Every person with whom you interact is a part of the person you are becoming. Not a single interaction with a single person is left out of the process of your becoming. Esther Hicks More Quotes by Esther Hicks More Quotes From Esther Hicks When you feel gratitude, you are the closest to the natural state you were born to live in. Esther Hicks gratitude states natural Think about where you're going and never mind where you've been. Don't spend any more time justifying any of that stuff. Esther Hicks mind letting-go thinking Some things you're not letting happen right now because the timing isn't perfect for you. Some you're not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, "Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I'm enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I'm going. Content where I am, and eager for more," that is the perfect vibrational stance. Esther Hicks relax perfect order I see myself in perfect health. I see myself in absolute prosperity. I see myself invigorated with life, appreciating, again, this physical life experience which I wanted so very much as I decided to be a physical Being. It is glorious to be here, a physical Being, making decisions with my physical brain but accessing the power of the Universe through the power of the Law of Attraction. Esther Hicks law-of-attraction appreciate perfect The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there. Esther Hicks example wonderful way Appreciation in advance brings everything you want to you. Esther Hicks law-of-attraction spiritual appreciation You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are-but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are. Esther Hicks where-you-are want talking In your action, you lose sight of the vision, you lose sight of your trust in the process, and you just bang around in a sense of futility. Hold the vision and trust that the Universe will acclimate to your vision. Hold the vision and trust the process. Esther Hicks bangs vision sight Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they're flowing to you. You concentrate on how you're flowing. Because one who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful, more influential than a million who are not. Esther Hicks powerful energy mind Make the best of where you are and do your best to line up your Energy from where you are, because any bit of struggle or any bit of regret only holds your cork under the water and doesn't allow you to connect with the Energy that would allow anything to improve. Esther Hicks regret struggle water If you have the ability to desire it, the Universe has the ability to deliver it. You've just got to line up with what you want, which means— be as happy as you can be as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of itself. Esther Hicks care desire mean We cannot focus upon the weaknesses of one another and evoke strengths. You cannot focus upon the things that you think they are doing wrong, and evoke things that will make you feel better. You've got to beat the drum that makes you feel good when you beat it. And when you do, you'll be a strong signal of influence that will help them to reconnect with who they are. Esther Hicks strength inspirational relationship Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don't take the time to line up the Energy, if you don't find the feeling place of what you're looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference. Esther Hicks change spiritual inspirational Look for good things about where you are, and in your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations - and all limitations are self-imposed - and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things. Esther Hicks law-of-attraction spiritual appreciation Every living thing, animal or human, or tree experiences that which is called death, with no exception. You've all accepted that one a long time ago. Spirit, which is who we really are, or Source, is eternal. So what death must be is a changing of the perspective of that Eternal Spirit. If I am standing in my physical body and am consciously connected to that Eternal Spirit, then I'm Eternal in nature and I need not ever again fear any endedness, because, from that perspective I understand that there is not any of that. Esther Hicks perspective change animal Your body is an absolute mirror of your mind. As you worry, your body shows it. As you love, your body shows it. As you are overwhelmed, your body shows it. As you are angry your body shows it. Every cell of your body is being allowed or resisted by the way you feel. 'My physical state is a direct reflection of how I feel', instead of 'How I feel is a direct reflection of my physical state'. Esther Hicks reflection love-you philosophy Shortage of time is not your problem. Shortage of money is not your problem. Shortage of Connection to the Energy that creates worlds is at the heart of all sensations of shortage that you are experiencing. Esther Hicks connections energy heart Unless you choose to take action on what you want, nothing is ever going to come out of it. Esther Hicks success inspiring happiness Whatever you are giving your attention to, already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration...and then your point of attraction is affected. Esther Hicks law-of-attraction spiritual giving The only thing you can lose is ... your connection to who-you-are. Esther Hicks loses connections who-you-are