He who steals a hook shall be hanged; while he who steals the state shall be crowned as prince. Laozi More Quotes by Laozi More Quotes From Laozi The men who are great live with that which is substantial, they do not stay with that which is superficial; they abide with realities, they do not remain with what is showy. The one they discard, the other they hold. Laozi charactermenreality When goodness is lost, it is replaced by morality. Laozi moralitygoodnesslost Accomplish but do not boast, accomplish without show, accomplish without arrogance, accomplish without grabbing, accomplish without forcing. Laozi accomplisharroganceshows Other people are occupied, I alone am unwilling, like the outcast. Laozi taoismcompassionpeople Empty yourself of everything. Laozi natureanimalfall He who knows how to be aggressive, and yet remains patient, becomes a receptacle for all of Nature's lessons. Laozi lessonspatientnature Stop trying to control. Let go of fixed plans and concepts, and the world will govern itself. Laozi taoismletting-gotrying The most straight seems curved. Laozi taoismseems Acting without design, occupying oneself without making a business of it, finding the great in what is small and the many in the few, repaying injury with kindness, effecting difficult things while they are easy, and managing great things in their beginnings; this is the method of Tao. Laozi designbusinesskindness The Master keeps her mind always at one with the Tao; that is what gives her her radiance. The Tao is ungraspable. How can her mind be at one with it? Because she doesn't cling to ideas. The Tao is dark and unfathomable. How can it make her radiant? Because she lets it. Since before time and space were, the Tao is. It is beyond is and is not. How do I know this is true? I look inside myself and see. Laozi darktimeideas Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity. Laozi knivesmoneyheart But in the present day men cast off gentleness, and are all for being bold; they spurn frugality, and retain only extravagance; they discard humility, and aim only at being first. Therefore they shall surely perish. Laozi extravagancehumilitymen Simply see that you are at the center of the universe, and accept all things and beings as parts of your infinite body. When you perceive that an act done to another is done to yourself, you have understood the great truth. Laozi apologybodydone Throw away profit and greed, and there won't be any thieves. Laozi profitthievesgreed If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. If you let me experience, I will learn! Laozi show-melet-meshows My teachings are easy to understand and easy to put into practice. Yet your intellect will never grasp them, and if you try to practice them, you'll fail. My teachings are older than the world. How can you grasp their meaning? If you want to know me, look inside your heart. Laozi teachingpracticeheart Those who stay where they are will endure. Laozi taoismendure To know and not to do is not yet to know. Laozi knows The ego is entranced by ... names and ideas... However names and concepts only block your perception of this Great Oneness. Therefore it is wise to ignore them. Those who live inside their egos are continually bewildered. Laozi blockwisenames Those who are right do not argue. Those who argue are not right. Laozi taoismarguingknowledge