All wisdom ends in paradox. Jeffrey Eugenides More Quotes by Jeffrey Eugenides More Quotes From Jeffrey Eugenides If you talk to geneticists they are constantly finding that your genes are being switched on and off because of the environment. Genes alone do not determine an exact path in your life. Jeffrey Eugenides genesenvironmentpath The daily act of writing remains as demanding and maddening as it was before, and the pleasure you get from writing - rare but profound - remains at the true heart of the enterprise. On their best days, writers all over the world are winning Pulitzers, all alone in their studios, with no one watching. Jeffrey Eugenides winningheartwriting Jacques Derrida is a very important thinker and philosopher who has made serious contributions to both philosophy and literary criticism. Roland Barthes is the one I feel most affinity for, and Michel Foucault, well, his writing influenced my novel, 'Middlesex.' Jeffrey Eugenides criticismwritingphilosophy Bubble gum angels swooped from top margins or scraped their wings between teeming paragraphs, maidens with golden hair dripped sea blue tears into the books spine, grape-colored whales spouted blood around a newspaper item (pasted in) listing arrivals to the endangered spieces list. Six hatchlings cried from shattered shells near an entry made on Easter. Cecilia had filled the pages with a profusion of colors and curlicues, candyland ladders and striped shamrocks. Jeffrey Eugenides easterangelbook We felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy, and how you ended up knowing which colors went together. We knew that the girls were our twins, that we all existed in space like animals with identical skins, and that they knew everything about us though we couldn’t fathom them at all. We knew, finally, that the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them. Jeffrey Eugenides girlanimaljobs It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls, but only that we had loved them, and that they hadn't heard us calling, still do not hear us, up here in the tree house with our thinning hair and soft bellies, calling them out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide, which is deeper than death, and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together. Jeffrey Eugenides girlsuicidehair But what humans forget, cells remember. The body, that elephant Jeffrey Eugenides elephantscellsbody A changeableness, too, as if beneath my visible face there was another, having second thoughts. Jeffrey Eugenides prosesecond-thoughtsfaces The Statue of Liberty's gender changed nothing. It was the same here as anywhere: men and their wars. Jeffrey Eugenides libertymenwar On the morning the last Lisbon daughter took her turn at suicide- it was Mary this time, and sleeping pills, like Therese- the two paramedics arrived at the house knowing exactly where the knife drawer was, and the gas oven, and the beam in the basement from which it was possible to tie a rope. Jeffrey Eugenides daughtersuicidemorning Dr. Armonson stitched up her wrist wounds. Withen 5 minutes of the transfusion he declared her out of danger. Chucking her under the chin, he said, "What are you doing here, honey? Your not even old enough to know how bad life gets." And it was then Cecelia gave orally what was to be her only form of suicide note, and a useless one at that, because she was going to live: "Obviously, Doctor," she said, "you've never been a 13 year old girl. Jeffrey Eugenides doctorsgirlsuicide We knew the pain of winter rushing up your skirt, and the ache of keeping your knees together in class, and how drab and infuriating it was to jump rope while the boys played baseball. We could never understand why the girls cared so much about being mature, or why they felt compelled to compliment each other. Jeffrey Eugenides paingirlbaseball We listened to them, but it was clear they'd received too much therapy to know the truth. Jeffrey Eugenides therapycleartoo-much no reason to mention my peculiarities, my wandering in the maze these many years, shut away from sight. and from love, too. Jeffrey Eugenides mazessightyears In the end, the tortures tearing the Lisbon girls pointed to a simple reasoned refusal to accept the world as it was handed down to them, so full of flaws. Jeffrey Eugenides girlpyramidssimple Sourmelina's secret (as Aunt Zo put it): 'Lina was one of those women they named the island after. Jeffrey Eugenides auntsecretislands Emotions, in my experience, aren't covered by single words. I don't believe in "sadness", "joy", or "regret". Maybe the best proof that the language is patriarchal is that is oversimplifies feeling. I'd like to have at my disposal complicated hybrid emotions. Jeffrey Eugenides sadnessregretbelieve The window was still open.†Mr Lisbon said. “I don’t think we’d ever remembered to shut it. It was all clear to me. I knew I had to close it or else she’d go on jumping out of it forever Jeffrey Eugenides self-harmsuicidethinking Their desire was silent yet magnificent, like a thousand daisies attuning their faces toward the path of the sun. Jeffrey Eugenides pathfacesdesire Normality wasn't normal. It couldn't be. If normality were normal, everybody could leave it alone. They could sit back and let normality manifest itself. Jeffrey Eugenides manifestnormalifs