An Englishman does not joke about such an important matter as a bet. Jules Verne More Quotes by Jules Verne More Quotes From Jules Verne It swam crossways in the direction of the Nautilus with great speed, watching us with its enormous staring green eyes. Its eight arms, or rather feet, fixed to its head, that have given the name of cephalopod to these animals, were twice as long as its body, and were twisted like the furies' hair. Jules Verne eighteyeanimal What use are the best of arguments when they can be destroyed by force? Jules Verne argumentforceuse With its untold depths, couldn't the sea keep alive such huge specimens of life from another age, this sea that never changes while the land masses undergo almost continuous alteration? Couldn't the heart of the ocean hide the last–remaining varieties of these titanic species, for whom years are centuries and centuries millennia? Jules Verne oceanheartyears Scent is the soul of flowers, and sea flowers, as splendid as they may be, have no soul! Jules Verne flowersoulsea From the moment they had left the Earth, their own weight, and that of the Projectile and the objects therein contained, had been undergoing a progressive diminution. . . . Of course, it is quite clear, that this decrease could not be indicated by an ordinary scales, as the weight to balance the object would have lost precisely as much as the object itself. But a spring balance, for instance, in which the tension of the coil is independent of attraction, would have readily given the exact equivalent of the loss. Jules Verne futureindependentspring The distance between the earth and her satellite is a mere trifle, and undeserving of serious consideration. I am convinced that before twenty years are over one-half of our earth will have paid a visit to the moon. Jules Verne futuredistancemoon No sooner is the rage of hunger appeased than it becomes difficult to comprehend the meaning of starvation. It is only when you suffer that you really understand. Jules Verne hungercompassionsuffering He was the most deliberate person in the world, yet always reached his destination at the exact moment. As for Phileas Fogg, it seemed just as if the typhoon were a part of his programme. Around the world in eighty days Jules Verne destinationmomentsworld The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatural beings. And the sea is precisely their best vehicle, the only medium through which these giants (against which terrestrial animals, such as elephants or rhinoceroses, are as nothing) can be produced or developed Jules Verne elephantsseaanimal What you do for money you do badly. Jules Verne It is certain," exclaimed my uncle in a tone of triumph. "But silence, do you hear me? silence upon the whole subject; and let no one get before us in this design of discovering the centre of the earth. Jules Verne unclesdesignsilence Ah!" I cried, springing up. "But no! no! My uncle shall never know it. He would insist upon doing it too. He would want to know all about it. Ropes could not hold him, such a determined geologist as he is! He would start, he would, in spite of everything and everybody, and he would take me with him, and we should never get back. No, never! never!" My over-excitement was beyond all description. Jules Verne ropeuncleswant The colonists had no library at their disposal; but the engineer was a book which was always at hand, always open at the page which one wanted, a book which answered all their questions, and which they often consulted. Jules Verne librarybookhands Is the Master out of his mind?' she asked me. I nodded. 'And he's taking you with him?' I nodded again. 'Where?' she asked. I pointed towards the centre of the earth. 'Into the cellar?' exclaimed the old servant. 'No,' I said, 'farther down than that. Jules Verne mastersearthmind I have been, am, in his service; I have seen his generosity and goodness; and I will never betray him-not for all the gold in the world. I have come from a village where they don't eat that kind of bread. Jules Verne generositygoldworld Dinner was ready. Professor Lidenbrock did full justice to it, for his compulsory fast on board had turned his stomach into an unfathomable gulf. Jules Verne dinnerboardsjustice The moon, by her comparative proximity, and the constantly varying appearances produced by her several phases, has always occupied a considerable share of the attention of the inhabitants of the earth. Jules Verne phasesmoonattention It was obvious that the matter had to be settled, and evasions were distasteful to me. Jules Verne evasionobviousmatter It may be taken for granted that, rash as the Americans are, when they are prudent there is good reason for it. Jules Verne prudenttakenmay He who is mistaken in an action which he sincerely believes to be right may be an enemy, but retains our esteem. Jules Verne maybelieveenemy