1. Deadly black humor of reality leads to a gene mutation of thinking. 2. 1. Inspiration is like a siren singing. 2. Golden petals of autumn as a dream of death, and golden nostalgia for the past life. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

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Biological infantilism atrophies in a person many useful qualities of survival due to egoism, the population of mankind will be significantly reduced. 2. Machine logic Outside, we look like people, but inside we are as if machines that created evolution itself. Machine mechanisms of thinking moving from one extreme to another. The logic is completely automatic. Inside, everything works very accurately for a normal person, if something breaks, this person is called a madman. This is the absolute power of logic over everything. Robotic consciousness in which everything seems exotic when it is not a profit, but romance. 3. The subconscious mind is capricious and therefore paradoxical, it does not listen to the wisdom of the universe. 4. All reflexes of thinking are just gears twisted by the experience of life. 5. The main geography of the organism The basic geography of an organism is entirely based on the life experience of evolution. Constantly corrected by selfishness that will disrupt the basic ecosystem of thinking and human health. 6. Fear is the basis of all desires. 7. Cosmetics, clothing shopping and plastic surgery are pain relievers for your ego, dear ladies, but not medicine. 8. We all admire geniuses. Before the talents. This is totemism. This is paganism where every genius, as a god, is responsible for his ability. We have become pagans of media mythology. 9. Sleep is self-criticism and self-irony. 10. Loneliness is when all the threads connecting with communication break and you stop being a puppet. 11. You will become more successful when all your stupid desires die out. 12. Successful people are obsessed with the idea that they are always late. 13. A rich man thinks like a sultan. More secret wives, more mistresses, more prostitutes, he is not a prince, he just bought you like a barbie at a sex toy store. 14. The world is a masterpiece of adaptation and there is an endless space around us, but nature is our space. 15. Immortality which will give you to find the secrets of being. All the secrets of awareness will be revealed by eternity. 16. Thinking constantly mutates, instincts and reflexes acquire new qualities of ability, philosophy acquires new armor, and thinking new claws in the process of adaptation. 17. Insomnia is the epicenter of loneliness, a painful point of inevitability. Reality in the city Reality in the city is a reality that is constantly being corrected by opinions and own thoughts. True Reality is nature and love in which money and character do not interfere, there is the truth of universal happiness. You need to grow up to this truth. 2. In any dispute there are fragile places, the main thing is to break all the necessary joints, these are the weak points of a person, that is, his personal sins of selfishness. 3. How does the inner world of a person look like? For someone it consists of egoism, and for someone of selfless deep philosophy. 4. The inner world reflects our essence, our philosophical reasoning. The world passing through the prism of its own logic, passes through our hands, the world of people is endlessly abundant. 5. We forget that no matter how high our intelligence is, we are at the mercy of universal laws. 6. The one who helps the neighbor, thereby helps the descendants. 7. Due to selfishness, our ideal world is still only in our imagination. 8. We are part of the universe, her energy, her philosophy. Many worlds can be hidden in us. Civilizations in our thinking. They say that our world is abundant thanks to opinions. If you feel lonely then you need a bigger bed. There is no feeling of loneliness - it's just a fear of the future and laziness. 2. The higher the intelligence, the less craving for sex and fears. 3. Logic is the pixels of reality. They are getting smaller and smaller. 4. Look at this old residential building. The basis of life is economics and marketing as at the base of a building. Maybe the human universe has turned into this. Morality is rotten and only greed remains. 5. Inevitability shapes us, or we shape inevitability. 6. Alone, we feel cold and dead like ice. We hardly feel suffering because insensibility dulls the pain of despair. Insensibility is the worst pain in the world. Feel dead from loneliness. 7. The coldness of loneliness burns with insensibility and endless emptiness. 8. The coldness of unfeeling loneliness causes rejection, but at the same time the attraction to warm from loneliness with the warmth of sympathy. 9. Through fire, man communicates with nature with the spirits of ancestors who are the basis of culture and nature. This forms the full value of being, life experiences are combined into a single chain of meaning. 10. it is not just communication with nature, it is communication with true reality and the universe itself. City life is a fictional reality of marketing. 11. Time shapes goals and life path is most often formed from inevitability and chance. 12. We move in the void of nonsense. In a fog of illusion. And only time directs us it sober us up from nonsense. Our reality is getting funnier and funnier, comical nightmare of black humor, and funny and scary, shock humor. The comical, dreamlike paradoxes of egoism are becoming more and more. 2. Stubbornness is the cartoonish thinking that anything is possible. This is the inexhaustible energy of success. 