Economy without ecology means managing the human nature relationship without knowing the delicate balance between humankind and the natural world Satish Kumar More Quotes by Satish Kumar More Quotes From Satish Kumar There is at the moment in the world a battle going on between those who are pursuing materialistic paths-globalizers of economic growth and those hell-bent on this 'big is better' idea-on the one hand, and on the other hand those who are dedicated to spiritual renewal, more small-scale development, more human scale, more sustainability, more crafts and arts. Where human beings are not just sold to companies and money and those kinds of things. Where human beings have a sacred path. Satish Kumar spiritualgodart Wars and conflicts begin in the mind, then they are expressed in words and then executed through physical action, so personal transformation is intricately connected with the social and political transformation. Satish Kumar personal-transformationpoliticalwar We are not slaves of the market. Our human life has a greater meaning than making money, making profit, and working for the market or for multinational corporations. Satish Kumar corporationsmaking-moneyslave Instead of seeking success we should look for fulfillment. And fulfillment is giving total attention to the process of living. Satish Kumar attentiongivinglooks The scientific world, the materialistic world, the world of commerce, the world of business, the world of individualism, the world of capitalism, world of communism - all these worlds are the old story now. Where we think we exploit nature, we exploit people. Market rules, profit rules, money rules. We work for name, fame, power, money, profit. That's the old story. Satish Kumar namespeoplethinking Speed is one of the great curses of modern civilization, obsession with speed leads to quantitative approach; we come to believe that more is better. This is very materialistic, we have to realize that it is the quality of life, quality of relationships, quality of food, medicine, education and everything else which matters. Satish Kumar medicinecivilizationbelieve Earth is a living entity. And if it's a living organism, then we have to have a reverence for all life. Food should be local, organic rather than grown with chemical fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides. Satish Kumar pesticideschemicalsearth Multinational corporations and a market economy have transformed human beings into instruments of making money. Human beings should be the end. And money should be the means to an end. Satish Kumar corporationsmaking-moneymean We must realize that violence is not confined to physical violence. Fear is violence, caste discrimination is violence, exploitation of others, however subtle, is violence, segregation is violence, thinking ill of others and condemning others are violence. In order to reduce individual acts of physical violence, we must work to eliminate violence at all levels, mental, verbal, personal, and social, including violence to animals, plants, and all other forms of life. Satish Kumar fearanimalthinking It is only an illusion that time is running out. This is where the problem of fear arises. We become anxious that "I don't have enough time and I have to do everything quickly." We need to turn our attention away from results, achievements and outcomes. Satish Kumar enough-timeachievementrunning Through yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices, we can learn the ways of personal equanimity. We can also learn how to use language in beneficial ways. Satish Kumar yogapracticespiritual "Pursuit of happiness" implies that we're running after happiness and happiness is running away from us. It also implies that happiness is somewhere out there, in material goods, which we have to pursue, whereas I believe that it is an illusion happiness is not out there, it is within us. Satish Kumar pursuit-of-happinessrunningbelieve The road to climate stability is straight and the solutions simple, and yet scientists, economists, industrialists and politicians are busy making them complicated Satish Kumar climatesimplebusy Your children are not your children. They are lives longing for itself. They come here with their own destiny. Give them your love. They will find their own way. Satish Kumar destinygivingchildren It doesn't matter where or how it is grown as long as it is packaged in plastic, put on the supermarket shelves, and bought as a commodity. In the New Story food is not commodity. Food is sacred. We need to be connected with soil, with animals that we take care of. Satish Kumar animallongneeds In addition to world conflicts, the most challenging problem we face today is hunger, deprivation and social injustice. Because we're ruled by separate self-interest, we go on accumulating personal wealth, ignoring the well being of the others. Satish Kumar selfchallengesgoes-on Each of us needs to eliminate our anger, fear and greed. The roots of social conflicts and political tensions are in personal anger, fear and greed. Satish Kumar greedpoliticalroots If happiness was in money or power, then America should be the happiest country in the world, but it is not. Satish Kumar countryamericaworld We human beings are spiritual beings. We have soul. We have spirit. We have mind. We have consciousness. We want fulfillment, we want happiness, we want satisfaction, we want joy. We want imagination. We want art, culture, music. Satish Kumar imaginationspiritualart I want to see a New Story education, which is not only about intellectual knowledge - not only about measurement - not only about academic achievement. It is also about heart, feelings, emotions, relationship, love, compassion, generosity, beauty. All these values are part of the heart. Satish Kumar generositycompassionheart