A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts. Joshua Reynolds More Quotes by Joshua Reynolds More Quotes From Joshua Reynolds Reform is a work of time; a national taste, however wrong it may be, cannot be totally changed at once. Joshua Reynolds reform taste may Those who, either from their own engagements and hurry of business, or from indolence, or from conceit and vanity, have neglected looking out of themselves, as far as my experience and observation reach, have from that time not only ceased to advance, and improve in their performances, but have gone backward. They may be compared to men who have lived upon their principal, till they are reduced to beggary, and left without resources. Joshua Reynolds vanity gone men From a slight, undetermined drawing, where the ideas of the composition and character are just touched upon, the imagination supplies more than the painter himself, probably, could produce. And we accordingly often find that the finished work disappoints the expectation that was raised from the sketch. Joshua Reynolds drawing character ideas Let me recommend to you not to have too great dependence on your practice or memory, however strong those impressions may have been which are there deposited. They are forever wearing out, and will be at least obliterated, unless they are continually refreshed and repaired. Joshua Reynolds strong practice memories The painter of genius will not waste a moment upon those smaller objects which only serve to catch the sense, to divide the attention, and to counteract his great design of speaking to the heart. Joshua Reynolds design heart attention By close inspection... you will discover the manner of handling the artifices of contrast, glazing, and other expedients, by which good colorists have raised the value of their tints, and by which nature has been so happily imitated. Joshua Reynolds imitation inspection raised It is impossible that anything will be well understood or well done that is taken into a reluctant understanding, and executed with a servile hand. Joshua Reynolds understanding taken hands No art can be grafted with success on another art. For though they all profess the same origin, and to proceed from the same stock, yet each has its own peculiar modes both of imitating nature and of deviating from it... The deviation, more especially, will not bear transplantation to another soil. Joshua Reynolds copying peculiar art The great use of copying, if it be at all useful, should seem to be in learning color; yet even coloring will never be perfectly attained by servilely copying the model before you. Joshua Reynolds copying color use A passion for his art, and an eager desire to excel, will more than supply an artist with the place of method. Joshua Reynolds passion desire art I can recommend nothing better... than that you endeavor to infuse into your works what you learn from the contemplation of the works of others. Joshua Reynolds contemplation endeavor i-can The spectator, as he walks the gallery, will stop, or pass along. To give a general air of grandeur at first view, all trifling, or artful play of little lights, or an attention to a variety of tints is to be avoided; a quietness and simplicity must reign over the whole work, to which a breadth of uniform and simple color will very much contribute. Joshua Reynolds light simple air One inconvenience... may attend bold and arduous attempts: frequent failure may discourage. This evil, however, is not more pernicious than the slow proficiency which is the natural consequence of too easy tasks. Joshua Reynolds tasks ambition evil However minutely labored the picture may be in the detail, the whole will have a false and even an unfinished appearance, at whatever distance, or in whatever light it can be shown. Joshua Reynolds finishing distance light Perhaps blue, red, and yellow strike the mind more forcibly from there not being any great union between them, as martial music, which is intended to rouse the nobler passions. Joshua Reynolds passion blue yellow I am convinced that this is the only means of advancing science, of clearing the mind from a confused heap of contradictory observations, that do but perplex and puzzle the Student, when he compares them, or misguide him if he gives himself up to their authority; but bringing them under one general head, can alone give rest and satisfaction to an inquisitive mind. Joshua Reynolds confused science mean Poetry operates by raising our curiosity, engaging the mind by degrees to take an interest in the event, keeping that event suspended, and surprising at last with an unexpected catastrophe. The painter's art is more confined, and has nothing that corresponds with, or perhaps is equivalent to, this power and advantage of leading the mind on, till attention is totally engaged. What is done by Painting, must be done at one blow; curiosity has received at once all the satisfaction it can ever have. Joshua Reynolds curiosity blow art The excellence of every art, must consist in the complete accomplishment of its purpose Joshua Reynolds accomplishment excellence art If deceiving the eye were the only business of the art... the minute painter would be more apt to succeed. But it is not the eye, it is the mind which the painter of genius desires to address. Joshua Reynolds deception eye art Raphael and Titian seem to have looked at Nature for different purposes; they both had the power of extending their view to the whole; but one looked only for the general effect as produced by form, the other as produced by colour. Joshua Reynolds different purpose views