Haji Bashir Noorzai, currently serving a life sentence in the United States, for all the Americans was possible. Instead, Bergdahl was traded for five senior Taliban leaders who had been serving indefinite sentences at the U.S. military’s prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- a deal he said had been rejected by senior U.S. officials years. My team had a difficult mission and I used all legal means available to recover the hostages. You, the Congress, were my last resort, i am before you because I did my duty and you need to ensure all in uniform can go on doing their duty without fear of reprisal. He said he is being retaliated against because the FBI and others were angry when Duncan Hunter revealed the Defense Department had tried to pay a ransom for Bergdahl, which is against U.S. law. Jason Amerine said Jason Amerine drew their ire when Duncan Hunter submitted a complaint to the Inspector General alleging an.

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