I do not want to pass the time. I want to grab hold of it and leave my mark upon the world. Libba Bray More Quotes by Libba Bray More Quotes From Libba Bray There's no such thing as nothing. In every nothing, there's a something. In fact, there could be everything! Libba Bray facts Didn't you have any sadistic nannies who told you these tales to keep you quiet and well behaved at night? Heavens, what's to become of the Empire if governesses have lost their touch for scaring the wits out of their girls? Libba Bray girlnightheaven I hate high heels. Walking in high heels for eight hours a day should be forbidden by the Geneva Convention. Libba Bray eighthigh-heelshate HI. I’m from Arkansas, the cantaloupe state. And tonight, I hope you will hold my melons close to your heart and vote me your Miss Teen Dream. Libba Bray missingdreamheart Feast for the Fisherman, the ultimate emo band. Said to be sold with a complimentary prescription for antidepressants and a free flatiron. Libba Bray fishermanemoband We've left the moment. It's gone. We're somewhere else now, and that's okay. We've still got that moment with us somewhere, deep in our memory, seeping into our DNA. And when our cells get scattered , whenever that happens, this moment will still exist in them. Those cells might be the biulding block of something new. A planet or star or a sunflower, a baby. Maybe even a cockroach. Who knows? Whatever it is, it'll be a part of us, this thing right here and now, and we'll be a part of it. Libba Bray starsbabymemories This is how the fire starts. This is how we burn. Libba Bray fire Her eyes take on that suspicious, wounded look girls get when they know they've fallen off the top rung of friendship and someone else has passed them, but they don't know when or how the change took place. Libba Bray girleyelooks We have traveled through space and time. We have been many places. Visited many worlds. And there is good news: the acoustics everywhere are terrific. Libba Bray newsspaceworld If this were a movie, I would bust a secret move so fierce the entire place would be razed to the ground. I'd finish with something snappy like "And don't forget my soda, punk" while I strolled off into the night. Libba Bray secretnightmoving J.T Woodland, known as “the cute one†in The Corporation’s seventh-grade boy band, Boyz Will B Boyz. Due to the success of their triple-platinum hit, “Let Me Shave Your Legs Tonight, Girl,†Boyz Will B Boyz ruled the charts for a solid eleven months before hitting puberty and losing ground to Hot Vampire Boyz. Libba Bray girlcuteboys Men have feelings too, you know. You bruise the petals of my manflower. Libba Bray bruisesfeelingsmen DiscomfortWear™, shapewear designed to eliminate rills, ripples, and muffin tops. In some cases known to eliminate circulation and breathing. If you’re not uncomfortable, it’s not DiscomfortWear™. Libba Bray muffinsbreathingcases I feel like I swallowed a Magritte. Like on the inside, I'm made of clouds and floating eyes, green apples, and slowly rising men in bowler hats. Libba Bray eyecloudsmen Yes, go on. Leave. You're always coming and going. The rest of us are stuck here. Do you think he'd still love you if he knew who you are? He doesn't really care—only when it suits him. Libba Bray goes-onlove-youthinking A man bumps me on his busy way without so much as an apology. But that is all right. I forgive you, busy man about town with the sharp elbows. Hail and farewell to you! For I, Gemma Doyle, am to have a splendid Christmas in London town. All shall be well. God rest us merry gentlemen. And gentlewomen. Libba Bray apologyfarewellmen I will never, ever drink whiskey again. From now on, it's strictly sherry. Libba Bray sherrywhiskeydrink I'm going to eviscerate you and leave your organs on a pike in the yard as a warning to those who wear large jewelry. Libba Bray jewelryyardswarning Things aren't good or bad in and of themselves. It's what we do with them that makes them so. Libba Bray Taylor clapped for attention. “Miss New Mexico, let’s not get all down in the bummer basement where the creepy things live. There are people in heathen China who don’t even have airline trays. We have a lot to be grateful for. Libba Bray gratefulmissingpeople