Humility is not an exaggeratedly low opinion of yourself. Humility is self-forgetfulness. Peter Kreeft More Quotes by Peter Kreeft More Quotes From Peter Kreeft We do not do good works to get into heaven; we do good works because heaven has gotten to us. Peter Kreeft good-work faith heaven It is the modern feminists who are the real male chauvinists, lusting for reproductive freedom (sexual irresponsibility) like playboys and demanding empowerment, that is, envying and imitating not only males, but male fools, judging inner worth by outer performance, sacrificing being for doing, finding their identity in their worldly careers, not in their inner essence, in their physical and spiritual wombs and motherhoods. This is what Karl Stern called "the flight from woman." Peter Kreeft sacrifice real spiritual Pilate's skeptical sneer "What is truth?" was addressed to Truth Himself, standing there right in front of his face. The world's stupidest question was three words; God's profoundest answer was one Word. Peter Kreeft three answers world If God is not a Trinity, God is not love. For love requires three things: a lover, a beloved, and a relationship between them. Peter Kreeft catholic three lovers There is one and only one possible road to joy: selfless love. Peter Kreeft inspiration faith joy We need to have the mind of a conservative and the heart of a liberal. Peter Kreeft mind heart needs Faith is not like bottled water but like rain. Its destiny is not just to be kept and held but to make something visible grow. Peter Kreeft destiny faith rain The block of marble is not the sculptor, and doesn't see that he's about to become a masterpiece... We're the block of marble and God is the sculptor, and the chisel is.... everything. Peter Kreeft block inspiration faith This is the secret of life: the self lives only by dying, finds its identity (and its happiness) only by self-forgetfulness, self-giving, self-sacrifice, and agape love. Peter Kreeft sacrifice self giving Great saints have often been made out of great sinners, but not one was ever made out of a wimp. Peter Kreeft wimps saint made God created the possibility of evil; people actualized that potentiality. The source of evil is not God's power but mankind's freedom. Even an all-powerful God could not have created a world in which people had genuine freedom and yet there was no potentiality for sin, because our freedom includes the possibility of sin within its own meaning. Peter Kreeft evil-people powerful world Control language and you control thought; control thought and you control action; control action and you control the world. Peter Kreeft language action world Grey is the devil's favorite color. Peter Kreeft grey devil color When we pray, instead of trying to produce love in our souls toward God, we should be basking in God's love for us. How foolish to stay indoors in the cold, dark little room off the self, trying to turn on the light and turn up the heat, when we can just go outside into God's glorious Sonlight and receive his rays! How silly to fuss with artificial tanning salons and lotions and lights when the Son is out! Peter Kreeft dark silly son Put the Protestant flint and the Catholic steel together, and you will kindle a fire that will burn all around the world. Peter Kreeft catholic fire together Scripture starts with the particular and then universalizes it. You are called to love your concrete individual neighbor and then to realize that every individual is your neighbor. The point is not to destroy concrete neighborhood in a fit of universalism but to expand the local neighborhood and embrace the universal neighborhood. Peter Kreeft scripture realizing love The opposite of Christianity is not atheism, but idolatry. Peter Kreeft atheism christianity opposites On my door is a cartoon of two turtles. One says, 'Sometimes I would like to ask why he allows poverty, famine and injustice when he could do something about it.' The other turtle says 'I am afraid that God might ask me the same question.' Peter Kreeft turtles doors two One of the few things in life that cannot possibly do harm in the end is the honest pursuit of the truth. Peter Kreeft things-in-life honesty ends The greatest Christians in history seem to say that their sufferings ended up bringing them the closest to God - so this is the best thing that could happen, not the worst. Peter Kreeft worst suffering christian