Her angel's face, As the great eye of heaven shined bright, And made a sunshine in the shady place. Edmund Spenser More Quotes by Edmund Spenser More Quotes From Edmund Spenser For that which all men then did virtue call, Is now called vice; and that which vice was hight, Is now hight virtue, and so used of all: Right now is wrong, and wrong that was is right Edmund Spenser virtue vices men I learned have, not to despise,What ever thing seemes small in common eyes. Edmund Spenser despise eye common Me seemes the world is runne quite out of square,From the first point of his appointed sourse,And being once amisse growes daily wourse and wourse. Edmund Spenser squares world firsts I trow that countenance cannot lie,Whose thoughts are legible in the eie. Edmund Spenser countenance lying Full little knowest thou that hast not tried, What hell it is in suing long to bide: To loose good dayes, that might be better spent; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow; To feed on hope, to pine with feare and sorrow. Edmund Spenser good-day night long Where justice grows, there grows eke greater grace. Edmund Spenser grows grace justice But angels come to lead frail minds to rest in chaste desires, on heavenly beauty bound. You frame my thoughts, and fashion me within; you stop my tongue, and teach my heart to speak. Edmund Spenser fashion angel heart At last, the golden orientall gate Of greatest heaven gan to open fayre, And Phoebus, fresh as brydegrome to his mate, Came dauncing forth, shaking his dewie hayre; And hurls his glistring beams through gloomy ayre. Edmund Spenser aurora golden heaven So passeth, in the passing of a day, Of mortal life, the leaf, the bud, the flower; No more doth flourish after first decay, That erst was sought to deck both bed and bower Of many a lady and many a paramour. Gather therefore the rose whilst yet in prime, For soon comes age that will her pride deflower. Gather the rose of love whilst yet in time, Whilst loving thou mayst loved be with equal crime. Edmund Spenser flower pride rose There is no disputing about taste. Edmund Spenser taste Discord oft in music makes the sweeter lay. Edmund Spenser lays discord Hard it is to teach the old horse to amble anew. Edmund Spenser teach hard horse Entire affection hateth nicer hands. Edmund Spenser affection jealous hands The poets scrolls will outlive the monuments of stone. Genius survives; all else is claimed by death. Edmund Spenser survival genius stones What man that sees the ever-whirling wheel Edmund Spenser cycles mortals O happy earth, Whereon thy innocent feet doe ever tread! Edmund Spenser earth feet doe And thus of all my harvest-hope I have Nought reaped but a weedye crop of care. Edmund Spenser crops harvest care For take thy ballaunce if thou be so wise, And weigh the winds that under heaven doth blow; Or weigh the light that in the east doth rise; Or weigh the thought that from man's mind doth flow. Edmund Spenser reflection wise men How many perils doe enfold The righteous man to make him daily fall. Edmund Spenser righteous-man men fall Then came October, full of merry glee. Edmund Spenser glee autumn october