Every one of us should be ashamed to be free while his brother is a slave. Frederick Douglass More Quotes by Frederick Douglass More Quotes From Frederick Douglass For of all slaveholders with whom I have ever met, religious slaveholders are the worst. I have ever found them the meanest and basest, the most cruel and cowardly, of all others. Frederick Douglass mets religious found Civil war was not a mere strife for territory and dominion, but a contest of civilization against barbarism. Frederick Douglass territory war civilization What I ask for the Negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice. ... All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! ... Your interference is doing him positive injury. Frederick Douglass legs justice giving Once you read, you will be free forever. Frederick Douglass library forever The silver trump of freedom had roused my soul to eternal wakefulness. Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever. It was heard in every sound, and seen in every thing. Frederick Douglass soul sound forever Though conscious of the difficulty of learning without a teacher, I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read. Frederick Douglass cost purpose teacher I love the religion of Christianity - which cometh from above - which is a pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of good fruits, and without hypocrisy. Frederick Douglass fruit hypocrisy christianity A man who will enslave his own blood, may not be safely relied on for magnamity. Frederick Douglass may men blood E have men sold to build churches, women sold to support the gospel, and babes sold to purchase Bibles for the poor heathen, all for the glory of God and the good of souls. The slave auctioneer's bell and the church-going bell chime in with each other, and the bitter cries of the heart-broken slave are drowned in the religious shouts of his pious master. Revivals of religion and revivals in the slave trade go hand in hand. Frederick Douglass religious heart men It's a poor rule that won't work both ways. Frederick Douglass equality poor way Having despised us, it is not strange that Americans should seek to render us despicable; having enslaved us, it is natural that they should strive to prove us unfit for freedom; having denounced us as indolent, it is not strange that they should cripple our enterprises. Frederick Douglass strive strange natural Shields Green was not one to shrink from hardships or dangers. He was a man of few words, and his speech was singularly broken; but his courage and self-respect made him quite a dignified character. Frederick Douglass self character men It is the mission of the printer to diffuse light and knowledge by a judicious intermingling of black with white. Frederick Douglass black light white Let us render the tyrant no aid. Frederick Douglass aids tyrants The District of Columbia is the one spot where there is no government for the people, of the people and by the people. Frederick Douglass columbia government people I have observed this in my experience of slavery, that whenever my condition was improved, instead of increasing my contentment; it only increased my desire to be free, and set me thinking of plans to gain my freedom. Frederick Douglass black-history inspirational thinking Who would be free themselves must strike the blow. Better even to die free than to live slaves. Frederick Douglass freedom would-be blow In all the relations of life and death, we are met by the color line. Frederick Douglass life-and-death lines color The destiny of the colored American ... is the destiny of America. Frederick Douglass destiny america The Constitution of the United States knows no distinction between citizens on account of color. Neither does it know any difference between a citizen of a state and a citizen of the United States. Frederick Douglass democracy differences color