Each record is sort of like a brand new baby, where it's your favorite thing at that moment in time. Robin Zander More Quotes by Robin Zander More Quotes From Robin Zander I think maybe we were just a little bit overdone. It was saturated. People may have gotten tired of us. We were everywhere, all the time. Robin Zander tiredtimethinking I'd say it's harder to play with an acoustic guitar strapped over your shoulder for a few hundred people than it is to play in front of thousands with an entire bombastic band behind you. After all these years, I still get nervous in front of people. I can't help it. Robin Zander guitarplayyears The biggest culprits in the housing fiasco came from the private sector, and more specifically from a mortgage industry that was out of control. Robin Zander housingculpritmortgage I think Badfinger was the epitome of that type of music before the power pop term was coined. 'No Matter What" is always gonna be a great song on the radio. There?s probably two or three others off their records that are as cool like 'Day After Day'. Robin Zander songtwothinking We keep some distance between ourselves when we're not working. I think that's a really good thing. Robin Zander somegoodthinkdistance My father was indeed a musician, but he was a weekend warrior. He was a welder, actually, and worked all his life at the Ironworks in Beloit Wisconsin, and he played in a swing band on weekends. Robin Zander swingweekendlifefather We're from Rockford, Illinois, but we've always thought international. Robin Zander thoughtalwaysinternationalillinois To me, it's like, what's good for me is good for Cheap Trick... and what's good for Rick is good for Cheap Trick, and so on... and that's the thing. Robin Zander cheapgoodlikeme After all these years, I still get nervous in front of people. I can't help it. I just, you know, I want it to be a good show, and I want people to get their money's worth. Robin Zander goodyoumoneypeople I'm a casual F1 racing fan. I'm probably more of a stock car, NASCAR guy. Robin Zander morecasualcarracing I was a young boy. A stock car guy used to live across the street from us. He'd work on his car, and both of my older brothers became gearheads. Robin Zander boystreetcarwork I'm not a guitar collector. I own some guitars because I play. Robin Zander someownguitarplay I used to collect comic books. I had a substantial collection. I collect records also, but those have gone the way of the world. Robin Zander booksgonewayworld Country music is worldwide - it's not just Nashville and Texas. Robin Zander justmusictexascountry Everybody has a country side to them, as I do. Robin Zander themsideeverybodycountry It's rare that anybody gets in the Hall of Fame, and to be nominated is good enough for me. Robin Zander goodmeenoughfame We've always been kind of an underground band in a way that had the respect of our peers on the road. I like to say we're the world's most famous opening act because we've opened for every huge band on the planet. Robin Zander roadrespectwayworld I hope the best for anybody in this business. It's hard enough as it is, and of course you don't get much respect from anybody, but when you do, you should appreciate it. Robin Zander bestrespectbusinesshope We've been around, and we've stayed around, and we go out, and people still enjoy listening to us, and we still sell a lot of tickets, so what do I got to complain about? Nothing. Robin Zander nothinggoenjoypeople 'Dream Police' was in the can and ready to go when 'Budokan' started taking off worldwide, sales-wise. Robin Zander goreadypolicedream