feelings in the void, hidden in this day, the dawn illuminates a new chance, a new day, a cycle of thoughts like a dial, everything is on time, and it's too late, I repeated yesterday, I repeat tomorrow, in reincarnation, I don't care, I repeated now I repeat tomorrow I tell you it's importantAuthor: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsThe painting of illusions our values ​​are someone's imagination lost in infinity, a time loop of self-deception, your soul needs an operation to get you out of there, imitation makes you faceless, you graduated from life's brutal jokes, a fish swimming in the void of consciousness.jokesWhen you saw her, she salivated or shed a tear, both.All fucked up and bitten, the sex was a success.And how do you manage to wear a chastity belt, my peni plays prison blues on the harmonica, and howls at the moon, like a violent alcoholic in a monkey house.Your chastity belt with an electric shocker, he is in a straitjacket, and you need to charge it in the outlet along with the chastity belt, you can’t take it off, and sometimes this thing doesn’t work, and you fuck the outlet.You cheat on the exam, the fly is also a pocket.Harem of male masturbators.You're an endangered species of boobies.PoetryAll my consciousness is filled with you, you are my sex addiction, the dream of eternity, no happiness can replace you, neither time, nor dimension, nor the world, you are infinitely valuable, I automatically fall in love when I see you, it is very important for me to remember and enjoy every second with you, every second is priceless nostalgia, your beauty has a powerful influence on my heart, being with you is higher than bliss and pleasure is love, an infinitely tender feeling in which you dissolve in my love your spirit in the light of my love, I feel infinitely sincere feelings, juicy explosion of passion, my heart is in your power, you are my erogenous zone of lust of passion.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsThe trash of egoism in society is growing, robotic machine thinking of egoism, egoism is a cancer of society, puppets believe in illusion, pull the strings of profit, creative people do not sleep, their souls are awake, you are invisible in your country, walk the rope of thoughts where it will lead you own joke, paralyzed puppets gain, Empathy is all-seeing. Anger is not a toilet. Benefit as an unstable matter that does not have a permanent form in chaos. A thought can stretch into an eternity as it turns into a value. Questions give consciousness. Enlightenment is born from suffering is the strength of the spirit.Poems: Beautiful Kazakh womanDream of infinity, love nostalgia of eternity, I feel only your beauty, inspired by heavenly beauty, I look at you with appetite, your beauty kindles the flame of love devotion, a machine for excitement, round-the-clock observation and contemplation, idolization, around the beauty of pandemonium, a divine phenomenon, in the mind insights, hearts in heaven soaring, love oversaturation, overstrain between the legs, to be with you the desire for infinite happiness, be my sweetness, part, and grace. Instigator of passion, radiance of sensuality in the skin, sensual magnetism of passion, you are like sex from the notes of a saxophone, orgasmic delight, you are like an orgasm that can blow up the whole universe with the power of love, a rich palette of loving feelings, painting of passion, and epic romance, the world is perfect, because that it has you, an endless storm of passion, my eyes insatiably enjoy your beauty, a sweet buzz that causes a severe case of incurable love, every molecule of your body is a tidbit of a masterpiece. You are a mermaid in the ocean of male lust, there is nothing sweeter for my eyes, the prosaic aesthetics of beauty, I am your sex slave, I am your sex toy, love for you is an endless journey that pierces eternity, in unity with you, I don’t even have enough life to describe how much I love you, libido tsunami, testosterone avalanche, sex shock and shock of love for you, fiery hurricane of lust, sweetness of heaven, hot sweetness, sweet aftertaste of nostalgia, spicy cha-cha-cha, erotic goddess of my dreams, your dance can cause rain of sperm, I give you all the energy of love, an endless source of love is like an oasis in which you bathe, memory keeps only you, sweeter fruit like you cannot be found in paradise, groaning from catharsis and euphoria, my soul from the deepest delight flows tears of insight, until the depths of the soul, the energy of love goes into the depths of the subconscious, and flies out of the body in the form of awareness, attraction to you is an extra heavy earthly attraction. magnetic field to your body, the geometric perfection of a masterpiece, the perfect sculpture of genetics, the light of true beauty, a relic of the heart, priceless minutes of eternity with you, orgasmic moans of admiration, I have a daily overdose of love, you are the highest award of heaven, a piercing ray of love, through the heart, billions arguments to love you forever, out of time I keep devotion to you, subconsciously and unconsciously I will love you all my life, the groans of my soul will call you, infinitely beautiful, romantic eternity in thoughts of you, a priceless decoration of the world, reality and life, a special flowering of the soul from love for you, and all eternities can not repeat it, awaken