I have loved him too much not to hate Jean Racine More Quotes by Jean Racine More Quotes From Jean Racine Ah, why can't I know if I love, or if I hate? Jean Racine passionhateknows And do you count for nothing God who fights for us? Jean Racine fightingfaithreligion When will the veil be lifted that casts so black a night over the universe? God of Israel, lift at last the gloom: For how long will you be hidden? Jean Racine faithgodnight What does it matter if, by chance, a little vile blood be spilled? Jean Racine violencewarblood Can a faith that does nothing be called sincere? Jean Racine sinceredoe To repair the irreparable ravages of time. Jean Racine irreparable Behind a veil, unseen yet present, I was the forceful soul that moved this mighty body. Jean Racine unseenveilssoul Ainsi que la vertu, le crime a ses degre s. Crime, like virtue, has its degrees. Jean Racine degreescrimevirtue Small crimes always precede great ones. Never have we seen timid innocence pass suddenly to extreme licentiousness. Jean Racine extremesinnocencecrime I am a man, and nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me. Jean Racine indifferencemattermen In fine, nothing is said now that has not been said before. Jean Racine nothingnowfinesaid I have everything, yet have nothing; and although I possess nothing, still of nothing am I in want. Jean Racine stillnothingeverythingwant It behooves a prudent person to make trial of everything before arms. Jean Racine makepersonbeforeeverything I know the disposition of women: when you will, they won't; when you won't, they set their hearts upon you of their own inclination. Jean Racine willknowyouwomen Many a time a man cannot be such as he would be, if circumstances do not admit of it. Jean Racine admitmancircumstancestime Nothing is so difficult but that it may be found out by seeking. Jean Racine outnothingdifficultmay There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it with reluctance. Jean Racine nothingyoudifficulteasy