He had lived a very long time, and only since he gained Anna had he learned to fear. He’d discovered that he had never been brave before—just indifferent. She had taught him that to be brave, you have to fear losing something. Patricia Briggs More Quotes by Patricia Briggs More Quotes From Patricia Briggs She sees ghosts,” said Samuel, impatient with my whining. I see dead people,” I deadpanned back. Oddly, it was Uncle Mike who laughed. I hadn’t thought he’d be a moviegoer. Patricia Briggs uncles ghost people Cheeses crusty, got all musty, got damp on the stone of a peach,” I agreed. He looked blank, so I repeated it with proper emphasis. “ ChEEZ-zes crusty. Got Al -musty. Got DAMp on the StoneofapeaCH. Patricia Briggs peaches als stones Mine" he said. Adam's eyes narrowed. "I don't think so. She is mine." It would of been flattering,I thought,except that at least one of them was talking about dinner and I wasn't certain about the other. Patricia Briggs eye talking thinking Mercy," said my mother thoughtfully, "you never told me your werewolf neighbor was quite that hot. Patricia Briggs mercy mother hot A dominant wolf's desire to protect was a strong instinct- Samuel was very dominant. Give him an inch, and he's take over the world- my life, if I let him. Mercy Patricia Briggs strong desire giving Mine, ... Mine is what she is. Patricia Briggs mines Do you have any idea how much I love you?” he asked. ”Enough to accept my apologies?” I suggested in a small voice. ”Heck no,” he said, and pushed off from the wall, stalking forward. When he reached me, he put his hands up and touched the sides of my neck with the tips of his fingers – as if I were something fragile. ”No apologies from you,” he told me, his voice soft enough to melt my knees and most of my other parts. Patricia Briggs wall apology love-you I knew he would never leave me, never let me down-because the man had never abandoned anything in his long life. If I hadn’t taken the gold rope of our bond, I knew Adam would have sat on me and hog-tied me with it. I liked that. A lot. Patricia Briggs taken men long Tim was dead. And he's always been a loser. I'd be damned if I was going to be the victim of a loser - or anyone else. Patricia Briggs loser victim ifs There is something incredibly arousing about being wanted. I pulled my hand back and sucked in a deep breath. “Adam,” I said. Patricia Briggs adam said hands For Adam, screwed-up bonding thing or not, I’d wait forever. “Really?” he asked in a tone I’d never heard from him before. Softer. Vulnerable. Adam didn’t do vulnerable. “Really what?” I asked. “Despite the way our bond scares you, despite the way someone in the pack played you, you’d still have me?” He'd been listening to my thoughts. This time it didn't bother me. “Adam,” I told him, “I’d walk barefoot over hot coals for you. Patricia Briggs waiting listening forever C’est moi, c’est moi,’tis I,' I told him. It seemed appropriately melodramatic, though I didn’t know if he’d catch the reference. I shouldn’t have worried. Unexpectedly, he laughed. “Trust you to quote Lancelot rather than Guinevere. Patricia Briggs guinevere lancelot worried Mercy?” “Just a minute,” I told Adam. “I'm in the middle of a revelation. Patricia Briggs adam revelations mercy You okay now ?" he asked. "Okay." He tightened his arms and lifted me off my feet. "Mercy?" he growled into my ear. I wrapped my legs around his waist. " Yeah" , I said. "Me too. Patricia Briggs legs ears feet Over the years, she'd learned not to question him to closely—mostly because he wouldn't answer her. Patricia Briggs answers years I used my history degree about twice a year whether I needed to or not. Patricia Briggs degrees used years Charles could care less about shoes - and he suspected he wasn't alone among men in his feelings. Shoe, no shoe, he didn't care. Naked was good, though over the past couple of weeks he was beginning to think that dressed in his clothes was a decent second best. Patricia Briggs couple men past I feel like I'm lost in an anime movie" I said, as Coyote picked the thing up. "One of the tentacle-monster ones." Most of them were X-rated and ended up with a lot of dead people. Patricia Briggs anime monsters people I like that people can just look at you and know that you are taken, that you are mine.” He closed his eyes and laughed. “And yes, I know that sentiment is at the top of the Women’s Liberation Movement’s list of things not to say to a modern woman Patricia Briggs eye taken people His voice was soft and sweet as molasses; but my mother once told me that you had to trust that the first thing out of a person's mouth was truth. After they have a chance to think about it, they'll change what they say to be more socially acceptable, something they think you'll be happier with, something that will get the results they want. Patricia Briggs mother sweet thinking