Aloneness is a wise teacher. Kierkegaard remarked that one sign of spiritual maturity was the ability to be comfortable when alone. Vernon Howard More Quotes by Vernon Howard More Quotes From Vernon Howard You can end half your troubles immediately by no longer permitting people to tell you what you want. Vernon Howard half want people Change is never a loss - it is change only. Vernon Howard change loss attitude When the mind is exhausted in trying to find the answer, the answer dawns. Vernon Howard dawn mind trying A person obsessed with the need to be happy will never be so. The obsession is the obstruction. Vernon Howard obsessed obsession needs Just as surely as distress must follow self-deceit, healing must follow self-honesty. Vernon Howard honesty self healing Society is like a crowd in carnival costumes with everyone fearful that others will see through his disguise. Vernon Howard carnivals costumes crowds A perfect method for awakening is to examine the results of our daily actions. If they are harmful, we know we need more consciousness. Vernon Howard awakening perfect needs It is utterly useless to try to change the outer world, for it is but a reflection of inner causes. The true seeker seeks to change himself. Vernon Howard useless reflection trying It is against the law to permit weak people to steal your strength. Never permit it. Vernon Howard law inspirational people Men have the illusion of having a duty to make the world spin properly, which is precisely what makes it wobble. Vernon Howard illusion men world Self awakening enables you to see the human scene as it is, not as it appears to be, which frees you of its chaos. Vernon Howard chaos awakening self Mysticism is not this or that particular cup on the table; it is the water poured into all of them. Vernon Howard cups tables water All forms of self-defeating behavior are unseen and unconscious, which is why their existence is denied. Vernon Howard unseen weakness self Don't try to live. Let yourself be lived. Vernon Howard trying We can no more enjoy life by hoping for a future result than we can enjoy music by waiting for the final note. Vernon Howard enjoy-life finals waiting How would you feel if you had no fear? Feel like that. How would you behave toward other people if you realized their powerlessness to hurt you? Behave like that. How would your react to so-called misfortune if you saw its inability to bother you? React like that. How would you think toward yourself if you knew you were really all right? Think like that. Vernon Howard hurt fear inspirational Everyone must concede that there is in existence something wiser than himself. Now there is a challenge, there is a challenge which few even investigate. We're going to do that now. Let's see what we're talking about. All troubled people, which is all people, must if they are going to be delivered from themselves, must make the concession that there is a force, an entity, a power that is higher than their own present nature. Vernon Howard challenges talking people Self-knowledge is the great power by which we comprehend and control our lives Vernon Howard self-knowledge great-power self The most marvelous experience of life is to transform life according to reality, not imagination. Vernon Howard imagination life-is reality There is no way reality can be prevented from flowing the way it Vernon Howard self reality needs