I began to think my time had come, as the saying is. Buffalo Bill More Quotes by Buffalo Bill More Quotes From Buffalo Bill I was persuaded now that I was destined to lead a life on the Plains. Buffalo Bill destined It was my effort, in depicting the West, to depict it as it was. Buffalo Bill effortwest The first presentation of my show was given in May, 1883, at Omaha, which I had then chosen as my home. From there we made our first summer tour, visiting practically every important city in the country. Buffalo Bill summerhomecountry Springfield has always had a place in my heart. Buffalo Bill my-heartheart Stations were built at intervals averaging fifteen miles apart. A rider's route covered three stations, with an exchange of horses at each, so that he was expected at the beginning to cover close to forty-five miles - a good ride when one must average fifteen miles an hour. Buffalo Bill horsethreeaverage I found Spotted Tail's lodge. He invited me to enter. Buffalo Bill invitedfoundtails Having secured my Indian actors, I started for Baltimore, where I organized my combination, and which was the largest troupe I had yet had on the road. Buffalo Bill baltimorecombinationactors Wild Bill was anything but a quarrelsome man yet I have personal knowledge of at least half a dozen men whom he had at various times killed. Buffalo Bill personal-knowledgehalfmen The Free State men, myself among them, took it for granted that Missouri was a slave state. Buffalo Bill grantedslavemen Quick as lightning Wild Bill pulled his revolver. The stranger fell dead, shot through the brain. Buffalo Bill lightningbillsbrain Some days I would go without any fire at all, and eat raw frozen meat and melt snow in my mouth for water. Buffalo Bill firesnowwater I began to think that my time had come, as the saying is. Buffalo Bill my-timethinking If Wild Bill could have made his successful dash into our lines earlier in the day, the attuck would have been made sooner, and greater results might have been expected. The Confederates had suspected him of being a spy for two or three days, and had watched him too closely to allow an opportunity to get away from them sooner. Buffalo Bill spythreetwo The McCarthy boys, at the proper moment, gave orders to fire upon the advancing enemy. Buffalo Bill fireboysorder With the help of a friend I got father into a wagon, when the crowd had gone. I held his head in my lap during the ride home. I believed he was mortally wounded. He had been stabbed down through the kidneys, leaving an ugly wound. Buffalo Bill leavinghomefather My great forte in killing buffaloes was to get them circling by riding my horse at the head of the herd and shooting their leaders. Thus the brutes behind were crowded to the left, so that they were soon going round and round. Buffalo Bill shootinghorseleader Washington newspaper men know everything. Buffalo Bill newspapersknowsmen After crossing the Smoky Hill River, I felt comparatively safe as this was the last stream I had to cross. Buffalo Bill lastssaferivers My first plan of escape having failed, I now determined upon another. Buffalo Bill plansdeterminedfirsts Major North and myself went out in advance of the command several miles and killed a number of buffaloes. Buffalo Bill commandmilesnumbers