But evil is a cunning force. It can find the weakness in any man, even the bravest. [...] It only takes a single weak moment to let evil in. William Joyce More Quotes by William Joyce More Quotes From William Joyce To understand pretending is to conquer all barriers of time and space. William Joyce pretendingconquerspace The people of England will curse themselves for having preferred ruin from Churchill to peace from Hitler. William Joyce ruinsenglandpeople In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war [WW II], and I defy the powers of darkness which they represent. I am proud to die for my ideals, and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why. William Joyce sorrywarson But if you really love to write and you really love to tell stories and you really love to draw, you just have to keep doing it no matter what anybody says. William Joyce matterstorieswriting I don't regard Jews as a class. I regard them as a privileged misfortune. William Joyce regardjewclass Apart from my absolute belief in National Socialism and my conviction of Hitler's superhuman heroism, I had always been attracted to Germany. William Joyce germanyheroismbelief We know that England is crying for a leader, and that leader has emerged in the person of the greatest Englishman I have ever known, Sir Oswald Mosley... When the history of Europe comes to be written I can assure you that his name will not be second to either Mussolini or Hitler. William Joyce leadernameseurope I would gladly say 'Heil Hitler!' and at once part company with him, realizing what a pitiable insult it is to such a great man to try to flatter him with such an imitation which he has always disdained. His way is for Germany, ours is for Britain; let us tread our paths with mutual respect, which is rarely increased by borrowing. William Joyce germanytryingmen If war breaks out, I will fight for Hitler since such a war would be against Jewry. William Joyce fightingwould-bewar Germany calling! Germany Calling! William Joyce germanycalling Chuchill has renounced all British interests in Europe and those of his people who are not blind now realise that the pretext for this war was far removed from the cause of it, namely, the subservience of the so-called democratic politicians to their Jewish masters. William Joyce europewarpeople I say, Ich liebe Deutschland! Heil Hitler! and farewell. William Joyce farewell The possibilities were endless. Battles would be fought. Wonders revealed. Many journeys. Many lands. Many joys. Many sorrows. But stories all... William Joyce landjourneyjoy I have known lots of adults who enjoyed similar enthusiasms as a kid and weren't encouraged and then didn't go anywhere with it and so they're unhappy in their jobs as adults. William Joyce unhappyjobskids you know, a daydream properly utilized can be the most powerful force in the universe. One need only dream of freedom to begin to break the spell of enslavement. William Joyce powerfuldreamneeds I did not win and in fact I was called into the principal's office for a consultation with my parents. But that was the beginning of my literary career. William Joyce careersofficewinning If you really want to tell stories, do it and don't be dissuaded. William Joyce ifsstorieswant So if you're a robot and you're living on this planet, you can do things that you can't do in real life - things that you wished you could do: like fly; like have a car that flies; like have furniture that is alive. William Joyce robotscarreal I've always liked getting away with just a little bit of what you're not supposed to. Like my first book, Billy's Booger, got me in trouble with the principal's office. William Joyce officelittlesbook I like stirring things up. Im on the side of the kids more than I am on the adults. And occasionally I find some adults that have that same mischievous streak, so I dont get in too much trouble. William Joyce adultstoo-muchkids