I’d have been dead a long time ago if not for my friends, one of whom had just jumped off the cliff after me. I’d have been a lot more appreciative if he hadn’t pushed me first." ~Cassandra Palmer Karen Chance More Quotes by Karen Chance More Quotes From Karen Chance I thought there was a good chance the fridge was possessed. It was subtle about it, but I had its number. I knew its ways. Oh yes. Karen Chance chance numbers way Country is based on folk music, which has been around for centuries—” “So has the plague. Karen Chance plague century country They don’t eat that much.” “In comparison to what? Starving marines? Karen Chance comparison starving marine I’m driving,” Louis-Cesare said, sliding into the low seat as easily as if he’d done it a hundred times. “You’re drunk.” I wished. “I had all of two beers, mostly for the water content.” “If you needed water, why didn’t you drink water?” “I don’t like water. Karen Chance drunk beer two A gentleman would have announced himself!” I told him, pressing against the side of the tub. “And a scoundrel would have joined you.” -- Kit Marlowe to the witch Gillian (shortly before joining her in the tub!) Karen Chance joining tubs gentleman Louis-Cesare. It's good to finally have you in hand. Karen Chance hands Poireaux vinaigrette aux grains de caviar.” I did a quick translation. “Leeks and fish eggs in vinegar?” He grinned. “It sounds better in French.” Yeah, but did it taste better? Karen Chance caviar eggs sound If I'm not supposed to be awake, why are you here?" I mumbled. "To be the little spoon. Karen Chance awake spoons littles Is there anyone in this apartment who hasn’t seen me naked?” I demanded, grabbing the sheet and the phone. “I genuinely hope so, Cassandra. Karen Chance sheets naked phones But you were Mine. My child. And I would not give you up. Karen Chance my-children giving children Mess with my weed again and I’ll be informing Daddy that there was an early casualty on the mission.” I saw him wince at my designation for Mircea and grinned. Karen Chance daddy saws weed You could say I'm on the troubleshooting squad." "Troubleshooting?" He put a hand on the back of his waistband. "I see trouble and I shoot it. Karen Chance squad trouble hands Nobody said anything that time. Or maybe I just wasn’t listening. After all, someone had to keep an eye on the fridge. Karen Chance fridges eye listening I keep hitting [Escape], but I'm still here! --Unknown, but used by Karen Chance in "Hunt the Moon Karen Chance hitting chance moon The Lord Protector and his hair got off the elevator. Karen Chance elevators lord hair