He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either. Friedrich Nietzsche More Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche More Quotes From Friedrich Nietzsche Belief in truth begins with doubting all that has hitherto been believed to be true. Friedrich Nietzsche belief doubt lying Marriage: that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who created it. Friedrich Nietzsche marriage love two Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you. Friedrich Nietzsche understanding gone world To one who is accustomed to thinking a lot, every new thought that he hears or reads about immediately appears as a link in a chain. Friedrich Nietzsche thoughtful links thinking the voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls Friedrich Nietzsche voice soul beauty In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. Friedrich Nietzsche real happiness children But thus I counsel you, my friends: Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock; the hangmen and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had-power. Friedrich Nietzsche powerful justice people There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with it. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all. Friedrich Nietzsche nails doe people The 'kingdom of Heaven' is a condition of the heart - not something that comes 'upon the earth' or 'after death.' Friedrich Nietzsche earth heart heaven Follow in the footsteps of your fathers' virtue! How could you hope to climb high unless your fathers' will climbs with you? Friedrich Nietzsche heritage hope father We do not belong to those who only get their thought from books, or at the prompting of books, -- it is our custom to think in the open air, walking, leaping, climbing, or dancing on lonesome mountains by preference, or close to the sea, where even the paths become thoughtful. Friedrich Nietzsche thoughtful book thinking I conjure you, my brethren, to remain faithful to earth, and do not believe those who speak unto you of super terrestrial hopes! Poisoners they are, whether they know it or not. Friedrich Nietzsche faithful hope believe Most thinkers write badly, because they communicate not only their thoughts, but also the thinking of them. Friedrich Nietzsche communicate writing thinking Being human is a complicated gig. So give that ol' dark night of the soul a hug. Howl the eternal yes! Friedrich Nietzsche dark giving night Buddha says: "Do not flatter your benefactor!". Let one repeat this saying in a Christian church : it immediately purifies the air of everything Christian. Friedrich Nietzsche church christian air Without passions you have no experience whatever. Friedrich Nietzsche passion experience Inaction, letting be, neither creating nor destroying--that is my evil. And also the knower as one without desire. Friedrich Nietzsche creating objectivity evil Men were considered "free" only so that they might be considered guilty - could be judged and punished: consequently, every act had to be considered as willed, and the origin of every act had to be considered as lying within the consciousness (and thus the most fundamental psychological deception was made the principle of psychology itself). Friedrich Nietzsche independent men lying Buddhism is a hundred times as realistic as Christianity it is part of its living heritage that it is able to face problems objectively and coolly; it is the product of long centuries of philosophical speculation. Friedrich Nietzsche philosophical buddhism long A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions. Friedrich Nietzsche errors belief matter