I cannot even imagine college. I'm white-knuckling it just letting my son go to kindergarten for eight hours a day. Vera Farmiga More Quotes by Vera Farmiga More Quotes From Vera Farmiga It's a very different thing, religion and faith. Religion is man-made, it's man-regulated. And faith, you can define God as you wish. But I think they're two different things. Vera Farmiga mentwothinking It's a delicate thing for me, with how involved I am in social media and being a part of people's lives in a way that they want me to. Vera Farmiga delicate-thingsmediapeople The experience of giving birth itself made me feel more womanly. Vera Farmiga self-madebirthgiving I just want to make sure that the thing that I see in it initially, that I think it can be, is not just going to be a horror film and reduced to a jump here and a scream there. But that you can take something away from it. Vera Farmiga horrorwantthinking You dont necessarily have to be religious to pray. Vera Farmiga religiouspraying My husband is my best friend; he knows my sensibilities. Vera Farmiga my-best-friendhusbandknows I grew up in a Christian home. The strictness comes with religion in general. Whether you grew up Jewish or Orthodox Jewish or Muslim, there are certain rules and regulations. But my parents instilled in me the importance of defining God for yourself. Vera Farmiga parentchristianhome Just because I’m telling a story about a woman losing faith is not my rebellion against what I grew up in. If anything, it really affected the way I approached the story, and in fact, approach everything. I don’t judge my characters. Vera Farmiga judgingstoriescharacter I'm incredibly spiritual. There are like tens of thousands of denominations; I don't fit in any one of those denominations comfortably. But I have a very personal relationship with God. Vera Farmiga denominationsfitspiritual The depth of exploration of the male psyche and the female psyche is uneven. I see further, deeper renderings of what it means to be a man. Vera Farmiga malesmenmean It's such a measure of your solidarity with Ed, that when you would give lectures, he would be wearing a tartan tie that matched. And I demanded that outfit, I thought it was so punk - her long skirt, she looked like a Scottish queen, so regal. Vera Farmiga queenstieslong Whenever I wore it there were some questions whether the outfit was just too over the top. I'm like, "Do you know who you're dealing with here, and her eccentricities, her style, her flair?" These little things were sometimes those - I love it. I love having a real-life model. But I also do flush it out with my own personal experiences and my own essence, and hopefully they mesh together. Vera Farmiga stylerealessence I listened more than I asked. There's a lot of information online, so many Youtube videos, countless interviews with all those obvious questions that were all answered for me. I just wanted to absorb her essence. I wanted to see the details, she has such mad style. I just wanted to see - the way she communicates with her hands, these gestures, her smile, how she moves through space. Vera Farmiga spaceessencemoving It's thematic in my career, if you look at most of my choices. It is some level of exploration of maternal angst and maternal heroism. Vera Farmiga heroismcareerschoices You know what's more difficult to do organically? Laughing. It's actually one of the hardest things to do on camera. Vera Farmiga difficultcameraslaughing I don't have a caustic sense of humor. What I find funny, that humor comes from a much gentler place. Vera Farmiga causticsense-of-humor I’m someone who can sit in a Buddhist temple, and I can sit with Pentecostals or with Orthodox Jews, and I still feel like I am in tune with all of them. Vera Farmiga templesbuddhisttunes Yeah, I think it's like any God-given gift. You writers have the gift of perception. If you don't use it, you're going to lose it. And it's the same thing with you [Lorraine], it's God-given. Vera Farmiga perceptionusethinking I look for struggle in the roles I choose - struggle and perseverance. Vera Farmiga perseverancerolesstruggle I am drawn to intimate, often uncomfortable portraits of a woman persevering and awakening. Vera Farmiga portraitsintimateawakening