Every sword belongs in its sheath. Go back to the sheath your master holds. Go back to Griffith. Guts More Quotes by Guts More Quotes From Guts If you're alone... if it's just your life, you can use it however you please/ Wear yourself out, get cut to ribbons, doesn't matter. But when there's two, the blade grows heavy. Fighting like death doesn't concern you becomes a thing of the past. It's no longer just you. I threw away my way of life, relied on the strength of others, and somehow pushed on. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime People who perish in other’s battles are worms… If one can’t live their life the way they want, they might as well die. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime Look, look around carefully. Strain your eyes. At the darkness around us... At the darkness... around me. You said, "anywhere but here". This is where. Here at the border. Gathered by the winds. Those who've met their final destiny hanging between jealousy and regret. Those who failed, swept together here. You say "It doesn't matter where". If you follow me, this is where you'll go! This is your Eden! You run from it. It is no Eden. If you follow me... to this place... the entire world... is a battlefield. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime Even if we painstakingly piece together something lost, it doesn't mean things will ever go back to how they were. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime One who does something he hates just because he's told to.. is called an errand boy. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime The reward for ambition too great... is self destruction. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime People bring the small flames of their wishes together... since they don't want to extinguish the small flame... they'll bring that small flame to a bigger fire. A big flame named Griffith. But you know... I didn't bring a flame with me. I think I just stopped by to warm myself by the bonfire. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime FUCK YOU. I'm human, the real deal, right down to the fuckin' marrow of my bones. Don't lump me together with you faggot-ass monsters. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath you... you won't be able to walk. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime In the end the winner is still the last man standing. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime I don't want what another man can give me. If he grants me anything, then it's his to give and not my own. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime Could you settle for a smile, and a fond farewell? Guts anime-quotes berserk anime I'd rather fight for my life than live it. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime Throughout my life, the moments, and people who have defined me... they have all been illuminated by sparks. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime He appeared right in front of me, and he wasn't a demon... but what looked like a human. As if he'd been yanked from before into the present unchanged. I gazed at him and for a second... I forgot to kill him. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime I want out of this damn moat! Guts anime-quotes berserk anime When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime You have the strongest armour, because you are the weakest! Guts anime-quotes berserk anime My place really was here. I was too foolish and stubborn to notice. But, what I truly hoped for then was here. Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime You're going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn't it? I'm sure you'll overcome this. You'll walk again... soon. Guts anime-quotes berserk anime