Counseling has to do with intuition, with work on oneself, with the quietness of one's mind and the openness of one's heart. Ram Dass More Quotes by Ram Dass More Quotes From Ram Dass We're all just walking each other home. Ram Dass be-here-now brotherhood home Watch how your mind judges. Judgment comes, in part, out of your own fear. You judge other people because you're not comfortable in your own being. By judging, you find out where you stand in relation to other people. The judging mind is very divisive. It separates. Separation closes your heart. If you close your heart to someone, you are perpetuating your suffering and theirs. Shifting out of judgment means learning to appreciate your predicament and their predicament with an open heart instead of judging. Then you can allow yourself and others to just be, without separation. Ram Dass heart mean people Souls love. That’s what souls do. Egos don’t, but souls do. Become a soul, look around, and you’ll be amazed-all the beings around you are souls. Be one, see one. When many people have this heart connection, then we will know that we are all one, we human beings all over the planet. We will be one. One love. And don’t leave out the animals, and trees, and clouds, and galaxies-it’s all one. It’s one energy. Ram Dass clouds heart animal It's very hard to grow, because it's difficult to let go of the models of ourselves in which we've invested so heavily. Ram Dass difficult growth letting-go The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering. Ram Dass yoga acceptance spiritual Our journey is about being more deeply involved in life, and yet less attached to it. Ram Dass involved freedom journey The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back. Ram Dass garden flower heart If you think you’re enlightened go spend a week with your family. Ram Dass family-love acceptance thinking The greatest thing you can do for another being is to provide the unconditional love that comes from making contact with that place in them that is beyond conditions, which is just pure consciousness, pure essence. That is, once we acknowledge each other as existing, just being here, just being, then each of us is free to change optimally. If I can just love you because here we are, then you are free to grow as you need to grow. Ram Dass unconditional-love essence love-you Don’t compare your path with anybody else’s. Your path is unique to you. Ram Dass unique purpose path I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion--and where it isn't, that's where my work lies. Ram Dass compassion life lying Let the natural flow of the universe, course through your being, and harmonize your soul. Ram Dass flow soul natural If I'm going to die, the best way to prepare is to quiet my mind and open my heart. If I'm going to live, the best way to prepare for it is to quiet my mind and open my heart. Ram Dass mind heart way What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. Ram Dass be-here-now levels evolution I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are Ram Dass practice mean people The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. Ram Dass yoga truth spiritual We're fascinated by the words--but where we meet is in the silence behind them. Ram Dass silence understanding love One of the ego's favorite paths of resistance is to fill you with doubt. Ram Dass ego path doubt Real happiness lies in that which never comes nor goes, but simply is. Ram Dass consciousness real lying Turn your melodrama into a mellow drama. Ram Dass mellow humorous drama