Exclusion is always dangerous. Inclusion is the only safety if we are to have a peaceful world. Pearl S. Buck More Quotes by Pearl S. Buck More Quotes From Pearl S. Buck If there is no other life, then this one has been enough to make it worth being born myself...a human being. Pearl S. Buck born humans enough We send missionaries to China so the Chinese can get to heaven, but we won't let them into our country. Pearl S. Buck diversity heaven country Life without idealism is empty indeed. We just hope or starve to death. Pearl S. Buck idealism-and-realism empty hope Love alone could waken love. Pearl S. Buck alone-in-love love When we define democracy now it must still be as a thing hoped for but not seen. Pearl S. Buck democracy stills It is better not to say "lend." There is only giving. Pearl S. Buck giving Anger can give energy to the mind but only if it is harnessed and held in control. Pearl S. Buck anger mind giving It is ironical that in an age when we have prided ourselves on our progress in the intelligent care and teaching of children we have at the same time put them at the mercy of new and most terrible weapons of destruction. Pearl S. Buck teaching education children Too many escape into complexity these days. For it is an escape for persons to cry, when this question of the equality of peoples is raised in India or in our own South, 'Ah, but the situation is not so simple.' ... no great stride forward is ever made for the individual or for the human race unless the complex situation is reduced to one simple question and its simple answer. Pearl S. Buck india race simple The head raised too high even in good will be struck off too soon. Pearl S. Buck raised good-will arrogance No longer can we afford to stuff the brains of the young with facts. The time is too short, the necessity for results too pressing. The new education must be based on the elimination of facts except as they illustrate principles. How to use facts, not how to accumulate them, is the purpose of true education. Pearl S. Buck principles education brain For no country is a true democracy whose women have not an equal share in life with men, and until we realize this we shall never achieve a real democracy on this earth. Pearl S. Buck real men country Food for all is a necessity. Food should not be a merchandise, to be bought and sold as jewels are bought and sold by those who have the money to buy. Food is a human necessity, like water and air, it should be available. Pearl S. Buck jewels air water There was an old abbot in one temple and he said something of which I think often and it was this, that when men destroy their old gods they will find new ones to take their place. Pearl S. Buck temples men thinking endurance of inescapable sorrow is something which has to be learned alone. And only to endure is not enough. Endurance can be a harsh and bitter root in one's life, bearing poisonous and gloomy fruit, destroying other lives. Endurance is only the beginning. There must be acceptance and the knowledge that sorrow fully accepted brings its own gifts. For there is an alchemy in sorrow. It can be transmuted into wisdom, which, if it does not bring joy, can yet bring happiness. Pearl S. Buck acceptance roots joy nature knows no sex limitations and does not bestow brains upon men alone. Daughters inherit gifts exactly as often and as much as sons. Pearl S. Buck daughter sex son At heart a truly modest man, he had nevertheless the modest man's pride in his modesty in the face of achievement. Pearl S. Buck pride humility heart The melting-pot idea is futile ... The brew in a melting pot is always boiling over. Pearl S. Buck boiling-over united-states ideas The truth has never been told about women in history: that everywhere man has gone woman has gone too, and what he has done she has done also. Women are ignorant of their own past and ignorant of their own importance in that past. Pearl S. Buck men history past the heart never grows old. Pearl S. Buck grows heart