God sends the dawn that we might see the might-have-beens that still might be. Robert Breault More Quotes by Robert Breault More Quotes From Robert Breault I tell my child, if I seem obsessed to always know where you've been, it is because my DNA will be found at the scene. Robert Breault teenagerinspirationalchildren A senseless tragedy remains forever tragic, but it is up to us whether it remains forever senseless. Robert Breault perspectivetragedyforever What if man were required to educate his children without the help of talking animals. Robert Breault educationanimalchildren Life is a series of tasks that you absolutely must get done before they don't matter any more. Robert Breault perspectivedonematter I'm right-handed, whereas the fellow in my mirror is left-handed. I start shaving from the left; he starts from the right. Differences only in perception, but religious wars have been fought over such. Robert Breault mirrorsreligiouswar Dare to turn life on its end, and you may find that topsy-turvy is a truer perspective than turvy-topsy. Robert Breault perspectiveendsmay So often our greatest triumph is a willing surrender. Robert Breault surrendertriumphwise As any artist can tell you, it is easier to reach perfection than to stop there. Robert Breault easierartistperfection If you understand compound interest, you basically understand the universe. Robert Breault compoundsphilosophicalinterest We are, many of us, a planet orbiting somebody's sun, unconscious of a lonely moon, orbiting our planet. Robert Breault lonelymoonrelationship Life never tires of testing the proposition that life must go on. Robert Breault testingtiregoes-on The first step toward telling the truth is to tell the whole lie. Robert Breault stepslyingfirsts Things happen in everyday life that make you consider living your life just every other day. Robert Breault live-your-lifeeverydayhappens There are more lines formed than things worth waiting for. Robert Breault worth-waiting-forlineswaiting There is never an embarrassing silence that can't be turned into a regrettable conversation. Robert Breault embarrassingsilenceconversation We are each a dozen people who were all the same child. Robert Breault philosophicalchildrenpeople I am not certain of the hereafter. Frankly, I'm not all that certain of the here. Robert Breault hereafterphilosophicalcertain Today, befriend a stranger, or if you feel up to more of a challenge, befriend a loved one. Robert Breault challengestodayrelationship We have a choice every day — to act on yesterday's good intentions or get an early start on tomorrow's regrets. Robert Breault regretwiseyesterday There are things I have wanted so long that I would only consent to have them if I could keep wanting them. Robert Breault consentphilosophicallong