Football is not a contact sport, it's a collision sport - dancing is a contact sport. Vince Lombardi More Quotes by Vince Lombardi More Quotes From Vince Lombardi winning is not everything it is the only thing Vince Lombardi nflwinningfootball Gentlemen, this is the football. Vince Lombardi gentlemanfootball To the winner, there is 100-percent elation, 100-percent fun, 100-percent laughter; and yet the only thing left to the loser is resolution and determination. Vince Lombardi laughterdeterminationfun The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. Vince Lombardi teamworkfootballcommitment Brains without competitive hearts are rudderless. Vince Lombardi mental-toughnessbrainheart The strength of the group is in the will of the leader, and the will is character in action. Vince Lombardi groupsleadershipcharacter Hold it more important to have the players' confidence than their affection. Vince Lombardi coachingbasketballplayer Football is blocking and tackling. Everything else is mythology. Vince Lombardi blockfootballsports I said, 'You missed practice yesterday didn't you?' The player replied, 'No coach, not a bit.' Vince Lombardi playerpracticesports A leader must identify himself with the group, must back up the group, even at the risk of displeasing superiors. He must believe that the group wants from him a sense of approval. If this feeling prevails, production, discipline, morale will be high, and in return, you can demand the cooperation to promote the goals of the community. Vince Lombardi disciplineleadershipbelieve Hard work is the price we must pay for success Vince Lombardi will-and-determinationpay-the-pricehard-work I've been in football all my life, gentlemen, and I don't know whether I'm particularly qualified to be a part of anything else, except I consider it a great game, a game of many assets, by the way, and I think a symbol of what this country's best attributes are: courage and stamina and a coordinated efficiency or teamwork. Vince Lombardi teamworkfootballcountry I don't think there's a punch-line scheduled, is there? Vince Lombardi linessportsthinking A disciplined person is the one who follows the will of the one who gives the orders. Vince Lombardi personsgivingorder [Football is] a game that requires the constant conjuring of animosity. Vince Lombardi conjuringgamesfootball Leaders are made, they are not born Vince Lombardi singleness-of-purposeeffortleader I've been accused of lacking compassion. But that just shows I'm not without compassion. Vince Lombardi accusedcompassionshows When you travel with the team and you eat with the team - you eat what the team eats. Vince Lombardi teamleadershipsports In a game like football, where you have very little time to decide what you are going to do, you have to react almost instinctively, naturally. Vince Lombardi gameslittlesfootball Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Vince Lombardi