Aren't you afraid?' 'Of what?' 'Of losing yourself.' 'That's what I'm hoping for. Maggie Stiefvater More Quotes by Maggie Stiefvater More Quotes From Maggie Stiefvater Oh, I'll buy fourteen dresses and build a road and name it after myself and try one of everything at Palsson's." Though I don't quite look up, I can still feel his gaze on me. It's a heavy thing, this look of his. He says," What's the real answer? Maggie Stiefvater real names trying Do you think I just turn my secrets out for everyone?" He is unfazed. "I didn't know they were secrets," he says. "Or I wouldn't have asked. Maggie Stiefvater turns secret thinking Sean settles swiftly behind me, and I'm startled by the sudden closeness of him, my back suddenly warm against his chest, the press of his hips on against me. i turn to ask him a question, and he jerks his face away from the proximity of mine. I say, "Oh. Sorry. Maggie Stiefvater hips sorry faces Sean takes my ponytail in his hand, his fingers touching my neck, and then he tucks my hair into my collar out of the reach of the wind. He avoids my gaze. Then he links his arm back around me and pushes his calf into Corr's side. Maggie Stiefvater hair wind hands It's a lovely answer and takes me entirely by surprise. I hadn't realized we were having a serious conversation, or I think I would've given a better reply when he asked me. Maggie Stiefvater lovely answers thinking My friend is having his period," I told the pizza guy, and handed him his tip. "He needs Britney and extra cheese to get him through it. I'm trying to be supportive. Maggie Stiefvater supportive guy trying I looked good when I sang the end. Maggie Stiefvater ends Why did everything feel like saying good-bye? Maggie Stiefvater good-bye saying-good-bye bye I hated it. I hated this. I hated feeling so terrible because of someone else. Maggie Stiefvater hated terrible feelings it's just another way to die Maggie Stiefvater another-way dies way sensitive," I tried. Sam translated, "squishy." "creative." "Dangerously Emo." "thoughtful." Feng shui. Maggie Stiefvater emo thoughtful creative Wow, you're never allowed to sleep late again. You're crankier than a fat guy in stilettos. Maggie Stiefvater wow guy sleep Sam?" Rachel asked. "Do you know you have the saddest sad face ever? Maggie Stiefvater saddest sad-face faces The Boy should watch where he’s going,” she said. “Rachel should not manifest in doorways,” I replied. Maggie Stiefvater doorways boys watches All of them are men, not a girl amongst them unless you count Tommy Falk because his lips are so pretty. Maggie Stiefvater lips girl men I try to think of something catchy to say, but there's nothing but irritation that something that was funny yo an eleven-year-old boy is still funny to a seventeen-year-old one. Maggie Stiefvater irritation boys thinking It's for personal reasons," I say stiffly, which is what my mother had always told me to say about things that had to do with fighting with your brothers, getting any sort of illness that had intestinal ramifications, starting your period, and money. Maggie Stiefvater fighting brother mother The piebald mare paws at the sand; I see her digging out of the corner of my eye and hear her grinding her teeth. That bridle's her curse, this island her prison. She still smells of rot. Maggie Stiefvater smell eye islands There are too many people on horseback today trying to prove themselves, trying to prepare, trying to get faster. They haven't discovered yet that it's not the fastest who make it to race day. You only have to be the fastest of those who are left. Maggie Stiefvater race trying people Okay, outside," the clerk said. "Conversation outside. Bye! Have a nice night! Maggie Stiefvater nice bye night