3. Open in yourself the philosophy of love without self-interest and selfishness, and you will become much happier and more joyful. Let your heart become a philosopher of selfless love. 4. Alone, you will grow old mind faster. Like a fish in the depths of the endless emptiness of nonsense. 5. The great matrix of loneliness, where money rules, there will always be formal loneliness, robotic consciousness. 6. Music is a lullaby of consciousness, we are moving towards death by dancing. Depression from loneliness there is something lulling and comforting in her in the feeling of romance, in the emptiness of feelings. Reality seems endless. 2. Depression is a cocoon of rebirth. You become a person super deep and not of the world of everything. 3. I understand it is not easy to fall in love again, you need to delve into the new plot of a love series, and all series end the same way, or degrade, or funding for the continuation of the story ends. 4. Loneliness is hormones in your pants. 5. Depression is a hang-glider, you run in despair from loneliness and take off and you see how beautiful romantic depression is, there is something warm and tender in it - this is the greatness of life. 6. Demand to sue the one who wrote the script of your life. 7. Love is nonconformity in the world of economics. 8. Economics sets trends in philosophy, although it is extremely unstable due to inflation. 9. Interaction of inertia in engineering thinking, will overcome all frontiers of success. 10. Roads of the city - this is the nervous system of impulses point, and to point b, or the circulatory system. Which is increasingly experiencing the paralysis of egoism in evolutionary thinking. Love for money Modern love for money. If you have no money or little money for a girl. Neither the size of the penis, nor the size of the muscles, nor the size of the intellect, nor even your humor will save you. She will just start to sober up from your charm and charm that you are just a loser. If you are loved only because of money, then you are out of luck with your face. 2. Lying is the daughter of greed The evolutionary ladder of lies, lies - this is a jetpack in the ladder of social status, and people seem so small it gives rise to misanthropy and sociopathy. Honest people are homeless people or corpses. In the evolution of monopoly by self-interest and profit, only the manipulative lies of populism and marketing, the acting of hypocritical greed, are being improved. Lying is the daughter of greed. Lies turn us into atheists, immerse in skepticism all the brightest and most beautiful. 3.subconscious and love Libido confuses us, while the subconscious forms platonic love that affects intuition. Subconsciously, we had to come to our soul mate, if it is in the brain program. The subconscious is a life scenario programmed by the influence of karma. 4. Revenge is a gift from karma Revenge is a gift from karma so that you cannot get out of the hands of karma, its vicious circle. This is an eloquent self-irony in which it is shown that you are no better than the enemy. 5. Poetry is very beautiful porn. 6. In poetry, testosterone is the brush of catharsis, and libido is the ink of inspiration. 7. Humor is angry honesty, like an eruption of truth, a volcano on which it is written: enough. 8. Kazakh Woman Powerful libido generator You excite the imagination, you are a whole inner world. You boil my hormones in my pants. The whole body is like a continuous powerful erection. Powerful libido generator. You are mania and filia and fetish. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

bodybuilding motivation 1. I tear something more, I tear something more. Listen man put up a poster of a pretty girl in a bikini on the beach. And on a stationary bike or on a treadmill. Go, run, go to meet her. Know that if you do not give up, you will definitely come to your dream. 2. Build muscle and earn money. Become a muscular rich man, and you will no longer need to meet girls. Because money and muscles will do everything for you. 3. Girls and women love muscles to such an extent. That they themselves begin to pump them for themselves. 4. Pump up your sexuality. 5. 1. Think of the gym as a fun amusement park. 2. Pumping muscles, look at this scale. This is a green bar of enthusiasm, and at the end of it is a dark orange overtraining bar, after that a red bar of stagnation. The main thing is not to cross the territory of enthusiasm. 6. Take a look at this dumbbell rack, from smallest to largest. It is the hierarchy of strength that makes a person strong, the ever-increasing thirst for desire and uncontrollable desire. Do not overestimate yourself, for the body will severely punish you for frivolity. Go through all the stages of bodybuilding in an honest way. The first step is knowledge about bodybuilding. The second step is trainers. The third step is dumbbells, barbells and machines. 7. When pumping muscles, repeat like a mantra: shorts, T-shirts, girls. 8. Swing to make it pleasant to look in the mirror. 9. Swing to live without fear. 10. If you came to the gym just to pump up, then you came to waste time and money. If you came to the gym to train, then you came here to grow, to really grow. 11. Bodybuilding is the only cure for many problems and diseases. 12. Large muscles tightly close the mouths of onlookers. 