He who makes no mistakes makes no progress. Theodore Roosevelt More Quotes by Theodore Roosevelt More Quotes From Theodore Roosevelt Every thinking man, when he thinks, realizes that the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and intertwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally, I do not mean figuratively, but literally impossible for us to figure what the loss would be if these teachings were removed. We would lose all the standards by which we now judge both public and private morals; all the standards toward which we, with more or less resolution, strive to raise ourselves. Theodore Roosevelt teaching loss mean We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure. Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity. Theodore Roosevelt honesty truth men I highly venerate the Masonic Institution, under the fullest persuasion that, when its principles are acknowledged and its laws and precepts obeyed, it comes nearest to the Christian religion, in its moral effects and influence, of any institution with which I am acquainted. Theodore Roosevelt principles christian law It is necessary for the welfare of the nation that men's lives be based on the principles of the Bible. No man, educated or uneducated, can afford to be ignorant of the Bible. Theodore Roosevelt patriotic bible men In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world. I want to ask you to keep this great wonder of nature as it now is. I hope you will not have a building of any kind, not a summer cottage, a hotel or anything else, to mar the wonderful grandeur, the sublimity, the great loneliness and beauty of the canyon. Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it. Theodore Roosevelt loneliness summer men Free speech exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country where people are themselves free. Theodore Roosevelt country people interesting No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children; for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night. Theodore Roosevelt mom night children The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly; who know the great enthusiasums, the great devotions, and spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at best know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if they fail, fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt achievement motivational inspirational Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong. Theodore Roosevelt findings found justice The most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice. Theodore Roosevelt voice success thinking No people is wholly civilized where a distinction is drawn between stealing an office and stealing a purse. Theodore Roosevelt office president people The reactionary is always willing to take a progressive attitude on any issue that is dead. Theodore Roosevelt issues political attitude The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred with dust and sweat; who strives valiantly; who errs and may fall again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming. Theodore Roosevelt errors men fall Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it. Theodore Roosevelt age rivers men The beauty and charm of the wilderness are his for the asking, for the edges of the wilderness lie close beside the beaten roads of the present travel. Theodore Roosevelt wilderness asking lying There are good men and bad men of all nationalities, creeds and colors; and if this world of ours is ever to become what we hope some day it may become, it must be by the general recognition that the man's heart and soul, the man's worth and actions, determine his standing. Theodore Roosevelt color heart men It is essential that there should be organization of labor. This is an era of organization. Capital organizes and therefore labor must organize. Theodore Roosevelt aquariums essentials organization If we seek merely swollen, slothful ease and ignoble peace, if we shrink from the hard contests where men must win at the hazard of their lives and at the risk of all they hold dear, then bolder and stronger peoples will pass us by, and will win for themselves the domination of the world. Theodore Roosevelt winning peace life We Americans have many grave problems to solve, many threatening evils to fight, and many deeds to do, if, as we hope and believe, we have the wisdom, the strength, and the courage and the virtue to do them. But we must face facts as they are. We must neither surrender ourselves to a foolish optimism, nor succumb to a timid and ignoble pessimism. Theodore Roosevelt optimism fighting believe No man can be a good citizen unless he has a wage more than sufficient to cover the bare cost of living, and hours of labor short enough so after his day's work is done he will have time and energy to bear his share in the management of the community, to help in carrying the general load. Theodore Roosevelt cost-of-living community men