Baby Sussex magic ! Its really amazing. I have the two best guys in the world, so Im really happy, hes already got a bit of facial hair as well. Meghan Markle More Quotes by Meghan Markle More Quotes From Meghan Markle I never thought that this would be easy, but I thought it would be fair, and that is the part that is really hard to reconcile, when people are saying things that are just untrue and they have been told they are untrue, but they are allowed to still say them, I don't know anybody in the world that would feel like that is OK, and that is different from just scrutiny. Meghan Markle people I didn't know that she was nasty. I hope she is OK. ... Meghan Markle top-news I would like to see more honesty and introspection in journalists who have repeated some of these tropes about Meghan Markle, and a willingness to at least look at the fact that her treatment has been different. Meghan Markle top-news I'd seen this documentary on Netflix about feminism and one of the things they said during pregnancy was 'I feel the embryonic kicking of feminism,' i love that. So boy or girl or whatever it is, we hope that that's the case, with our little bump. Meghan Markle lifestyle Harry and I see the world so similarly in our approach of being very hands-on with things. Meghan Markle lifestyle I don't see it as giving anything up, I just see it as a change, it's a new chapter. Meghan Markle top-news Somewhere in here there’s a piece of, did you see it? The piece of blue fabric that’s stitched inside. It was my something blue, it’s fabric from the dress that I wore on our first date. Meghan Markle latest-headlines I immediately felt connected to this community kitchen; it is a place for women to laugh, grieve, cry and cook together. Melding cultural identities under a shared roof, it creates space to feel a sense of normalcy — in its simplest form, [it's about] the universal need to connect, nurture, and commune through food, through crisis or joy — something we can all relate to, through this charitable endeavor, the proceeds will allow the kitchen to thrive and keep the global spirit of community alive. Meghan Markle lifestyle I have no idea. But if he did, I am going to assume it was a pittance -- they don't pay that much, it really was so the world could see him doing the healthy things. Meghan Markle top-news Look at the publicity she has brought in run up to the wedding. I’d argue that’s worth every penny. Meghan Markle entertainment Our conversation was I was complaining about not liking Donald Trump, he said, ‘Give Donald Trump a chance.’ I sort of disagreed with that but I still like Harry. That was his politics, I had my politics. Meghan Markle latest-headlines I would hope not now, but at the time he might have been. Meghan Markle latest-headlines It was just a loose conversation. ... I think he was open to the experiment. Meghan Markle latest-headlines Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding, i have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health. I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you on Saturday. Meghan Markle entertainment Dominican Republic's not often that you see a prince get married, histria Soler was just Histria Soler. Meghan Markle top-news Come on, this has to change, we need a global understanding that we can not implement change effectively without women's political participation. Meghan Markle politics He's a feminist too. Meghan Markle politics As much as I love and respect Meg, she’s got security and a publicist and can be protected from all that, she and Harry can tell the media to stop. The rest of the family doesn’t have that luxury. I love her, [but] she may not want me saying anything. I refuse to be a victim of the media. I’m not going to let them disparage me, embarrass me personally and professionally and not defend myself…. I can only hope she would respect and understand that… In fact, if I were Meg, I would probably put something out there so that there was some sort of protective mechanism in place where the family couldn’t be tortured as much. Meghan Markle entertainment I’m OK. It will take a long time to heal. Staying in the hospital a few more days, not allowed to get excited. Meghan Markle latest-headlines I really think it stinks, i just still think you have to be there for your daughter. Just suck it up. Meghan Markle lifestyle