Every member must work or quit. No honorary members. Charles Grandison Finney More Quotes by Charles Grandison Finney More Quotes From Charles Grandison Finney If the presence of God is in the church, the church will draw the world in. If the presence of God is not in the church, the world will draw the church out. Charles Grandison Finney draws church world Revival is a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up one's will to God in deep humility. Charles Grandison Finney giving-up humility desire The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. . . . Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently. . . . Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it - and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course they Christians take in politics. Charles Grandison Finney voting christian men Sin is the most expensive thing in the universe. Nothing else can cost so much. Charles Grandison Finney cost sin christian Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other's hearts in prayer. Charles Grandison Finney prayer christian heart There can be no higher enjoyment found in this world that is found in pulling souls out of the fire and bringing them to Christ. Charles Grandison Finney soul fire world When you come back to God for pardon and salvation, come with all you have to lay all at his feet. Come with your body, to offer it as a living sacrifice upon His altar. Come with your soul and all its powers, and yield them in willing consecration to your God and Saviour. Come, bring them all along-everything, body, soul, intellect, imagination, acquirements-all, without reserve. Charles Grandison Finney yield sacrifice feet You hear the word, and believe it in theory, while you deny it in practice. I say to you, that 'you deceive yourselves'. Charles Grandison Finney deceiving practice believe Prevailing prayer is that which secures an answer. Saying prayers is not offering prevailing prayer. The prevalence of prayer does not depend so much on quantity as on quality. Charles Grandison Finney quality offering prayer A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart. Charles Grandison Finney thank-you-god grace heart Ministers often preach about the Gospel instead of preaching the Gospel. They often preach about sinners instead of preaching to them. Charles Grandison Finney preaching-the-gospel ministers preaching The Church must take right ground in regard to politics... Politics are a part of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as part of their duty to God... God will bless or curse this nation, according to the course Christians take in politics. Charles Grandison Finney religious christian country There can be no revival when Mr. Amen and Mr. Wet-Eyes are not found in the audience. Charles Grandison Finney revival godly eye A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God. Charles Grandison Finney revival new-beginnings obedience Unless the will is free, man has no freedom; and if he has no freedom he is not a moral agent, that is, he is incapable of moral action and also of moral character. Charles Grandison Finney agents character men The reason why wicked men and devils hate God is, because they see Him in relation to themselves. Their hearts rise up in rebellion, because they see Him opposed to their selfishness. Charles Grandison Finney hate heart men It is the great business of every Christian to save souls. People complain that they do not know how to take hold of this matter. Why, the reason is plain enough; they have never studied it. They have never taken the proper pains to qualify themselves for the work. If you do not make it a matter of study, how you may successfully act in building up the kingdom of Christ, you are acting a very wicked and absurd part as a Christian. Charles Grandison Finney pain taken christian A revival may be expected when Christians have a spirit of prayer for a revival. That is, when they pray as if their hearts were set upon it. When Christians have the spirit of prayer for a revival. When they go about groaning out their hearts desire. When they have real travail of soul. Charles Grandison Finney real prayer christian How often God visited the Jewish Church with judgments because they would not repent and be revived at the call of His prophets! How often have we seen Churches, and even whole denominations, cursed with a curse, because they would not wake up and seek the Lord. Charles Grandison Finney judgment wake-up church Unless I had the spirit of prayer, I could do nothing. Charles Grandison Finney spirit prayer