A novel is a printed circuit through which flows the force of a reader's own life. E. L. Doctorow More Quotes by E. L. Doctorow More Quotes From E. L. Doctorow To have the regard of one's peers is immensely moving. E. L. Doctorow immensely regard peers moving Here's how it goes: I'm up at the stroke of 10 or 10:30. I have breakfast and read the papers, and then it's lunchtime. Then maybe a little nap after lunch and out to the gym, and before I know it, it's time to have a drink. E. L. Doctorow gym lunch time breakfast My theory about why Hemingway killed himself is that he heard his own voice; that he reached the point where he couldn't write without feeling he was repeating himself. That's the worst thing that can happen to a writer. E. L. Doctorow own feeling worst voice Somewhere along the line the rhythms and tonalities of music elided in my brain with the sounds that words make and the rhythm that sentences have. E. L. Doctorow somewhere words music brain Books are acts of composition: you compose them. You make music: the music is called fiction. E. L. Doctorow books you music fiction People come out of the mid-west and go to the Ivy League. I kind of reversed the direction. E. L. Doctorow direction come go people There are two books that impressed me when I was very young. One was 'The Adventures of Augie March' - the idea of having something so generous, and so adventurous and improvisatory. The other was 'The U.S.A. Trilogy,' by John Dos Passos. E. L. Doctorow something me young two I started on computers with 'Billy Bathgate,' a little orange screen with black letters. I thought it was really cool, but it actually slowed me up for a while because it's so easy to revise, I tended to stay on the same page. I've learned to discipline myself. E. L. Doctorow myself cool me black