Flom had the same experience...He didn't triumph over adversity. Instead, what started out as adversity ended up being an opportunity. Malcolm Gladwell More Quotes by Malcolm Gladwell More Quotes From Malcolm Gladwell If a window is broken and left unrepaired, people walking by will conclude that no one cares and no one is in charge. Soon, more windows will be broken, and the sense of anarchy will spread from the building to the street on which it faces, sending a signal that anything goes. Malcolm Gladwell anything-goes broken people extreme visual clarity, tunnel vision, diminished sound, and the sense that time is slowing down. this is how the human body reacts to extreme stress. Malcolm Gladwell vision stress tunnels the 10,000hr rule is a definite key in success Malcolm Gladwell definite keys We prematurely write off people as failures. We are too much in awe of those who succeed and far too dismissive of those who fail. Malcolm Gladwell too-much writing people It is those who are successful, in other words, who are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to further success. Malcolm Gladwell successful special opportunity Did they know why they knew? Not at all. But the Knew! Malcolm Gladwell knows A book, I was taught long ago in English class, is a living and breathing document that grows richer with each new reading. Malcolm Gladwell long-ago reading book being able to act intelligently and instinctively in the moment is possible only after a long and rigorous of education and experience Malcolm Gladwell able moments long ...mediocre people find their way into positions of authority...because when it comes to even the most important positions, our selection decisions are a good deal less rational than we think. Malcolm Gladwell decision people thinking Re-reading is much underrated. I've read The Spy Who Came in from the Cold once every five years since I was 15. I only started to understand it the third time. Malcolm Gladwell spy reading years The ethics of plagiarism have turned into the narcissism of small differences: because journalism cannot own up to its heavily derivative nature, it must enforce originality on the level of the sentence. Malcolm Gladwell derivatives levels differences Anyone who has ever scanned the bookshelves of a new girlfriend or boyfriend- or peeked inside his or her medicine cabinet- understands this implicitly; you can learn as much - or more - from one glance at a private space as you can from hours of exposure to a public face. Malcolm Gladwell medicine girlfriend space our unconscious reactions come out of a locked room, and we can't look inside that room. but with experience we become expert at using our behavior and our training to interpret - and decode - what lies behind our snap judgment and first impressions. Malcolm Gladwell first-impression training lying I'm necessarily parasitic in a way. I have done well as a parasite. But I'm still a parasite. Malcolm Gladwell parasites done way Superstar lawyers and math whizzes and software entrepreneurs appear at first blush to lie outside ordinary experience. But they don't. They are products of history and community, of opportunity and legacy. Their success is not exceptional or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky - but all critical to making them who they are. The outlier, in the end, is not an outlier at all. Malcolm Gladwell math opportunity lying Do you see the consequences of the way we have chosen to think about success? Because we so profoundly personalize success, we miss opportunities to lift others onto the top rung...We are too much in awe of those who succeed and far too dismissive of those who fail. And most of all, we become much too passive. We overlook just how large a role we all play—and by “we” I mean society—in determining who makes it and who doesn’t. Malcolm Gladwell opportunity mean thinking Six degrees of separation doesn't mean that everyone is linked to everyone else in just six steps. It means that a very small number of people are linked to everyone else in a few steps, and the rest of us are linked to the world through those special few. Malcolm Gladwell small-numbers mean people People are in one of two states in a relationship,” Gottman went on. “The first is what I call positive sentiment override, where positive emotion overrides irritability. It’s like a buffer. Their spouse will do something bad, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, he’s just in a crummy mood.’ Or they can be in negative sentiment override, so that even a relatively neutral thing that a partner says gets perceived as negative. Malcolm Gladwell two people negative Part of me thinks that innovation, real innovation in health care delivery, needs to happen from the bottom to the top. Malcolm Gladwell innovation real thinking There is this tremendous body of knowledge in the world of academia where extraordinary numbers of incredibly thoughtful people have taken the time to examine on a really profound level the way we live our lives and who we are and where we've been. That brilliant learning sometimes gets trapped in academia and never sees the light of day. Malcolm Gladwell thoughtful light taken