1. A winged back will outshine the sun. 2. The chest will have buffers, the masters will envy. 3 and 4. At the legs, that is, at the quadriceps and biceps of the thighs: combat capability, by stamping your foot, you can break the ground, as well as hitting the ground with your hands, a piece of earth will fly up into the sky and you can kick it like a ball. And do not forget to rock your ass, the female gaze will be glad, so much they want to play bongo solos on them, he will be honored with his well-deserved throne, and there will be no split in relations with the girls, all this is not needed for fun, honestly there is nothing here cola. 5. Deltas will be like shells, they will be like a lion's mane with trapezoids. 6. Biceps are like huge globes. 7. And triceps will not be ashamed to show, and give a powerful blow. 8. Forearms will give an iron grip, you will tear evil like paper, thereby giving the way to goodness, your ears will hear praise for courage to recognize, because you yourself know that nobility is to everyone’s liking, they do not like to endure poison. 9. Caviar will be like hearts. 10. The press, like a magnet for women, tells you so: pump your abdominal muscles diligently, and eat what you want without shame and embarrassment, you will only receive joy and admiration in return. If you don't get strong, you'll be sexy macho for sure. Remember that we are men better than women, ladies only have developed breasts and butts, you look at them with a weak spirit and body, and they seem to say in response: look, look, no ladies, no ladies. And we have so many charms to attract the female sex, go for it while you are young, your muscles, like knightly armor of nobility, will stand up for you like a mountain. 13. Pump the press: there will be sex. Triceps Pump: Your mutant triceps will mesmerize girls whenever you move your arm. Swing to such an extent that the girls would like to hug you and kiss you. 14. You hear how girls and women squeal with delight in this room where bodybuilders pose. Yes, you hear the piercing sound of a true, sincere attitude towards precisely this type of men. Strive for it. 15. Grow bait for women. When you pump muscles, repeat to yourself: we grow charms. 16. Bodybuilding starts with favorite muscles, and favorite exercises. 17. The only thing that a girl does not need to download is: breasts and ass. Since just the same, all the fat and mass should be collected there. Having gained the necessary mass in these places, it is worth doing a little pumping to create elasticity. 18. At the beginning of women's fitness and bodybuilding, you should never pump your chest and avoid those exercises that strongly pump up the buttocks. As the chest shrinks and turns into a torso and buttocks shrink and turn into stone. It is better to devote more time to the quadriceps and hamstrings and the press. Because it requires a lot of calories. And the fat will look for a new place where the muscles do not pump. That is, in the chest and buttocks. As soon as there is enough mass for you, dear ladies in these areas. You can safely do special exercises for these two muscles, that is, the chest and buttocks, and they will acquire a voluminous, attractive shape. Exercises to create volume and elasticity, no more. female bodybuilding At the beginning of female fitness and bodybuilding, you should never pump your chest and avoid those exercises from which the buttocks are strongly pumped up. Since the chest decreases and turns into a torso and buttocks, I reduce shrink and turn to stone. It is better to devote more time to the quadriceps and hamstrings and the press. Because it requires a lot of calories. And the fat will look for a new place where the muscles do not pump. That is, in the chest and buttocks. As soon as there is enough mass for you, dear ladies in these areas. You can safely do special exercises for these two muscles, that is, the chest and buttocks, and they will acquire a voluminous, attractive shape. Exercises to create volume and elasticity, no more. 1. Tip for bodybuilders, everyone is sure that during training everyone should be focused on training, but you feel your heart and breath tense up. But there is one secret from me while you are doing the exercise, put next to it a photo of what causes sympathy or tenderness in you, maybe this photo of your girlfriend can be a beautiful view of nature, at your discretion and you yourself will not notice how you will do more repetitions because you are looking at a photo or video and your brain is distracted, it seems to be off and you almost do not feel tired, just a slight burning sensation in the muscles. 2. Be a jock, make yourself a bubble body (bubble body), which was strong enough to cut the loot, 3. Success in bodybuilding is not a show-off, but a competent distribution of strength and energy. Constantly recharge at the gas station of motivation, fueled by desire. 4. Someone pumps muscles, and someone builds self-confidence and self-esteem. 5. Noble deeds are the bodybuilding of your soul, from excess weight due to selfishness. 6. Pumping muscles is like inflating a balloon in the shape of a muscular person, that is, yourself. On it you can fly far, far away from senseless violence. 7. Build muscle and everyone will want you. 8. When you pump the press. Shout to yourself: six pack, I'm coming to you. 9. Pump up your sexuality. 10. Girls and women love muscles to such an extent. That they themselves begin to pump them for themselves. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich