I feel like sometimes we have to be a little less inclusive and tolerant if other people's opinions could lead to the destruction of our species. Moby More Quotes by Moby More Quotes From Moby I don't think I'm a particularly good writer, and I'm not terribly insightful. Moby good-writersinsightfulthinking I don't sleep very well when I travel. And as a result, I tend to be awake in cities when everyone else is asleep. Moby resultscitiessleep I don't have children, but I imagine if parents are really pushed on the subject, they probably have favorite children. Moby favorite-childparentchildren I did a cover of the James Bond theme, and I felt like such a fraud, because the original is so good. Moby themefraudoriginals When I listen to gospel singers pouring their heart out to God, it's the act of pouring their hearts out that interests me. Moby pouringsingersheart I buy things with the best of intention of living in them and then life intercedes. Moby intention Have I dated a supermodel? Of course not. I'd look ridiculous. Moby supermodelridiculouslooks Growing up in Connecticut, all the Colonial houses looked alike. In Los Angeles, the diversity is so extreme, it's baffling. Moby diversitygrowing-uphouse For me to speak out against the war in Iraq, you know - most of my fans are lefties anyway, so I don't really get much flack for it. Moby speaks-outiraqwar If I were to be really petulant, I would say New York is the one doing the betraying. Because the New York I fell in love with doesn't really exist anymore. Moby betrayifsnew-york David Lynch is my friend, and I love his movies and his art and his music. Few things make me happier than working with him. Moby my-friendsart Call me a nerd if you like, but I do find it hard to leave home without my laptop and a good book. Moby nerdhomebook I believe that the role of limited government should be looking after the needs of veterans, the elderly, children and those institutions that improve the quality of life for struggling families - I don't believe that government should bend to serve the needs of subsidized multi-national corporations and entitled billionaires. Moby veterans-daybelievechildren Whenever I've had success, I never learn from it. Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. When you fail, that's when you learn. Moby hubrisdegreesfailing In some of the greatest recordings ever made, the performance is a part of the recording. Dylan's 'Rainy Day Women No. 12 and 35' is all about the esthetic of that performance. You can hear the room. Moby rainy-daymaderooms For me, New York still ranks as the most beautiful and the most interesting city in the world. It is also the most varied in terms of the things it has to offer. Moby citiesnew-yorkbeautiful When I was growing up, I fetishised New York City. It was the land of Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, it was where Leonard Cohen wrote 'Chelsea Hotel', it was CBGBs and all the punk rock clubs. Artists and musicians lived there, and it was cheap and dangerous. Moby growing-upartistnew-york I can't think of any musician or producer who has influenced me more than Brian Eno. From when he was in Roxy Music, producing Devo, the Talking Heads and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Moby musiciantalkingthinking I don't think there's anything wrong with not knowing how to play an instrument, but the rise of the non-musical producer has done away with musicianship and focused attention purely on the song's hook. Moby playsongthinking I'm perfectly happy for my videos to be on YouTube, whether I'm getting paid for them or not. If they're on YouTube, people will see them. If for some reason my videos get taken down from YouTube, well, I apologize. If it was up to me they'd all be up there and they'd all be free. Moby videotakenpeople