Changing the legal standard creates a slippery slope...plural marriage. The court opened up a pandora's box by doing that. Rick Santorum More Quotes by Rick Santorum More Quotes From Rick Santorum Is it pejorative or not? I don't know, i try to call children 'children,' and not anything other than that. Rick Santorum politics We have to go through a process of enforcing our laws, it's going to certainly put a strain on some families, but they put themselves in that situation and they have to suffer the consequences. Rick Santorum politics I would urge Congress to change that. Rick Santorum politics I think the oil field idea is a bad idea, but his idea that the government of Iran and Iraq are in cahoots and working together and causing problems for the United States to be successful is absolutely true, in this case, the substance, I generally agree with Donald Trump. Rick Santorum politics I wrote the partial-birth abortion statute and if you listen to the tapes, and you look at what the procedures are, they are doing just that. Rick Santorum politics Planned Parenthood from its very beginning was founded by someone who believed it was a eugenesis. Rick Santorum politics I'm very familiar with the law, Chris, because I passed it, i wrote the partial-birth abortion statute and if you listen to the tapes, and you look at what the procedures are, they are doing just that. Rick Santorum politics Almost 5,000 people die every day due to AIDS and there are about 7,000 new HIV infections a day, thankfully, there is reason to hope that in our lifetime, we may see the end of AIDS. Let's turn our resolve into action. Rick Santorum politics My job as a human being is to treat everybody with dignity or respect — period, stop, full stop, no qualification to that, do I have to agree with their positions on issues or how they see America? Of course not. Rick Santorum politics When did it become the law of the land that the Supreme Court has the final say on anything? they do not have the final say on anything. The American people have the final say on everything. Rick Santorum politics I wish I had never said that ... It was a flippant comment that should not have come out of my mouth. But the substance of what I said -- which is what I referred to -- I stand by that ... I wish I had not said it in the flippant term that I did. And I know people were offended by it and I wish I hadn't said it. Rick Santorum politics Spouses matter, when your spouse is not in sync with you — particularly on cultural issues, moral issues — [ you ] tend not to be as active on those issues. Rick Santorum latest-headlines I know this will be termed somehow as anti-Hispanic or anti-immigrant, but I would just say that immigration policies should be policies that serve the interest of the American public. Rick Santorum politics I'm not a South Carolinian, this is a decision that needs to be made here in South Carolina. Rick Santorum politics It's obviously a crime of hate. Again, we don't know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be? You're sort of lost that somebody could walk into a Bible study in a church and indiscriminately kill people, this is one of those situations where you just have to take a step back and say we — you know, you talk about the importance of prayer in this time and we're now seeing assaults on our religious liberty we've never seen before. It's a time for deeper reflection beyond this horrible situation. Rick Santorum top-news All the predictions that were made 15 years ago, none of them have come true, so all of this certainty -- this is what bothers me about this debate. Rick Santorum top-news Clearly the earth has warmed, i do have questions about what role man plays in this warming. I think there are a lot of folks who do question that. Rick Santorum politics I think you elect the person to be president, we've had bachelors before in the White House. Rick Santorum politics We feel really good that if you go to a town with 350 people, if you get four, five, that's actually not a bad percentage of the folks in town. Rick Santorum politics We have experience that nobody has on national security. That's something that's critically important. Rick Santorum politics