But if you are able to produce firewood, a dining table or construction materials from sustainable sources, you're ... replacing CO2 intense products for better ones, if (wood) is extracted in a sustainable way then you can do it forever. Rene Castro-Salazar More Quotes by Rene Castro-Salazar More Quotes From Rene Castro-Salazar You can have the most beautiful shoes in the world but if you don't check and they are produced with forced or child labour then you're damaging the society and the people, you should be sure that the brand you're buying is behaving responsibly in terms of the social and labour conditions. Rene Castro-Salazar energy It might be counter-intuitive (to use wood) because if wood comes from illegal logging or irresponsible deforestation you will be damaging ecosystems and habitats, but if you are able to produce firewood, a dining table or construction materials from sustainable sources, you're ... replacing CO2 intense products for better ones. Rene Castro-Salazar energy