Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. Samuel Smiles More Quotes by Samuel Smiles More Quotes From Samuel Smiles Energy enables a man to force his way through irksome drudgery and dry details and caries him onward and upward to every station in life. Samuel Smiles onward-and-upward balance men The career of a great man remains an enduring monument of human energy. The man dies and disappears, but his thoughts and acts survive and leave an indelible stamp upon his race. Samuel Smiles greatness race men Make good thy standing place, and move the world. Samuel Smiles standing world moving Courage is by no means incompatible with tenderness. On the contrary, gentleness and tenderness have been found to characterize the men, no less than the women, who have done the most courageous deeds. Samuel Smiles done men mean Men must necessarily be the active agents of their own well-being and well-doing they themselves must in the very nature of things be their own best helpers. Samuel Smiles agents responsibility men What we are accustomed to decry as great social evils, will, for the most part, be found to be only the out-growth of our own perverted life; and though we may endeavor to cut them down and extirpate them by means of law, they will only spring up again with fresh luxuriance in some other form, unless the conditions of human life and character are radically improved. Samuel Smiles spring character mean Cecil's dispatch of business was extraordinary, his maxim being, "The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once." Samuel Smiles maxims business way No good thing is ever lost. Nothing dies, not even life which gives up one form only to resume another. No good action, no good example dies. It lives forever in our race. While the frame moulders and disappears, the deed leaves an indelible stamp, and molds the very thought and will of future generations. Samuel Smiles giving-up race forever The great high-road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast welldoing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will invariably be the most successful. Samuel Smiles successful spirit dream True politeness is consideration for the opinions of others. It has been said of dogmatism that it is only puppyism come to its full growth; and certainly the worst form this quality can assume is that of opinionativeness and arrogance. Samuel Smiles quality arrogance growth Like men, nations are purified and strengthened by trials. Samuel Smiles nations trials men Woman, above all other educators, educates humanly. Man is the brain, but woman is the heart, of humanity. Samuel Smiles humanity heart men The truest politeness comes of sincerity. Samuel Smiles politeness truest sincerity Liberty is the result of free individual action,energy and independence. Samuel Smiles independence liberty energy He who recognizes no higher logic than that of the shilling may become a very rich man, and yet remain all the while an exceedingly poor creature; for riches are no proof whatever of moral worth, and their glitter often serves only to draw attention to the worthlessness of their possessor, as the glow-worm's light reveals the grub. Samuel Smiles light attention men Good sense, disciplined by experience and inspired by goodness, issues in practical wisdom. Samuel Smiles common-sense inspired issues Manners are the ornament of action. Samuel Smiles ornaments action manners Self-control is only courage under another form. Samuel Smiles self-control form self Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing. Samuel Smiles cost army inspirational Experience serves to prove that the worth and strength of a state depend far less upon the form of its institutions than upon the character of its men; for the nation is only the aggregate of individual conditions, and civilization itself is but a question of personal, improvement. Samuel Smiles character men civilization