A debate actually is a policy issue but I will say this - gosh, if you guys ask one more mean question, I may have to leave the stage. Ted Cruz More Quotes by Ted Cruz More Quotes From Ted Cruz A brand new Telemundo poll says that three out of four Hispanics that vote nationwide have a negative opinion of Doanald Trump. They don't like you. Ted Cruz fourthreenegative We need leaders who will stand unapologetically in defense of marriage and life. Ted Cruz leaderlifeneeds I recognize that folks in the press love to see Republican-on-Republican violence, and so you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump, or bad about John McCain or bad about anyone else, i'm not going to do it. Ted Cruz violencewantlove Were it not for the transformative love of Jesus Christ, I would have been raised by a single mom without my father in the household, this is our fight, and that is why I'm running for president. Ted Cruz momrunninglove I promise you, Donald [Trump], there's nothing about you that makes anyone nervous. Ted Cruz i-promisenervouspromise Look, I think Hispanic community - the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith, family and patriotism. Ted Cruz patriotismcommunitythinking If standing for liberty and the Constitution makes you a Wacko Bird, then count me a proud Wacko Bird. Ted Cruz libertyproudbird I believe we should follow the text of every law, even (a) law I disagree with, it's one of the real differences -- if you look at President Obama and the lawlessness, if he disagrees with a law he simply refuses to follow it or claims the authority to unilaterally change. Ted Cruz realchangebelieve How do we get America back to work? President Obama thinks the answer is more and more government. Government is not the answer. You are not doing anyone a favor by creating dependency, destroying individual responsibility. Ted Cruz governmentresponsibilitythinking There is no doubt that if Donald [Trump] steamrolls through Super Tuesday, wins everywhere with big margins, that he may well be unstoppable. I don't think that will happen. Ted Cruz winningtuesdaythinking President Reagan stood for conservative principles in a way that brought people together. Ted Cruz presidenttogetherpeople I am perfectly happy to compromise whether it's with Democrats or anybody else, as long as we're reducing the size of government. Ted Cruz sizegovernmentlong Voters are hungry for principled, conservative fighters - because the threat to our liberties from Washington never has been greater. Ted Cruz votersconservativeliberty Enough of these little kitty cats we keep sending to Washington. David Dewhurst will compromise every day in the U.S. Senate... It's what he's done every day in state government. Ted Cruz catgovernmentlittles I don't think it's government's job to find health care for people. I think it's the individual's job to find health care. Ted Cruz governmentjobsthinking I don’t think I’m all that conservative. Ted Cruz conservativethinking Twenty years from now if there is some obscure trivial pursuits question, I am confident I will be the answer. Ted Cruz twentiesanswersyears About 65 percent of Republicans believe that Donald Trump is not the best candidate to go head to head with Hillary Clinton. Ted Cruz republicanclintonbelieve The authorizing committees are free to set their agency budgets, and that includes NASA. Ted Cruz nasacommitteesagency Under President (George W.) Bush, prosecution of gun crimes was 30 percent higher than it is under President Obama. Ted Cruz crimegunpresident