All I asked was that I be spared surprises, although, in this world of six billion souls, all acting with free will and too many with audacity, surprises are inevitable, too few of them are the kind that make you smile and that lift your heart. Dean Koontz More Quotes by Dean Koontz More Quotes From Dean Koontz I've got evil in me as much as anyone, some desires that scare me. Even if I don't give in to them, just having them scares the living bejesus out of me sometimes. I'm no saint, the way you kid about. But I've always walked the line, walked that goddamned line. It's a mean mother of a line, straight and narrow, sharp as a razor, cuts right into you when you walk it long enough. You're always bleeding on that line, and sometimes you wonder why you don't just step off and walk in the cool grass. Dean Koontz mothermeankids With blue vinyl-tile floor, pale-green wainscoating, pink walls, a yellow ceiling, and orange-and-white stork-patterned drapes, the expectant fathers' lounge churned with the negative energy of color overload. It would have served well as the nervous-making set for a nightmare about a children's-show host who led a secret life as an ax murderer. The chain-smoking clown didn't improve the ambience. Dean Koontz wallfatherchildren Some argued that the youth of today were poorly educated and insufficiently industrious, but one of them had sought to validate his generation by spending considerable time and effort chiseling an obscene word in the concrete picnic table, and he had spelled it correctly. Dean Koontz youth-of-todaygenerationseffort a scene from the swamps of Louisiana or the mind of Poe on opium. Dean Koontz swampslouisianamind here in the summer desert, winter found my blood Dean Koontz summerwinterblood Don't tell me what's necessary, you presumptupus pup. What's necessary is whatever I wish to do, regardless of how unnecessary it might be. Dean Koontz pupswishmight We are not strangers to ourselves, we only try to be. Dean Koontz strangertrying We wasn't born to be all the time scared, we was born happy. Dean Koontz scaredborn If she possessed any memory whatsoever of the days when she'd been whole, her shattered recollections were scattered across the darkscape of her mind in fragments so minuscule that she could no more easily piece them together than she could gather from the beach all the tiny chips of broken seashells, worn to polished flakes by ages of relentless tides, and reassemble them into their original architectures. Dean Koontz brokenmemoriesbeach Maybe there's nothing impossible tonight. We're down the hole to Wonderland, and no White Rabbit to guide us." If I remember correctly, the White Rabbit was an unreliable guide, anyway. Dean Koontz wonderlandwhiterabbits Rub-a-dub-dub. Cerebrum in a tub. Dean Koontz tubs The desire to write well can never be fulfilled without hard work. Dean Koontz hard-workdesirewriting The hard rain nailed the night to the city. Dean Koontz citiesrainnight At the core of every ordered system, whether a family or a factory, is chaos. But in the whirl of every chaos lies a strange order, waiting to be found. Dean Koontz waitingorderlying Southerners have many fine qualities, charm and civility among them, and a sense of the tragic. Dean Koontz civilitycharmquality I have learned a great deal from novels. Some of it is even true. Dean Koontz i-have-learneddealsnovel There are days when it seems to me that in literature the most convincing depiction of the world in which we live is to be found in the phantasmagorical kingdom through which Lewis Carroll took Alice on a tour. Dean Koontz literaturekingdomsworld Unreason is an essential medicine as long as you do not overdose. Dean Koontz medicineessentialslong If God is an author and the universe is the biggest novel ever written, I may feel as if I'm the lead character in the story, but like every man and woman on Earth, I am a suporting player in one of billions of subplots. You know what happens to supporting players. Too often they are killed off in chapter 3, or in chapter 10, or in chapter 35. A supporting player always has to be looking over his shoulder. Dean Koontz playercharactermen Life's mysterious, strange, and full of wonders - and only a fool withdraws from it willingly and lets it pass him by. Dean Koontz mysteriousfoolstrange