Calisto, a companion of Ignatius, and who on recovering from a severe illness had heard of the imprisonment of Ignatius, hastened from Segnovia, where he was staying, and came to Alcala, that he, too, might be cast into prison. Ignatius of Loyola More Quotes by Ignatius of Loyola More Quotes From Ignatius of Loyola Whatever you are doing, that which makes you feel the most alive...that is where God is. Ignatius of Loyola alive feels O my God, teach me to be generous Ignatius of Loyola cost fighting giving All the things in this world are gifts of God, created for us, to be the means by which we can come to know him better, love him more surely, and serve him more faithfully. Ignatius of Loyola gift-from-god mean world Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you. Ignatius of Loyola up-to-you care praying For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof is sufficient. Ignatius of Loyola sufficient proof believe If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He certainly intends to make you a saint. Ignatius of Loyola saint causes suffering Love ought to show itself in deeds more than in words. Ignatius of Loyola ought deeds shows He who carries God in his heart bears Heaven with him wherever he goes. Ignatius of Loyola bears heart heaven Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. All that I am and all that I possess You have given me. I surrender it all to You to be disposed of according to Your will. Give me only Your love and Your grace; with these I will be rich enough, and will desire nothing more. Ignatius of Loyola grace giving memories He who goes about to reform the world must begin with himself, or he loses his labor. Ignatius of Loyola reform labor world We must speak to God as a friend speaks to his friend, servant to his master; now asking some favor, now acknowledging our faults, and communicating to Him all that concerns us, our thoughts, our fears, our projects, our desires, and in all things seeking His counsel. Ignatius of Loyola prayer asking desire If God gives you an abundant harvest of trials, it is a sign of great holiness which He desires you to attain. Do you want to become a great saint? Ask God to send you many sufferings. The flame of Divine Love never rises higher than when fed with the wood of the Cross, which the infinite charity of the Savior used to finish His sacrifice. All the pleasures of the world are nothing compared with the sweetness found in the gall and vinegar offered to Jesus Christ. That is, hard and painful things endured for Jesus Christ and with Jesus Christ. Ignatius of Loyola sacrifice flames jesus To conquer himself is the greatest victory that man can gain. Ignatius of Loyola greatest-victory gains men It is not hard to obey when we love the one whom we obey. Ignatius of Loyola hard catholic saint Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy wounds hide me. Permit me not to be separated from Thee. From the wicked foe defend me. At the hour of my death call me. And bid me come to Thee. That with Thy saints I may praise Thee For ever and ever. Amen. Ignatius of Loyola passion blood jesus Teach us, Good Lord, to give and not count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do thy will. Ignatius of Loyola fighting knowing giving Let us work as if success depended upon ourselves alone, but with heartfelt conviction that we are doing nothing, and God everything. Ignatius of Loyola heartfelt doing-nothing action Occupy yourself in beholding and bewailing your own imperfections rather than contemplating the imperfections of others. Ignatius of Loyola occupy-yourself contemplating imperfection Truth always ends by victory; it is not unassailable, but invincible. Ignatius of Loyola invincible victory ends After you have made a decision that is pleasing to God, the Devil may try to make you have second thoughts. Intensify your prayer time, meditation, and good deeds. For if Satan's temptations merely cause you to increase your efforts to grow in holiness, he'll have an incentive to leave you alone. Ignatius of Loyola meditation decision prayer