A man never so beautifully shows his own strength as when he respects a woman's softness. Douglas William Jerrold More Quotes by Douglas William Jerrold More Quotes From Douglas William Jerrold There is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body. Douglas William Jerrold men war peace God said, "Let us make man in our image." Man said, 'Let us make God in our image. Douglas William Jerrold god said men It takes all sorts of people to make a world. Douglas William Jerrold underworld people world Wit, like money, bears an extra value when rung down immediately it is wanted. Men pay severely who require credit. Douglas William Jerrold credit pay men Some of 'em [virtues] like extinct volcanoes, Douglas William Jerrold strong fire memories Virtue is a beautiful thing in woman when they don't go about with it like a child with a drum making all sorts of noise with it. Douglas William Jerrold noise beautiful children Women, somehow, have the same fear of witty men as of fireworks. Douglas William Jerrold fireworks witty men We are all slaves to the shining metal. Douglas William Jerrold slave money shining Fix yourself upon the wealthy. In a word, take this for a golden rule through life: Never, never have a friend that is poorer than yourself. Douglas William Jerrold golden-rule golden friendship O this itch of the ear, that breaks out at the tongue! Were not curiosity so over-busy, detraction would soon be starved to death. Douglas William Jerrold break-out curiosity ears Rogues are prone to find things before they are lost. Douglas William Jerrold rogues lost There are a good many pious people who are as careful of their religion as of their best service of china, only using it on holy occasions, for fear it should get chipped or flawed in working-day wear. Douglas William Jerrold good-man people religion Patience is the strongest of strong drinks; for it kills the giant despair. Douglas William Jerrold despair strong patience What women would do if they could not cry, nobody knows. What poor, defenceless creatures they would be! Douglas William Jerrold cry poor would-be Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. Douglas William Jerrold election-day vote voting The best thing I know between France and England is the sea. Douglas William Jerrold france-and-england best-things sea As for the brandy, "nothing extenuate"; and the water, put nought in in malice. Douglas William Jerrold brandy liquor water I never hear the rattling of dice that it does not sound to me like the funeral bell of the whole family. Douglas William Jerrold gambling funeral sound He who owns the soil, owns up to the sky. Douglas William Jerrold agriculture soil sky A conservative is a man who will not look at the new moon out of respect for that 'ancient institution' the old one. Douglas William Jerrold moon men looks