A man is hindered and distracted in proportion as he draws outward things to himself. Thomas a Kempis More Quotes by Thomas a Kempis More Quotes From Thomas a Kempis My child, it will be better for you if you accept my decisions without complaint. Do not ask me to defend my actions or to explain why one person is favored and another seems slighted. The answers to these questions go far beyond your comprehension. Thomas a Kempis decisionanswerschildren By two wings a man is lifted up from things earthly: by simplicity and purity. Thomas a Kempis wingsmentwo O how quickly passes away the glory of the earth. Thomas a Kempis gloryearthpassing-away No man is safe above but he that will gladly be beneath. Thomas a Kempis safemen Whoever strives to withdraw from obedience, withdraws from grace. Thomas a Kempis striveobediencegrace Set me free from evil passions, and heal my heart of all inordinate affections; that being inwardly cured and thoroughly cleansed, I may be made fit to love, courageous to suffer, steady to persevere. Thomas a Kempis passionfreedomlove No one can obtain from the Pope a dispensation for never dying. Thomas a Kempis papadyingdeath Intelligence must follow faith, never precede it, and never destroy it. Thomas a Kempis intelligencethinking Our own opinion of ourselves should be lower than that formed by others, for we have a better chance at our imperfections. Thomas a Kempis imperfectionopinionchance No one is qualified to converse in public except those contented to do without such conversation. Thomas a Kempis conversesqualifiedconversation It carries a burden which is no burden; it will not be kept back by anything low and mean; it desires to be free from all wordly affections, and not to be entangled by any outward prosperity, or by any adversity subdued. Thomas a Kempis adversitylove-ismean No confict is so severe as his who labors to subdue himself. Thomas a Kempis severeself-controllabor The Lord has many lovers of His crown but few lovers of His Cross. Thomas a Kempis crownsloverslord Trust not to friends and kindred, neither do thou put off the care of thy soul's welfare til hereafter; for men will sooner forget thee than thou art aware of. Thomas a Kempis scarymenart We feel and weigh soon enough what we suffer from others: but how much others suffer from us, of this we take no heed. Thomas a Kempis soon-enoughdiversityjustice He is truly great that is little in himself, and that maketh no account of any height of honors. Thomas a Kempis honorlittlescharacter Wherever you go, you will always bear yourself about with you, and so you will always find yourself. Thomas a Kempis finding-yourselfbears Leave off that excessive desire of knowing; therein is found much distraction. There are many things the knowledge of which is of little or no profit to the soul. Thomas a Kempis knowingsouldesire God is able to do more than man can understand. Thomas a Kempis ablegodmen God deceiveth thee not. Thomas a Kempis theegod