the brutal hunger of passion, increase the gravity of passion, fabulous, erotic, extraterrestrial beauty, you are juicy sex, utopian exoticism of erotica in your body, you are my lust in youth, priceless value in old age, my mind heart and brain and penis under your control, when I see you automatically fall in love with you more and more That is, every time I see you, too divine beauty, quintillion percent of the beauty of the eyes, everything except you is insignificant, you are the meaning of eternity.jokesWhat a creative lie, damn you are a science fiction writer.Lip gloss on a male TV presenter. TV presenter: and this one, with raspberry flavor and vitamin C, is not too shiny? Make-up artist: No, it's okay.The guy says: repair, repair, oh, I'm a blonde in these matters.No guy, it's your wife who minced you.When you yawn for a long time and you can’t stop, you knock on the table, show indignation with your hands, show that you are eating, and you can’t stop, and you are scared and everything passes.The clitoris is an antenna for gain, men also have an antenna between their legs, her intuition does not work.I'm a master of magic and I'm a bachelor.Where's the dessert? You don't have a stomach, you have a filing cabinet.Girls... they have a bureaucratic heart.The stripper twerk in front of the woman's face. The woman says don't fart.Panoz, there's a hole in the airlock.Yes, I love fat women, I love to lie on the soft.The coccyx is like a usb, it connects to the port of the chair.The quarrel of the couple is an opera competition, a cry of anger, whoever took the note higher than he won, rupture of the larynx.Your brain either increases or decreases ... The brain breathes.Cum right on the face. Girl: what are you looking at. Guy: yes, a documentary.It's just wonderful (new word, compliment)The woman asks where the nearest store is, you answer that it is around the corner, she did not believe it and asked others where the store was. Why didn't she believe me? Is this a social survey? Do you know where the nearest store is now?This is not a girl's flirting, but a prelude to kleptomania.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

AphorismsYou need an ulcer in your memory to see the truth.jokesBBW sports running, when two sticks rub against each other, very quickly, you can start a fire, but the cave geyser (squirt) will put out the fire. You can smoke at the end.Where is my jacket, there is a portal to Narnia in the closet, and gnomes, elves, centaurs have dressed up.Shit of life, my most favorite muse.Girl: I haven't had sex in a long time. guy: so what. Girl: you will squeal like a slaughtered pig, it is useless to stop for yourself I do not answer, sing me an aria in falsetto. Don't call the cops, I cut the wires, I won't tell you which key is in my bra. When I'm done, you'll feel like you've been run over by a truck.How to lose weight? Just don't tell me about the bulldozer again. That you will look like the drawing of your dreams.A lonely girl with a glass of wine and a book about a love affair, by the fireplace with a blanket, after a couple of hours all the cosmetics flowed down her face, the book burns in the fireplace, she is all drunk and wrapped herself in a blanket like a shawarma.She is beautiful, I have hearts above my head, no more spermatozoa, they play Russian roulette who will fly out of the gun first. Like electrodes that fly around the atom of the egg. Yes, I understood.The sex was great, girl: your penis seems dead and happy, like a dog with his tongue hanging out, like a sleeping angel, and no defibrillator will revive him, well, there is a shocker.Oh look mistletoe, it’s customary to kiss under it, so you say the hostess hasn’t had sex for a long time, there’s mistletoe everywhere, all over the ceiling, all over the ceilings, oh hell, the door is locked and the windows too, I hear heavy steps.These are the highest technologies of the future of Kazakhstan, you are talking about these stationery, but it is we who will survive the end of the world.Geek sex, my starship is ready to invade, your combat space blaster is loaded, one hundred percent charged baby, you see what a big adapter under the blaster. Girl: oh what a powerful power bank. The combat beam is ready for battle, open the gateway. Girl: yes captain. One continuous usb connection (sex) later. Oh captain, that was action, and the second series will be, the whole season is waiting for you.Turn on the wi-fi in your head why don't you understand me, my other head receives other signals.So much gel on your head, you look like a cast.Girl: I have freckles. Guy: rrr, you are so leopard.The whole body of a naked widow girl in the names of the former. The girl smiled: you're next.Why do you have a mousetrap written over your vagina. And you have nightclub written above your vagina. Because strict face control, and what are you, a cop.Hike to a prostitute, rent in the garage (vagina) is paid.I like being spanked. Fat girl says to the guy: stop spanking my belly.PoetryNot realistically sexy, they just don't exist. You went too far with your hypereroticism, being without you is sex torture, a teasing massage of temptations, you are an orgasmic massage of the genitals. I fell in love to the core. You are like an endless orgasm. Your beauty is a portal to the erotic dimension of passionate love.Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich