He'll learn that many women can satisfy for a short period of time, but when he falls in love, only one will sustain him forever. Jeaniene Frost More Quotes by Jeaniene Frost More Quotes From Jeaniene Frost You either trust me or you don't. I've never let you down, and I won't walk away unless you make me. Period. Now, unless you have a real emergency, I'd like to get back to my vacation. And my corpse, thanks. Jeaniene Frost vacationdown-andreal He had black hair anybody could see was dyed, and even had one long piece wrapped around his head in that way some men did to fool no one into believing they weren't bald. I resisted a sudden strong urge to tug away that piece and scream peekaboo! at his bare crown underneath. Jeaniene Frost strongmenbelieve If only there was a way I could cover my tension with the scent of eau de brass valls instead. Jeaniene Frost brassscentway Since this was a formal undead gathering, there would be food—all kinds—drinks, dancing, and festivities, while those in power pondered whether or not to slaughter half the people around them. In other words, like a high-school prom. Jeaniene Frost dancingpeopleschool All of you, leave," Vlad responded curtly. "That's not nice," I mumbled. "You should talk to them before you bite them, too. Common curtesy. Jeaniene Frost niceshouldcommon ...love him enough to give him this, even if it's at the price of your pride." (Annette to Cat) Jeaniene Frost catpridegiving Wasn't it time she risked getting hurt again, instead of just accepting the numbness of never letting anyone in? Jeaniene Frost getting-hurtnumbnesshurt He's clean," Ritchie announced. Chance wrinkled his nose with mild distaste. "Can't say the same about you. Really, man, soap is nothing to fear. Jeaniene Frost soapnosesmen Any situation was better faced with an empty bladder, a clean body, and a lack of morning breath. Jeaniene Frost emptybodymorning When I remember you, Randy, I'm going to smile, not cry. You're a part of me. One of the best parts. I just wanted to tell you that." She stopp up, brushing the headstone once more. "And if you meet someone called Giselda," she whispered, "tell her she's still part of Spade, too. A beautiful part. Please thank her for that. Jeaniene Frost remembers-youremember-youbeautiful I love the Underworld movies because the vampires arent automatically evil, yet neither are they basically humans with fangs. Jeaniene Frost underworldvampireevil Only fools pity survivors their scars and you should never kowtow to fools Jeaniene Frost scarfoolsurvivor No matter what I think about this, Leila, you're my daughter, so you are not walking down that aisle alone. Jeaniene Frost daughtermatterthinking This wasn't the first time I'd woken up as a captive. It wasn't even the second. I so needed to reevaluate my life choices. Jeaniene Frost choicesfirst-timefirsts My gaze flew to him once more,noting the cigarette he set down even as he exhaled a long plume of white."Why are you lying there smoking while I'm chained to a wall?"I demanded.The look he gave me was a mixture of relief and cynicism."Since it seems you don't remember anything about the past two days,let me assure you,luv-I earned that smoke. Jeaniene Frost walllyingpast I love you, Kitten. There's nothing on this earth or under it that can change that. Jeaniene Frost kittenearthlove-you Well, what did I expect? S&M didn't stand for soft and mushy? Jeaniene Frost wells Sweet bleedin’ Christ,†Bones interrupted. “Try not to let this turn you into a Ghost Whisperer, hmm? Adopting Fabian is one thing, but we’re already turning away spooks by the dozen. If you want another pet, we’ll get you more cats. Jeaniene Frost catpetsweet When you conquer something, it means you fought for it. Jeaniene Frost conquermean Mencheres slid through the water toward her, drawn by the same inexorable compulsion that led moths to dance with flames. He'd had several lifetimes' worth of reason, cold machinations, and, ultimately, emptiness. Perhaps the moths knew what he didn't, that the joy of the flame was worth the price of destruction. Jeaniene Frost flamesjoywater