Everyone has secrets. It's just a matter of finding out what they are Steig Larsson More Quotes by Steig Larsson More Quotes From Steig Larsson [Her] greatest fear, which was so huge and so black that it was of phobic proportions, was that people would laugh at her feelings. Steig Larsson greatest-fearlaughingpeople I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain. Steig Larsson marginspropositionsdemonstration Salander never forgets an injustice, and by nature she was anything but forgiving. Steig Larsson injusticeforgivingnever-forget And I guess that in some way I'm falling for you because you are who you are. It's easy to sleep with you because there's no bullshit and you make me feel safe. But this all started because I gave in to a crazy impulse. It doesn't happen very often, and I hadn't planned it. Steig Larsson crazysleepfall A journalist finds out things by asking questions of people who know. Steig Larsson journalistasking-questionspeople I believe that everyone has it in them to kill another person. In desperation, or hatred, or at least to defend themselves. Steig Larsson desperationhatredbelieve Only a woman who had killed a man in battle was allowed to give up her virginity. Steig Larsson giving-upbattlemen It did no good to cry, she had learned that early on. She had also learned that every time she tried to make someone aware of something in her life, the situation just got worse. Consequently it was up to her to solve her problems by herself, using whatever methods she deemed necessary. Steig Larsson methodcryproblem I am what I am,' Salander said 'I ran away from everything and everybody. I should have said goodbye. Steig Larsson should-havesaidgoodbye Zalachenko...you're just an ordinary asshole who hates women. Steig Larsson hateordinary When other people are grieving, the newspaperman turns efficient. Steig Larsson turnsgrievingpeople There's always someone willing to believe malicious rumours. Steig Larsson maliciousrumoursbelieve Men who just call to say hello generally have ulterior motives. Steig Larsson hellomotivemen Oppurtunity Makes the Thief Steig Larsson oppurtunitycatchythieves Bullshit," Salander said again. "Gottfried isn't the only kid who was ever mistreated. That doesn't give him the right to murder women. He made that choice himself. And the same is true of Martin. Steig Larsson bullshitgivingkids She had been sharing a house with him for a week, and he had not once flirted with her. He had worked with her, asked her opinion, slapped her on the knuckles figuratively speaking when she was on the wrong track, and acknowledged that she was right when she corrected him. Dammit, he had treated her like a human being. Steig Larsson knucklestrackhouse There was a whole army of people who seemed not to have anything better to do than to try to disrupt her life, and , if they were given the opportunity, to correct the way she had chosen to live it. Steig Larsson armyopportunitypeople His attitude had always been that if a woman clearly indicated that she did not want anything more to do with him, he would go on his way. Not respecting such a message would in his eyes, show a lack of respect for her. Steig Larsson eyegoes-onattitude